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AMERICAN SERENADE Brand new rep sales training. THANK YOU!!!! I can not overstate how much I absolutely love and appreciate all the camaraderie and positive.

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Presentation on theme: "AMERICAN SERENADE Brand new rep sales training. THANK YOU!!!! I can not overstate how much I absolutely love and appreciate all the camaraderie and positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMERICAN SERENADE Brand new rep sales training

2 THANK YOU!!!! I can not overstate how much I absolutely love and appreciate all the camaraderie and positive attitudes within our group! It is invigorating to see how much each of you want to succeed as individuals and your desire for our business in total to grow and be profitable as a result of your individual successful contributions. We are doing extremely well and with the caliber of individuals we have we can do even better. It is critical to translate our individual talents into Team Talents by sharing our strengths with others and realize the joy and satisfaction in doing so. If we are passionate about what we do and love going to work relying on each others talents and strengths as well as our own we will have harnessed the opportunity to grow each others, and this business as a whole into something amazing!!!

3 Day 1 of Joining 1.Register to be a consultant on 2.Receive a welcome email from 3.Be invited to our team Facebook page (by your upline) Post training, new items, resource for team collaboration 4.Create your personal account on our website You create your account (select your user id/pw) we then manually change your status to ‘consultant’ Prices will be reflected with your personal purchase discount. Access to our training library and consultant only items 5.Go check out the Training library and read through the posts on the team Facebook page Consultant Policy & Contract Document Compensation Plan overview Compensation Plan in Details 6.Complete your Fast Start Training – 1 st 20 days with American Serenade Take quiz

4 Important News My rules: Be positive & be supportive No arguing over downlines OR orders Ask if you are not sure me, your team or the Facebook team page If you need assistance, ask. We can not help if we do not know you are struggling. Questions are a must and so are positive attitudes! **The downstream impact to supporting one another! My promise to you: – It won’t be perfect, but the quality of the company and the products will be outstanding! – The success and the growth of the company and enhancements are dependent on the TEAM! – If I make a mistake I will own up and correct it – I value each of you and I am here to answer questions and provide support! – We WILL have FUN!! Take the time to understand our policies Refer to the Consultant Policy document and make sure you understand and following our procedures for all aspects of your role but especially for: Extended time away or quota requirements Personal purchases Try the products you are selling, if it is feasible. People like to see you ‘practice what you preach’ & are passionate about what you sell Why would they buy if you aren’t using or talking about them… Talk from your heart and to your friends, not like a sales rep.

5 Do you know…American Serenade? Who are we? HQ’d in Akron, OH & founded in October 2012 Why are we in business? "Our Independent Consultant Program supports other women who believe in our vision and want to share it with others. Our Consultants appreciate the concept of having their own business, centered around faith, family, fun, quality and flexibility and creating their own schedule instead of being tied to a schedule." Support small American artisans Provide quality gourmet beverages to every American without the gourmet price tag. Alzheimer’s Association Why are our products unique? Coffees and teas are hand designed. Nothing is mass produced. Did you know coffee and tea are like wine, in that the areas climate, temp, soil content, rainfall impact the way they taste from that harvest? Our artisans know this and use the highest quality products that you can not even find in the stores, local coffee shops or big chains ;) They hand roast and hand design to find the perfect way to bring out the natural taste without causing a bitter after taste. Experience beverages differently by drinking your coffee and tea without cream or sugar Our coffee is average of $.29/cup – how much are your customer’s spending on kcups? Why do we only sell loose tea? Only loose leaf tea provides health benefits Bleached bags (and filters) can deposit the bleach into your cup.

6 Have you met Grace? Grace is the face of American Serenade Grace should remind us of a simpler time in life before all the busy schedules, and to do lists and soccer games. We encourage our customers to take some “Grace Time” and spend quality time with friends, family’s and neighbors or me time recharge. Read more about ‘Grace Time’ on our blog: Share your ‘Grace Time’ Moments

7 Getting Paid & Downlines How do I get paid? Cut off date for sales to be submitted for a commission period is midnight local on the 15 th and last day of the month. Commissions will be processed within 2 business days of the cut of date. Currently commissions are paid via check but coming within the next 30 days will be automated process. Minimum of $10 for commissions to be paid. Personal bonuses will only be paid on the end of the month cycle, as it’s a monthly cumulative total. Meeting my quota Quotas are $50 every 2 months. Your first 2 calendar months with American Serenade is a ramp up period. Quota starts counting month three. 50% of your personal purchases can count towards your bi-monthly quota The only item that does not count is individual coffee and tea samples due to the price. Those items are consultant only purchases. They may be gifted but not sold. Additional details are in section IX of the Consultant Policy document.

