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Daily Activities An Overview of Common Activities as they apply to Daily Processing © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Activities An Overview of Common Activities as they apply to Daily Processing © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Activities An Overview of Common Activities as they apply to Daily Processing © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.

2 2 Session Topics 1. New Prospect 2. New Applicant 3. Lease/Tenant List 4. Enter Transactions 5. Posting Transactions 6. Enter Cash Receipts 7. Posting Cash Receipts 8. Renewals and Annuals 9. Transfers 10. Move-Outs 11. Month End – Creating New Month’s Charges 12. Daily Activity Report 13. Traffic Reports

3 1. New Prospect Learning Objectives Purpose of new prospect How is it used Where can it be tracked When can a new prospect be added

4 1. New Prospect Navigation Steps: Information > Prospect List Purpose: –Serves as a ‘Pre-Waiting-List’ method of tracking or ‘Waiting List Lite.’ Holds no financial information such as Ledgers or Security Deposits and does not track compliance information such as interviews –Similar to Waiting or Application list How is it Used? –Primarily used to schedule and keep appointments with prospective applicants Where can it be tracked? –Reports > Traffic > Appointment Schedule Report When can a new prospect can be added? –‘On the Fly’ and later moved to the Application or Waiting List for processing 4

5 5 2. New Applicant Learning Objectives How to add a new applicant Running an Interview –Important steps prior to the interview –2 ways to run an interview Background Screen –Where to run it –Status –Where to find details 3 Steps of moving in an applicant –Offer –Approval –Move In

6 6 2. New Applicant: How to Add From Waiting/Application list: Hit “Add” Enter tenant name Enter Date and Time of application Enter Source and Agent Assign Property, Building and Unit Add additional tenants under ‘Tenant’ tab

7 7 2. New Applicant: Interview Prior to running an interview –The applicant must be assigned to a Unit in the ‘General’ tab –If the Compliance tab is grayed out, the applicant has not been assigned a unit 2 ways to run an interviews 1.Edit Applicant > Compliance Tab > Interview Now 2.From the Waiting List: Actions > Interview

8 8 2. New Applicant: Background Screening Running a Screen from Wait/App list: –Highlight Tenant –Background Screening Menu > Run Background Screening Check Checking for updated status: –Background Screening Menu > Check for Change in Status –Runs for all tenants in a “Pending” status Retrieving details on a screen: –Highlight Tenant –Background Screening Menu > Status Details

9 9 2. New Applicant: Move-in From Waiting/Application list: Offering –Actions > Offering > Letter –Actions > Offering > Response Approve Applicant –Highlight tenant > Edit Modify “Application Status” to reflect approval status Move-in –Highlight tenant > Move-in –Choose unit and lease terms –Run certification to generate Scheduled Charges (Compliance only) –Manually add scheduled charges (Market only)

10 10 3. Lease/Tenant List Learning Objectives Sorting and organizing the Lease/Tenant List to meet your individual needs Background Screening –When and why does it occur from lease/tenant list –What is the process –Where is the location to run the process

11 11 3. Lease/Tenant List: Sort and Organize Sorting –Lease/Tenant list can be sorted by Location or Tenant –Options > Sort Panel to view sort options Organize by Columns –The Lease/Tenant list’s columns (Unit #, Tenant Name, etc) can be dragged into any order to customize the view –Simply drag a column to the desired position and release to anchor it in place –These settings are stored in the registry and are therefore specific not only to a computer but to a user on that computer – two users on the same computer may have different setups

12 12 3. Lease/Tenant List: Background Screening Why is Background Screening run from Lease/Tenant List? –Some sites process yearly background screens on all current tenants, creating the need to run screens Running a Screen from Lease List: –Highlight Tenant –Background Screening Menu > Run Background Screening Check Checking for updated status: –Background Screening Menu > Check for Change in Status –Runs for all tenants in a “Pending” status Retrieving details on a screen: –Highlight Tenant –Background Screening Menu > Status Details

13 4. Enter Transactions Learning Objectives Batch Numbers –How to create –The impact of them Normal Transaction –How to process –When used Subsidized Transactions Manually Applied Batch –Impact –How to do it

