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Our Solar System: East Project By: Ryan Brandt David Mancia Survey of the Universe Mrs. Dianne Phillips.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System: East Project By: Ryan Brandt David Mancia Survey of the Universe Mrs. Dianne Phillips."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System: East Project By: Ryan Brandt David Mancia Survey of the Universe Mrs. Dianne Phillips

2 Central Park Elementary Project Overview: For our East Project in Survey of the Universe, we proposed to teach a 1 st grade class about the basics of the solar system and our planets. I, Ryan, have a 7 year old brother already in 1 st grade at Central Park Elementary. We contacted his teacher, Mrs. Tucker, and set up a date to teach their kids. We ended up teaching four 1 st grade classes.

3 Serving our Community By proposing this project to the 1 st grade teachers, and the principal Mr. Havner at Central Park, we saved some teaching time for them by teaching the kids a valid course in their curriculum. “I got to work on other projects with my class because I knew you all were coming to teach our kids about space, and it saved me a lot of time.” -Mrs. Tucker

4 The Course Objectives We wanted to be able to accurately teach all kids about the objects in space and in our solar system including: the 8 planets, comets, stars, meteors, moons, and the life we have on our planet.

5 Methods of Teaching Instructional Powerpoint: used lots of colorful photos and fun facts. Oral pre-quiz with the powerpoint Audience interaction and participation. Challenged their knowledge by having them make their own mnemonic phrase for memorizing planets in order. Coloring Project: drew their own rendition of the planets Rewarded their participation by giving Milky Way candies Provided the teachers printed out post- quizzes to do in class.

6 Technology Used  Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation  Powerpoint Projector provided by Central Park Library  Internet  Digital camera  Composition notebooks, crayons, coloring pencils + Creativity of a child’s mind = priceless

7 Learning Process: Teamwork and Individual Strengths

8 Solar System Project Results Taylor Brandt, 1 st grader

9 Interactive Sites/Resources

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