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1. New Science Standards are: – Doing, not repeating – Thinking, not memorizing – Applying, not choosing – Arguing from Evidence, not guessing Today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "1. New Science Standards are: – Doing, not repeating – Thinking, not memorizing – Applying, not choosing – Arguing from Evidence, not guessing Today’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. New Science Standards are: – Doing, not repeating – Thinking, not memorizing – Applying, not choosing – Arguing from Evidence, not guessing Today’s Takeaways…

3 2. NGSS is: Chance to do some experimenting as a professional Chance to model that some trial and error is ok (we don’t always have to be right!) Not curriculum - Your ticket to teach fun science! Takeaways

4 What do you know about NGSS? Think – share small – share big Task #1



7 NOT to be confused with the current CA Framework Precursor document for NGSS Focus on WHY and HOW….and the content, too “ Extremely useful !” “ Makes NGSS easier to get.” A Framework for K-12 Science Education

8 Science Education Should Reflect the Real World Interconnections in Science The NGSS Focus on Deeper Understanding and Application of Content Science and Engineering are Integrated in all grades K-12 Science Standards Coordinate with English Language Arts and Mathematics Common Core State Standards 8 Conceptual Shifts in NGSS





13 Common Core Connections


15 What could be benefits of knowing the K-12 Framework, Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards? Think – share – share again Task #2

16 Practices are VERBS….what scientists DO! Crosscutting Concepts are tools/strategies scientists USE!

17 How to Read NGSS


19 Connections to My Classroom…

20 Connections to My Classroom…. Think of any of the engineering lessons you have done today. Imagine how the Crosscutting Concept of CAUSE and EFFECT could be considered for that engineering lesson? How would you highlight that concept for your students?

21 Connections to My Classroom…. Choose one of the 15 SEP’s or CC’s. Become an expert in that one arena. Think of a science lesson you do, or want to do, in your class beginning this fall. Decide how you might incorporate your chosen NGSS component into your lesson for your students.

22 ESS3.A: NATURAL RESOURCES How do humans depend on Earth’s resources? Resource availability and use/extraction has: – guided the development of human society – associated economic, social, environmental, and geopolitical costs – risks, as well as benefits – new technologies and regulations that can change the balance of these factors. 22 Application of Content NGSS ??

23 ESS3.C: HUMAN IMPACTS ON EARTH SYSTEMS How do humans change the planet? The sustainability of human societies and the biodiversity that supports them: – requires responsible management of natural resources – Interconnected subsystems can have unforeseen changes – Human population growth/technologies impact ecosystems 23 Real-world NGSS??

24 ETS1. - Engineering Design – A. Defining and engineering problem Global challenge for a safe, fresh water supply – B. Developing possible solutions Consider wide range of criteria, and prioritize to enhance arguments that support claims  ETS2.B: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society Influence of engineering, technology, and science on society and the natural world 24 Topical NGSS??

25 Is this DCI Relevant? LS4.D: Biodiversity and Humans What is biodiversity, how do humans effect it, and how does it affect humans? – Provides humans with renewable resources, such as food, medicines, and clean water – Sustained biodiversity for ecosystem function and productivity – Preserves landscapes of recreational or inspirational value 25

26 T/F? NGSS focuses mostly on content (the what). Implementing NGSS may be a bit messy. T/F What we have done in education the past 20 years has really worked well for all students. T/F T/F Kids learn better if they care. Pop QUIZ!!

27 Education and Environment Initiative

28 eStandards Quick and Easy Access CCSS and NGSS On Your iPhone ® or iPad ® Available on the App Store On Your Android™ Available on Google Play™ ( At Your Desktop On Your Smartphone











39 NGSS and the Importance of Design Thinking ? ?

40 Standards Connection

41 A Closer Look at a Grade Level

42 “It’s Not What you Know but what You Can Do With What You Know”. Tony Wagoner

43 Making errors is okay! In fact, schools should be a place where they can make errors. Focusing on things like effort rather than achievement is the best motivator for children. If kids are in an environment where they can make errors so long as they exert effort is conducive to their developing creative skills and thinking.

44 “Research also shows clearly that “usable knowledge” is not the same as a mere list of disconnected facts. Experts’ knowledge is connected and organized around important concepts (e.g., Newton’s second law of motion); it is “conditionalized” to specify the contexts in which it is applicable; it supports understanding and transfer (to other contexts) rather than only the ability to remember”.

45 “Individuals without one or more disciplines will not be able to succeed at any demanding workplace and will be restricted to menial tasks”.

46 “Picture your brain forming new connections as you meet the challenge and learn. Keep on going.” Carol S. Dweck Mindset : the New Psychology of Success.






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