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From Nanoscience to Nanotechnologies: opportunities to Eastern Europe

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1 From Nanoscience to Nanotechnologies: opportunities to Eastern Europe
National Institute of R&D for Technical Physics IAŞI, ROMANIA From Nanoscience to Nanotechnologies: opportunities to Eastern Europe NIRDTP Iasi Prof. Horia CHIRIAC

2 Are they good or not so good for human being and global environment?
Nanomaterials (from laboratory scale to large scale production) Nano-dimensional materials nanopowders nanowires nanotubes nano-thin films, etc. Nanostructured materials nanocrystals nanoclusters nanocomposites, etc. Applications: recording media, IT, electronics, NEMS, biomedicine, catalysts … and many others Unknown effects? Are they good or not so good for human being and global environment? They are important for the progress of science and technology (for politicas reasons, too), but which is the price we have to pay for that? NIRDTP Iasi

3 Romanian Initiative in Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies
1. NIRDTP Iasi is part of the Romanian Initiative in Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies, with special emphasis on life quality, including the quality of the environment disseminate information to nanomaterials, nanosciences and nanotechnology research groups (March 24-25, 2005, Iasi, Romania – National Mobilization Workshop of NENAMAT) 2. NIRDTP Iasi sell nanomaterials and devices for nanomaterials magnetic characterization Nanoscience brings a new, multidisciplinary, approach to the basic sciences. A reorientation, eliminating parallelisms and reducing fragmentation is essential in Romania, especially in basic sciences. This initiative addresses some basic priorities: health, food quality, environment etc. Integration of resources in ERA provides a critical mass and gives a chance in competition with US, Japan etc. Romania cannot be competitive alone in this field, integration in ERA is the only chance. NIRDTP Iasi

4 Scientific cooperation of NIRDTP Iasi:

5 The main lines of action of the Romanian "nano" initiative:
 An awareness campaign for researchers, industry and general public;  Evaluating resources and defining priorities and applications in the field, taking into account all Romanian public research systems (national institutes, universities, Romanian Academy) and beyond;  Reorienting the research in basic sciences according to the multidisciplinary vision of the nanoscience;  Rethinking various curricula in the "nano" perspective; promoting "training by research"; stimulating a "European career",providing human resources to private industry etc.;  Correlating the R&D programmes from the national plan for RTDI (application of new technologies in health, food quality, environment etc.), other national programmes (of CNSIS, Romanian Academy, as well as sectorial programmes) and correlating the future programmes within ERA (using the ERA-NET programme);  Striving at a long-term research-industry as well as a public-private partnership in developing and applying nanotechnologies; public research will provide more abundant human sources, as well as access to the technical/scientific structure;  Achieving rapidly a critical mass in research by networking and by focused investment;  Developing scientific and technological parks in the field. NIRDTP Iasi

6 NIRDTP Participation in FP6
Priority Co-ordination Action (CA) IMPART – Project No , 2005( )-2007 Improving the understanding of the impact of nanoparticles on human health and the environment The primary aim of this CA is to prevent knowledge of the health and environmental implications of nanoparticles from lagging behind the technological advances. In order to do this, ImPart will foster communication links between numbers of regional, national and international initiatives in order to reduce duplication of effort, pool expertise and facilitate co-operation between networks. This will result in an improvement in the understanding of the potential impact of nanoparticles on human health and the environment. NIRDTP Iasi

7 NIRDTP Participation in FP6
IMPART Partic. Role Partic. No. Participant Name Participant short name Country Co 1 Chalex Research Ltd. Chalex UK Cr 2 NFM IL 3 Institute of Physical Chemistry IPC RO 4 Jozef Stefan Institute JSI SI 5 University of Leicester ULei 6 Kaunas University KTU LT 7 University of Munich TUM D 8 Technology Codes Ltd. Codes IRL 9 University of Craiova UCv 10 Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH FzK 11 Verein Deutscher Ingenieure VDI 12 CMP Científica CMPC E 13 University of Leuven ULeu B 14 University of Surrey UniS 15 Temas CH 17 National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics NIRDTP 18 Dublin Institute of Technology DIT 19 Biomade Technology Foundation Biomade NL 20 Latvian Society of Toxicology LatTox LV 21 University of Crete UniCrete EL NIRDTP Iasi

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