14 4. Enter Transactions: Batch Numbers Navigation Steps Activities > Enter Transactions Batch Numbers –Batch numbers may be created manually or automatically –To create batch numbers automatically: Activities > Enter Transactions Options Menu Check “Use Default Batch # for New Batches” –Batch numbers do not determine the order batches are posted in – rather they are simply informational 14

15 4. Enter Transactions: Normal Transaction Normal Transaction Entry –Add Batch > Normal Transaction Entry –Choose tenant –Choose charge code to charge –Enter effective date and amount –Manually Apply if necessary Used to charge most codes on the Charge Code List to resident ledgers. Does not include subsidized charges 15

16 4. Enter Transactions: Subsidized Charges and Manual Batch Subsidized Charges –Functions the same as Normal Transaction Entry, but is used for subsidized charges. Only charge codes in the ‘Subsidized’ Account Group will show up as options Manually Applied Batch –Causes a credit and a debit with outstanding balances on a ledger to be applied towards one another Add Batch > Manually Applied Batch Choose tenant Choose a credit to apply Choose a debit to apply that credit to 16

17 5. Posting Transactions Learning Objectives How to Post Transactions Where Posted Transactions are reflected

18 18 5. Posting Transactions Navigation Steps: Activities > Post Transactions Process to Post –Double-click batch to check it –When all desired batches are checked, hit ‘Post’ –Alternately hit ‘All’ to select all batches Posted Transactions location –All checked batches will post to tenant ledgers

19 19 6. Enter Cash Receipts Learning Objectives Differences and Similarity of Cash Batch to Enter Transaction Process of Normal Cash Entry How ePay creates Cash Batches How to enter Cash Batches types for: –Returned Checks –Subsidized Receipts –Miscellaneous Income

20 20 6. Enter Cash Receipts Differences between Cash Batch and Enter Transaction Unlike Enter Transactions, some Cash Batches have a running total When first adding a Normal Cash Batches, a total for the batch must be entered The cash batch will add all transactions in the batch together as they are entered. This is the “Calculated total” Similarity between Cash Batch and Enter Transaction Both Enter Transactions and Cash Receipts batch numbers can be created automatically or manually

21 21 6. Enter Cash Receipts: Normal Entry Navigation Steps: Activities > Enter Cash Receipts > Add Batch Steps of a Normal Cash Entry –Add Batch > Normal Cash Entry –Choose tenant –Enter Effective Date –Enter Amount –Choose Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card –Enter Check or Money Order number if applicable –Enter Comments if applicable –Manually Apply to a specific charge if desired

22 22 6. Enter Cash Receipts: Epay Epay: Scanning Process Checks are scanned with a scanner specifically designed for scanning checks As checks are scanned, the system displays the interpreted amounts to verify that they are correct After accepting a check as correctly scanned, a batch item is added to a Cash Batch and the check is processed electronically to the bank Once all checks are scanned, the automatically- created batch can be posted This post will match to the deposit made electronically with the bank, automating the entire process of check entry and processing

23 23 6. Enter Cash Receipts: Returned Checks Returned Checks Choose to return a check for a Tenant, someone on the Application or Waiting List, or a Miscellaneous Account Choose the Tenant whose check needs to be returned Highlight the receipt to return Enter NSF and Late Fee if desired. If NSF or Late Fees were entered, there will be multiple items in the batch View the batch Returned Checks post a positive offsetting item to the ledger under the RETCHK charge code

24 24 6. Enter Cash Receipts: Subsidized Receipts Subsidized Receipts Choose a contract to post receipts for Choose the voucher whose receipts you want to post –Management Plus will always default to the last unpaid voucher Edit any individual batch items to match what was actually paid on the Voucher If $500 was requested but only $400 was received, Edit on the appropriate transaction and change the ‘Amount’ to $400. The batch total will update as changes are made.