8 Ordering How do my customers order? Via they will be required to select their ‘consultant’ at check You are notified via email within 24 hours after the order is placed. Orders are typically shipped within 48 hours (unless items are back ordered) If order ships Fedex, you will be copied on the automated emails to track shipments. We grind & package coffee to order, we want it as fresh as possible for your customer. How do I place a consultant personal order? Shop via If you are logged into your account your discounted prices will be – Wine not discounted, due to laws…it is the only personal purchase item where you are paid commission on your purchase. Shipping Costs Weight dependent, – Up to 3 samples = $5.99 – Average coffee/tea or accessory order = $8.99 Wine included in order : – 1-6 bottles $13.99 – 7+ bottles - $25.99 Monthly Clubs – Coffee, Tea $8.99 – Wine $13.99 In-Home Tasting flat rates – Ship to Host $8.99 (all products except dinnerware) – Ship to Guest $13.99 (all products except dinnerware) Christmas orders due 12/13 No Checks Grind Matters


10 Wine Shipping Map Green= Wine acceptable and license available Yellow= License cost and requirements = we will upgrade as we see sales activity Red= The state restricts anyone from selling or shipping wine into that state. **If you are in ‘green’ you can sell to other ‘green’

11 Our Wines DRY REDS Overture - – A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Syrah. Vintage 2011 – Oak fermented. Full of wild berry and pepper flavors. Sure to please dry red love Declaration – Merlot, medium body, low tanin. Smooth finish for a dry red. Great with italian red sauces and burgers. DRY WHITES Amber Waves of Grain – White Merlot – Very similar in taste profile to a White Zin. Smooth upfront with a tangy finish. – Taste fantastic with berries, anything lightly sweet or just by itself. Encore- – Pinot Grigio Vintage 2012 – A blend of barrel and steel fermented Pinot Gris allows this wine to keep the aromas of apples and vanilla with flavors of spice and subtle oak. Deliciously light and pleasing. SWEET & FRUITY (all the wines in this line are lightly sweet, just different taste) Finale White – Green Apple Riesling, – Lightly sweet taste, also great mulled with spices as hot apple cider. Finale Red – Black Raspberry Merlot (taste like a tropical punch) – Lightly sweet (same level as Finale White) no health benefits Cadence – Peach/Apricot chardonnay DESSERT WINE/CORDIAL (very sweet, a sipping wine) Celebration – Blueberry ice wine. Cordial wine, very sweet, 18% alcohol


13 Ice Wines What classifies a wine as an ice wine? – The grapes have to be frozen on the vine in 30 days. Some require -10 degree Celsius – In the U.S. most ice wines are grow in NY, MI and upper OH. Our ice wine is 18% alcohol and a bottle size of 375 ml. Our wine type is a ‘Vidal’ with a blueberry flavor added. Ice wines are cordials and true sipping wines. The cost of ice wines is higher due to the risk of the harvest. – Ice wines are only on the vine for a short period of time, they must be picked within a certain period of time after they are frozen…typically within hours or they will rot. This requires a large staff hired just for this task. Ice wine vs iced wine – Ice wine is produced naturally an iced wine is produced by manually freezing the grapes in a freezer. – Our wine is an ‘Ice wine’. How much wine do you get out of a grape? – The juice from a wine grape is about 1/5 the amount you would normally get if you pressed unfrozen grapes. – Ex: A vine will normally produce enough to make a bottle of wine. However, frozen grapes will only produce one glass of ice wine. The labor cost as well as the amount of grapes required explains the cost difference.

14 How Clubs Work? Minimum of 3 months required Concierge clubs designed for the customer, by the customer Wine Clubs – Customer selects one of the below: Sample my way through All Sample my way through Dry Sample my way through Sweets – Ice wine is included in sweet, but is not sent every month Coffee & Tea Clubs – 1 st month begins with Sampler pack & tracking sheet for the customer to jot down thoughts on samples Customer is able to choose, caffeine, decaf, flavor, medium or dark roast or mix – HQ selects specific samples Customer receives total of 7- 8 samples from coffee or combo club or all samples of tea for tea club – End of 1 st month HQ contacts the customer to determine their club design Customer needs to be ready to design club, club will begin on month 2 as scheduled – Specific details of the club are designed by the customer, but all clubs are charged on same day, and are delivered or shipped the 1 st Friday of every month. $8.99 Non Wine & $13.99 Wine Club shipments – **Changes to club design or cancellations must be made the Friday before club charge/delivery day.

