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2015 Budget Workshop August 18. 2014 (RCW 53.35).

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Budget Workshop August 18. 2014 (RCW 53.35)."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Budget Workshop August 18. 2014 (RCW 53.35)

2 2015 Budget Process August 14Funding Requests Deadline 5:00 PM 18Preliminary Budget Workshop 3:30 P.M.- 5:00 P.M. 18Regular Commission Meeting5:30 PM 19Preliminary Budget Available to Public September 4Special Meeting: Preliminary Budget Workshop3:30 P.M.- 5:00 P.M. 18Preliminary Budget & Hearing- approve preliminary budget 5:30 P.M. 29First Public Notice; Preliminary Budget October 6Second Public Notice; Preliminary Budget 16Regular Commission Meeting- approval of proposed final budget5:30 P.M. November 3First Public Notice; Final Budget 10Second Public Notice; Final Budget 20Regular Commission Meeting- approve final budget5:30 P.M. December 1Certify to County Assessor amount of taxes levied; file final budget

3 Revenue Agricultural leases forecasted at $ 5,270.85 4.6% Land leases forecasted at $135,562.15 9.4% Decrease is subject to renegotiations of lease terms with Peri Formworks with highest potential decrease.

4 Ag & Land Leases 2015 Revenue Estimate2014 Budget Actual AUSTIN POINT $24,075.00 Coast Guard $75.00 West Coast Training $24,000.00 EASEMENTS $1,903.65$2,027.72 Cowlitz PUD $1,013.99$1,003.95 Olympic Pipeline $889.66$880.85 GUILD ROAD $530.25$525.00 Dobbins Berry Farm $530.25$525.00 MARTIN'S BAR $1,950.00 North (Peterson) $750.00 South (Bong) $1,200.00 RAIL LOOP PROPERTY $1,880.58$1,666.59 Lutzenberger Farms $1,683.26$1,666.59 SCHURMAN WAY $95,500.21$108,432.49 North 20 acres (Boon) $886.21 1475 Port Way (PERI Formworks) $94,614.00$107,546.28 SCOTT AVENUE $14,763.72 AmeriGas $14,763.72 TOTAL$140,603.41$153,440.52 Leasehold Eligible Total $137,367.09 Leasehold Tax Collected $17,637.93

5 Revenue Down River Drive Buildings Guild Road Pekin Road Schurman Way Forecasted at $518,017.40 3.3% Contingent on the following: Suite D site prepped and rented Increase in rent based on market value and $0.42 per square foot for existing tenants

6 Building Leases 2015 Revenue Estimate 2014 Budget Actual DOWN RIVER DRIVE 1395 Down River Drive Suite D New Tenant$28,274.40$30,438.00 Suite E (BNSF)$30,708.00 1363 Down River Drive Stellar J (Suite A & B)$51,493.68$46,442.10 1391 Down River Drive Advanced Composites (Suite A & B)$51,408.00$48,235.50 1375 Down River Drive Stellar J (Suite A & B)$51,493.68$45,646.80 1383 Down River Drive FlashCo (Suite A)$17,136.00$19,709.52 AiMMCO (Suite B)$34,272.00$28,596.00 1387 Down River Drive Pacific Seafood (Suite A & B)$50,825.96$49,179.72 FlashCo (Suite C)$18,900.00$19,709.52 GUILD ROAD ARCE Nursery$12,000.00 PEKIN ROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK Gardner Trucking$16,293.48$16,132.08 Quality Marine Resources$16,550.04$16,349.19 SCHURMAN WAY 1415 Port Way (Behrman Transport)$60,015.48 1670 Schurman Way (Harlow's)$78,646.68$77,868.00 TOTAL $518,017.40$501,029.91 Leasehold Tax Collected Total$66,513.43

7 Revenue Miscellaneous Sand Sales for Austin Point and Martin Bar Fill Dirt Sales Taxes Other Revenue Forecasted at $521,551.36 62.7%

8 Sand Sales Sand Location$2.00 CUY$2.50 CUY$3.00 CUY Austin Point$166,000$207,500$249,000 83,000 CUY/ YR (322,000 total) More bidders- favorable option Less bidders – price too high Martin Bar$200,000$277,500$333,000 111,000 CUY/ YR (650,000 total) More bidders- less lucrative Favorable optionLess bidders- price too high Increase to budget $0$119,000$216,000 Favorable option- increase of $77,500