25 25 6. Enter Cash Receipts: Miscellaneous Income Miscellaneous Income Choose Account to post to After choosing a Miscellaneous Account, the Charge Code set up to that account will be selected automatically Enter Effective Date Enter Amount Choose Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit Card Add Money Order/Check Number if applicable Miscellaneous Income posts two items – a PAYMNT for the amount entered, as well as an offsetting charge to keep the Miscellaneous Account at a constant 0 balance

26 7. Posting Cash Receipts Learning Objectives Navigation Steps How to Process Posting Cash Receipts

27 27 7. Posting Cash Receipts Navigation steps: Activities > Post Transactions Cash Receipts automatically calculate a Calculated Total as transactions are entered to the batch A Batch Total –must be manually entered. –If the Batch Total and Calculated Total don’t match, the batch will not post. Edit the batch in question and change the Batch Total to match the Calculated Total Double-click batch to check it When all desired batches are checked, hit ‘Post’ Alternately hit ‘All’ to select all batches All checked batches will post to tenant ledgers

28 28 8. Renewals and Annuals Learning Objectives Renewals –Reporting –How to process renewals Annual Recertification –Timing –Where to find recertification dates –How to process annuals

29 29 8. Renewals and Annuals Renewal Reporting –Renewals are run for tenants whose Lease End Dates are going to expire –To obtain a list of leases about to expire: Reports > Occupancy > Lease Expiration Report Change ‘Lease Type’ to ‘Fixed Period’ Set date range to report only leases expiring within that range Renewals Process –Activities > Renewals –Alternate: Lease/Tenant > Actions > Renewal –Choose tenant –Hit ‘Renew’ –Set new lease terms

30 30 8. Renewals and Annuals:Background information Annual Recertification Timing –Processed at a lease’s Next Annual Recertification Date –Next Annual Recertification Dates always start as the first day of the month one year after the Initial or Move-in Certification –Whenever an Annual is run (Ex: 7/1/2009 Annual) the Next Annual Recertification Date is pushed back one year (Ex: 7/1/2010) Location to find Next Annual Recertification Dates: Reports > Compliance > Compliance Rent Roll “Household Information” section

31 31 8 – Renewals and Annuals Processing an Annual Recertification –Activities > Certifications > Annual Recertification –“Select Single” to run on a single tenant –“Select Range” for a list of all tenants requiring Annual Recertifications within the selected date range –On the next screen, highlight the tenant to recertify and hit ‘Certify’ –First screen will show the effective date of the Annual as well as the new Next Annual Recertification Date –Lease Addendum and Initial Notice both print at the end of an Annual by default

32 32 9. Transfers Learning Objectives How to process a Lease Transfer Understanding Transfer Rules Impact of transfer to the Lease/Tenant list

33 33 9. Transfers: Process Review Contract Rent/Utility Allowance (Compliance Only) –Information > Unit Edit > Details Tab. Modify if necessary Information > Lease/Tenant Highlight tenant Actions > Transfer Lease Choose Property, Building and Unit Range Choose Effective Date of the transfer For Compliance Transfers, there is also an option to reset the Next Annual Recert Date

34 34 9. Transfers: Transfer Rules Transferring into a unit follows the same rules as a move-in; the unit must be unoccupied and ready for occupancy The Effective Date of the transfer is the first day the tenant occupies the new unit This means that in a transfer dated 8/1/09, the last day of occupancy in the former unit would be 7/31/09

35 35 9. Transfers: Impact to Lease/Tenant List When a lease is transferred to a new unit, all of the Lease’s information – Ledger, Security Deposit, Certifications, etc – transfers with the lease The lease will no longer appear under the Lease/Tenant list under the old unit To view a list of units a lease has occupied, and the dates it occupied those units: –Lease/Tenant > Edit –History Tab –“Lease History” box

36 36 10. Move Outs Learning Objectives How to process a Move-out Security Deposit –Return during a move-out –Posting order Tenant Settlement Statements –How to ensure it will be accurate –Where to access Partial security deposit returns

37 37 10. Move Outs: Process From Lease/Tenant: –Information > Lease/Tenant –Highlight lease –Actions > Move-out From Main Screen: –Activities > Move-out –Choose tenant to move out Checkboxes: –Add Charges –Process Security Deposits –Prorate Market Schedule. Charges –Create Turnover Work Orders