15 Business Kit Prices How do I upgrade from a ‘Virtual Rep’ to an ‘In Home Tasting Rep’? Send a formal request to requesting to Will need to provide credit card information to purchase kit & keep on file Purchase kit at the current kit price

16 Example of a Customer Interaction Kristy Fortney Whoohooo! Tonya, what are you thinking about trying? Kristy FortneyTonya Tonya Holt wine & coffee of course! lol Celebration for sure still looking on coffee & 1 more wine Tonya Holt Kristy Fortney Mmmm someone is going to be quite happy soon tee hee Kristy Fortney Lisa Mitchell Do you need help with a recommendation Tonya Holt? Or do you know what you want? Lisa MitchellTonya Holt Tonya Holt coffee suggestions please Tonya Holt Kristy Fortney What flavor coffee do you tend to lean towards? Kristy Fortney Tonya Holt i like lots of variety,,,,never found a coffe that was'nt my fav lol however I'm a heavy cream user, gotta add the cow tehehe Tonya Holt Kristy Fortney oh my you're too funny! You like the medium to dark didn't you? Kristy Fortney Tonya Holt yes thats kinda in the middle is'nt it? Tonya Holt Kristy Fortney It seems you and I share the same taste in coffee and wine. If I go to the gas station I usually get Columbian Roast which is dark. I love it so much, so I'm going to be trying the SUMATRA (PRESTO)! Kristy Fortney Tonya Holt yes that sounds good & also harvest spice so now all is decided, I'll get 8oz bags to start of each coffee & 2 wines...excited!! Thanks for the help Kristy! Tonya Holt Kristy Fortney Awesome! It's always fun to brainstorm! Makes me want to start a coffee bus and travel!!Kristy Fortney

17 Promoting to Customer’s Not everyone is going to love everything they try at American Serenade, find the best fit for them. – What everyone will love is the smooth taste of our products and the ability to truly taste the flavors in our coffees and teas. Your role as consultant is to understand their beverage taste and recommend – People get overwhelmed if you just let them peruse the website and see all that we have to offer, they have so many to do lists or kids pulling at them for attention. Direct them to a specific recommendation and make it easier on them and you have increased your chances to close a sale. Most customers are on auto-pilot when purchasing coffees and teas, we invite them to experience these beverages differently by understanding the differences in our products vs others on the market. Are you using the products or just selling? Change your thought process from selling, to sharing! Are you credible? Are you creating value for your customer? – How many different ads do you think your customer gets via social media a week? A day? – How many different companies are you promoting? Social media is about learning, listening and creating relationships. Social media gives us the ability to: – Listen to your potential customers and clients and gain intelligence. – Learn about what it is they want. What are they looking for? How can you help? – Build relationships, because people want to buy from people that they not only know, but that they like. Testimonials are like ‘gold’. – Tag and Thank a customer on Facebook after they have placed their order. (People do not like to be the first) – Follow up with your customer’s after they have received their order? – Check in, ask them to post a testimonial

18 Kristy’s Marketing Tips KEEP ORGANIZED! If you’re completely virtual, meaning, you strictly work from your computer or mobile. Create files, folders, record important info in secure places. Capitalize certain words in the ads you post. Typically your more positive words, like TIME, SAVE, SALE, JOIN, NOW, etc….There’s a ton of them. Become friends with EVERYONE! Seriously! Find as many positive and driven people who share the same passions as you do! Very important! Remember the true meaning of Entrepreneur and don’t let anyone derail you of that! If your passion is to be an entrepreneur, then DO IT! Think like a customer! You buy things all the time. Lead by Example! Don’t post negative material on your forums! Keep it classy. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IS A MUST! READ EVERYTHING! If you’re marketing on Facebook, use a selfie for your profile picture. Make your cover pic, inspirational. Give something for newcomers to be drawn to and keep your current followers loyal. Join groups & participate! Despite the horror of them, Join them! They do work. Do at least one thing for your business EVERY DAY! Be the product! Customers like to see you using the products. If you can’t afford to do that at first, let that be your first goal! Invest in yourself when funds allow! Don’t be afraid to eliminate negative people or situations out of your life. Negativity, will ruin you and your business. Let NO become your friend! Ask your audience what they like. You’re not a mind reader and it makes them feel special so it’s a win/win! Make people feel good. Life is tough enough! If you can afford it, have giveaways on your Fan pages. If you’re a virtual rep, as grueling as it is, build a list! Build an email contact list and send newsletters, updates, your own tips and different communications. Email marketing really does work once you get the hang of it. You Rock Kristy!

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