9 Revenue Total Revenue Forecast: $1,180,172.17 Actual 2014 Budget and Forecast: $981,303.13 16.8% Contingent upon all of the following: Suite D at 1395 rented JARPA & Sand Sales Resume and price determined $0.42 current tenant lease rates $0.35 new tenants lease rate for first year

10 Expenditures 2015 Salaries, Per Diems and Benefits Salaries: $129,056.98 19.1% ▫New Maintenance Position and potential salary increases Per Diems: $5,292 48.9% ▫More accurately portrays actual per diem rate than forecasted in 2014 Benefits: $77,400 10.1%

11 SALARY AND BENEFITS 2015 PROPOSED EXPENSES COST2014 BUDGET ACTUAL $207,848.82$181,380.88 SALARIES/PER DIEM$130,448.82$112,443.98 Staff (Salary)$125,156.82$104,443.98 Executive Director*$62,830.00$51,658.35 Auditor*$40,226.82$39,055.16 Incentive Compensation$0.00$2,659.20 Overtime Compensation$0.00$1,571.27 Maintenance$22,100.00$9,500.00 Commission (Per Diem)$5,292.00$8,000.00 HEALTH INSURANCE$55,000.00$50,657.64 RETIREMENT$12,000.00$9,619.29 SOCIAL SECURITY$10,000.00$7,989.97 WORKMAN'S COMP$400.00$670.00

12 Expenditures 2015 Operations Deferred Maintenance 17% Marketing and Advertising Revamp 15% Sand Sales Royalty Payment to DNR Debt Services

13 2015 Expense Estimate2014 Budget Actual OPERATIONS Advertising$20,000.00$17,000.00 Channel Maintenance$2,600.00$42,200.00 Community Development$5,000.00$6,000.00 Diking District Assessment$20,000.00 Debt Services $206,828.73 $213,681.00 DNR Assessment$17.40 Elections$6,000.00$0.00 Fill Dirt Expenses$44.00$0.00 Insurance$24,935.00$25,000.00 Investment Pool$0.00$158,282.43 Maintenance$100,000.00$83,000.00 Landscaping$24,000.00 Legal$15,000.00$12,000.00 Memberships$11,500.00$11,091.50 Miscellaneous Expenses$0.00$500.00 Office*$24,000.00 Office Rent$18,000.00 Personal Services Contracts$18,920.00$16,800.00

14 2015 Expense Estimate2014 Budget Actual OPERATIONS Postage$1,000.00$660.58 Promotional Hosting$250.00$500.00 Public Notices$1,280.00NA Rail Administration Fees$1,250.00 Registration$700.00$2,000.00 Reserve$0.00$50,000.00 Restroom Rent$250.00 Sand Sale Royalty Expense$176,500.00$2,500.00 Small & Attractive$5,000.00$0.00 Staff Training$4,000.00$1,500.00 State Auditor$0.00$4,000.00 Taxes$86,019.60$84,332.70 Telephone*$0.00$1,200.00 Tourism$7,500.00 Travel$3,000.00$6,000.00 Utilities$5,000.00$4,000.00 TOTAL$291,749.60$165,693.28

15 Debt Services 2014 Debt Balance Payments to Debt in 2014 $213,681 2015 Debt Balance Anticipated Payments to Debt in 2015 $206,828.73

16 Expenditures 2015 Capital Improvements Deferred maintenance: est. $100,000 Appraisals of properties: est. $20,000-$30,000 Energy Efficiency upgrades to existing buildings (grant dependent) Down River Drive water meter separation Phase I- (Bld. 1395, 1391 & 1387): $20,000 Martin Bar South site clean-up (WSDOT dependent)

17 Expenditures 2015 Capital Investments Rose Growers Industrial Park Binding Site Plan & Permitting: est. $102,000 Rail Spur Concept & Engineering: est. $25,000- $40,000 Rail Spur Implementation/ Construction: est. $400,000 (grant dependent) Land acquisition(s) Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements (RCW 53.20.010)

18 Rose Growers Industrial Park

19 Rail Spur Concept and Engineering

20 Community Development/ Tourism Requests (RCW 53.08.255) Woodland Rotary Club Woodland Downtown Revitalization Woodland Chamber of Commerce LoveStreet Playhouse

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