38 38 10. Move Outs: Security Deposit Return During Move-out: –Check “Process Security Deposit” checkbox during move-out –Any items left in this screen upon hitting ‘Finish’ will be transferred to the tenant. If there are multiple Security Deposit items listed and you do not wish to return one, highlight it and hit ‘Remove’

39 39 10. Move Outs: Security Deposit Return Posting Order: –When returning a Security Deposit, the first item to post is a DEPTRF “Deposit Transfer”. This is a credit, and applies itself to any outstanding delinquencies on the tenant ledger –When the DEPTRF is posted, Management Plus immediately creates a DEPREF “Deposit Refund”. This is a charge that will balance off any outstanding prepays and return the difference to the tenant, reported as ‘DEPREF’ –It is therefore important to make sure all charges, payments and credits are posted to the ledger before processing a Security Deposit. Because of this, it may be wise to uncheck ‘Process Security Deposit’ from the move-out checklist.

40 40 10. Move Outs: Tenant Settlement Statement Tenant Settlement Statements are specifically meant to report on the financial status of a lease after a move-out is processed In order to print an accurate Tenant Settlement Statement, Security Deposits should be processed in the following order: –Post the DEPTRF (Deposit Transfer) to the ledger –Print a Tenant Settlement Statement –Post the DEPREF (Deposit Refund) to the ledger To access the Tenant Settlement Statement: –Reports > Mailings > Tenant Settlement Statement

41 41 10. Move Outs: Partial SecDep Return A Security Deposit can be partially returned by following these steps: –Activities > Security Deposits –Select tenant and hit ‘OK’ –Highlight the Security Deposit to partially return and hit ‘Edit’ –Enter the amount of Security Deposit to return in the ‘Deposit Transfer Amount’ –Hit ‘OK’, then ‘Done’ –The DEPTRF will be created only for the amount entered – in this way $150 of a $300 Security Deposit can be returned, leaving the rest on the lease

42 42 11. Month End Learning Objectives Default Month-End Date Setting What Scheduled Charges are created during a Month-End How Current ledger items are archived into the ledger history during Month-end

43 43 11. Month End: Default Settings Navigation Steps Activities > Month End Default Selections –Month End will always base the Date Range on the current System Date’s month –If closing the month of January, make sure the System Date is set to a day in January to ensure the Date Range reports accurately

44 44 11. Month End: Creating Monthly Charges If closing the month of August, September scheduled charges are created The Month-End will create Scheduled Charges based on their Next Effective Date If all Scheduled Charges have a Next Effective Date of August 1 st, closing the month of July will generate these charges Closing a month other than July will process a full Month-End, but no scheduled charges will be created

45 45 11. Month End: Ledger item changes Update MTD Fields Archives “Current” ledger items into “History” Will only archive items with a 0 “BalDue” Any items that are not archived into History are given a ‘BOM Bal’, or ‘Beginning of Month Balance’, equal to the BalDue at the time of the month-end The ‘BOM Bal’, then, reflects the ledger item’s balance at the time of the last Month-End

46 46 12. Daily Activity Report Learning Objectives Where Daily Activity Report is found The content of the Daily Activity Report and how it’s used How to set On Screen Reminders and report on them

47 47 12. Daily Activity Report Navigation Steps Activities > Daily Tasks Daily activity content: –Delinquencies and Prepays –Move-ins and Move-outs –On Screen Reminders –Expiring vendors and warranties Setting On-Screen Reminders: –Information > Lease/Tenant –OSR (On Screen Reminder) button –Add new OSR

48 48 13. Traffic Reports Learning Objectives Features of the Report Purposes of the Report –How are people finding out about property –Who is processing the most leases

49 49 13. Traffic Reports Navigation Steps Reports > Traffic > Traffic Report Setup Features of Report –Can report in Week, Month or Year-to-Date –Can be printed in an easy-to-read Graph format Purposes of Report –Gives a good idea of where people are finding out about the property –Who is processing most of the leases.

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