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NTA - Stockholm Erik Sanner Zlatibor june 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "NTA - Stockholm Erik Sanner Zlatibor june 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 NTA - Stockholm Erik Sanner Zlatibor june 2005

2 NTA - Natural Science and Technology for All

3 NTA – a school development project in cooperation with… The Royal Swedish Academy of SciencesThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering SciencesThe Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences Swedish UniversitiesSwedish Universities 48 towns in Sweden48 towns in Sweden

4 NTA = Explore and experience! NTA = Explore and experience!

5 Materials for Science and Technology teaching

6 15 different Science and Technology units Comparing and Measuring, K-1 Solids and Liquids, K-2 Balancing and Weighing, 1-2 Changes, K-2 Soils, 1-3 The Life Cycle of Butterflies, 2-3 Plant Growth and Development, 3-5 Electric Circuits, 3-5 Chemical Tests, 4-5 Motion and Design, 4-6 Food Chemistry, 5-6 (7) Floating and Sinking, 5-6 (7) Magnets and Motors 6-7 Measuring Time, 5-6 Properties of Matter, 7-8

7 Corner stones of NTA A scientific work procedure Obvious objectives Discussion Reflection Documentation Problem solving Evaluation

8 Work procedure Prior knowledge, discussion Assignments, prediction Planning of the experiment Implementation Documentation, conclusions New knowledge, discussion

9 Productive questions – Wynne Harlen Increases attention Have you noticed…? Have you noticed…? Makes the pupils start to compare In which way differ…? In which way differ…? Leads to action What do you think will happen if you take off the tires? What do you think will happen if you take off the tires? The teacher formulates a problem Can you do it in a different way? Can you do it in a different way?

10 Focus – Prior knowledge What do we know about larvae? Long Many legs Awful / beautiful Hairy Some becomes butterflies…

11 Focus – Prior knowledge What do we want to learn about larvae? How many legs do they have? What do they eat? How many species are there? Which one is the biggest? Are there any dangerous larvae?

12 In this way… …we get to know our pupils’ prior knowledge. …we awaken questions and curiosity. …we make the pupils’ connections to their everyday life visible to us. What do they think about larvae? …we get to know the words and concepts our pupils use when they speak about larvae.

13 Before the Butterfly theme … ”I think a larva looks like this”.

14 After the Butterfly theme… ”This is the way a pupa looks”.

15 ”Floating and Sinking” Discuss in the group – What floats, what sinks. Make predictions in the table in your booklet. Carry out the experiments. Document the results in the table.

16 Results ”Floating and Sinking” Did anything surprise you? Why objects the pupils aren't common with? Why cylinders?

17 Predictions…Predictions… …must not be valued or criticized. …must be about reasonably difficult phenomenons.

18 ” Motion and Design” ” Motion and Design” Design a vehicle that rolls 100 cm by ”a little push” Make a blueprint or drawing of your vehicle

19 ” Motion and Design” ” Motion and Design” Build a ”standard vehicle” from the drawing in your booklet. Design and assemble a rubber band motor.


21 The assignments… Joyful, talkative and lively. The discussions are a crucial part in the process of learning – Don't pull the brakes! Listen to what the children say and guide them further.

22 DocumentationDocumentation NotebookDiagramsPhotoDrawings Radio programmes Relate to others DramaTablesModelsPostersConversationVideo Own booklets

23 Important!Important! Keep the aspect of play – Don't let written documentation dominate. Use lessons in mother tongue – work interdisciplinary.

24 NTA – Support for development for teachers An existing concept Existing material Rooted in the curriculum – security The pupils love it Quality in Science and Technology teaching

25 Commentary from teachers working with NTA for 4 years Many teachers have got a new outlook, new work procedures and new ”learning styles”.

26 More commentary… ” The teacher’s role as supervisor strengthens.” ” As a teacher you have to let go and let the children's fantasy and creativity flow.”

27 Even more commentary… The general competence has increased and fear of teaching in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Technology has vanished What? Why? How? is often discussed in NTA. This is in line with the curriculum intentions

28 Organization of NTA in Stockholm… NTA is run by 13 (of 18) communities. Two coordinators 350 boxes 700 teachers are trained every year (teachers from other towns included)

29 Participants in NTA - Stockholm. Numbers are increasing… Spring 2005 270 teachers 6000 pupils 30 schools

30 Why NTA in Stockholm?

31 Reports from School inspectors Inadequate teaching of Science and Technology. Some moments are completely missing. All pupils have the right to reach the curriculum goals in Science and Technology as well as in other subjects. Lack of material as well as of experience in teaching with practical laboratory experiments. Teachers ask for more support in Science teaching.

32 NTA in Stockholm wants to… …support, encourage and stimulate teachers in Stockholm to develop their teaching of Science and Technology in primary school.

33 And also… …create attractive workplaces for teachers in Stockholm, and also engage companies, institutions and people outside school. …increase pupils’ interest in, and wish to, learn Science and Technology.

34 Development of teachers’ competence Introductive training Training in NTA-units Theme meetings These three constitute a whole

35 Teacher trainer Teachers in Stockholm with experience of teaching NTA in class Training is arranged by the Academies and the University of Teacher Training in Stockholm NTA Teacher trainers

36 The link between NTA and the schools Must spread information about NTA further to colleagues Important informers in the schools Contact persons Contact persons are very important

37 NTA - Stockholm Erik Sanner Zlatibor june 2005

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