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Claire Kappler Sarah Parker Bryan Worters Sadie Hinton Stefano Guillen.

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Presentation on theme: "Claire Kappler Sarah Parker Bryan Worters Sadie Hinton Stefano Guillen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Claire Kappler Sarah Parker Bryan Worters Sadie Hinton Stefano Guillen

2  Aeneas showed responsibility and perseverance when he continued to follow his destiny to Rome  Aeneas could have just given up, but he didn’t because Aeneas knew that he had a journey that he needed to complete  Brave. Aeneas displayed bravery when he had to go to the underworld to consult his father.  Aeneas displayed bravery when he had to lead his army against Latium and the Rutulians; even when all hope seemed lost  Aeneas also showed bravery when he had to sneak away from his camp and go find another city/army to help the Trojans

3  Aeneas really wasn’t a hero. He would never have succeeded with his quest without supernatural help  Aeneas became distracted from his journey when he met Dido. He wouldn’t have continued his journey if Mercury hadn’t reminded him of his mission.

4  Aeneas fled Troy with his mother, father and little son  He tried to settle places but fate (the gods) always told him to leave  Aeneas had a dream that he was destined to lead in Hesteria, a western country in Italy  Aeneas and his crew traveled on many voyages trying to find Hesteria  The crew eventually came to a land that was ruled by Andromache (Hectors wife) and Helenus

5  Helenus told Aeneas not to land on the east coast because a lot of Greeks were there (enemies of the Trojans) rather Helenus told Aeneas that his destination was somewhere on the west coast  Helenus also told Aeneas to try to go between Sicily and Italy when finding his destination  But, Aeneas soon found that Sicily was now run by Cyclopes  Fortunately, one of Ulysses (roman name for Odysseus) men told Aeneas and his crew to leave before they were captured by the Cyclopes

6  After the Trojans set sail again, Juno (a goddess) told Aeolus, the god of the winds, to create a severe storm to sink Aeneas’ ship  Juno didn’t like Trojans but she especially didn’t like Aeneas. If Aeneas made It to his destination, then (according to the fates) he would eventually conquer Carthage, which was Juno’s “pet city”.  Juno’s brother stepped in and stopped the storm, which blew Aeneas’ ship to North Africa (ruled by Dido)  Juno formulates a plan to make Dido and Aeneas fall in love so Aeneas never makes it to his destination

7  Venus intervenes and has Cupid shoot Aeneas with and arrow That sort of makes him fall in love, but not the sort of love that will veer him from his destiny  Unfortunately, Aeneas had fallen in love with Dido and didn’t want to continue on his way to Rome so, Mercury came to him and told Aeneas that he must continue on to Hesteria, for it was his destiny  Dido became very angry when Aeneas told her that he had to leave and Dido killed herself  Aeneas was very conflicted in leaving Dido, but Aeneas knew that he had to go complete his journey/quest  He resolved to just not tell Dido he was leaving (and leave in the middle of the night), but then Dido confronted Aeneas  Aeneas was told by Helenus to go to the cave of the Sibyl of Cumae, who was a woman of deep wisdom, for she would tell Aeneas what to do.

8  Sibyl of Cumae guided Aeneas to the underworld so that he could consult his father about what to do to complete his journey  Aeneas saw Dido in the underworld but she refused to speak to him  Aeneas’ told him how to set up a successful community in Rome so that Aeneas’ future generations would have a city to come to  When Aeneas finally arrived to where he would establish Rome, he was welcomed with open arms by Latium (another city in Italy)  The king welcomed Aeneas because it had been foretold that the king’s daughter, Lavinia, shouldn’t marry anyone in the country but an outsider who came in. The king believed that Aeneas was that outsider

9  Now Juno stepped in and summoned Alecto (worker for Hades) to do three things  One: Juno made the Queen of Latium hate the idea of the marriage and forbid it  Two: Juno infuriated the King of the Rutulians (who was a suitor for the princess) by telling him that Lavinia, the person he has been competing for, is now getting married  Three: There was a Latin farmer who had a beautiful deer and if anyone harmed that deer, they would be seriously hurt. So, Alecto basically forced Aeneas’ son to shoot and kill the deer, which ignited a war  The Rutulians and Latium had two other allies in the war as well  Mezentius was a great soldier who fled to Turnus (for help and also to support Turnus) after his people rebelled against him  Camilla was born deep in the woods and, as a baby, learned how to shoot a bow and arrow Camilla came to fight with Turnus because she loved the feeling of freedom that fighting gave her

10  The Trojans were severely outnumbered and were most likely to be defeated so father Tiber, god of the great river, told Aeneas in a dream to go up the river to Evander, whom he would find as an ally in the war  King Evander was very poor but very kind and told Aeneas to go farther upstream and he would find a wealthy kingdom to be his ally  Meanwhile two warriors of the Trojan army, Nisus and Euryalus, had to warn Aeneas how terribly they were losing  But first Nisus had a plan to attack the Rutulians while they were sleeping  The men were successfully killing quite a few soldiers until they were caught and killed  Finally Aeneas came back with a huge army to help beat Latium and the Rutulians

11  There were many battles until finally Aeneas and Turnus faced off in single combat  Aeneas defeats and kills Turnus, marries Lavinia and becomes the ruler of Rome  Because of Aeneas’ victory, Rome is later known for their amazing army, who spares the humble and defeats the prideful

12  Aeneas  Aeneas is portrayed as the hero because he fought with and for his people.  Aeneas also eventually establishes Rome as a great and prosperous empire. Since Aeneas becomes the leader of Rome, it is a respected country with similar values of Aeneas  Juno (Hera)  Hera is portrayed as the villain because of her many attempts to stop Aeneas from getting to Rome  One of her attempts of trying to stop is asking Aeolus to sink Aeneas’ ship at sea. This never worked because Juno’s brother stepped in

13  The Sea  The sea is portrayed as dangerous and unknown  Juno devises a plan to sink Aeneas’ ship by asking Aeolus to create a massive storm in the sea  Juno’s plan would have worked if her brother had not stepped in and told Aeolus to stop the storm  The river  The river representing crossing over into new territory and new experience  When Aeneas went down into the cave, he had to cross a river to actually get into the underworld to speak to his father

14  The Cave  The cave archetype sometimes represents death  Aeneas is forced to travel down into a cave to get to the underworld (to see his father)  In this case, the cave actually IS death because it’s where the underworld is located

15  Supernatural Intervention  Throughout the story there are many cases of supernatural intervention. In fact, supernatural intervention is what causes Aeneas to succeed.  Supernatural was a good and bad thing for Aeneas Good: Father Tiber, the god of the great river, came to Aeneas in a dream telling Aeneas where to go to find allies to beat Latium and the Rutulians Bad: Juno, a god who was trying to stop Aeneas from getting to his destination, told Aeolus, the god of the winds, to create a huge storm to sink Aeneas’ ship and kill Aeneas (the plan failed though). Juno also has many other attempts to try and stop Aeneas throughout the story.

16  Guilt and Redemption  Motif  Aeneas and his army are at an all time low (war wise) because the army knows that they will not be able to defeat the Latins and Rutulians  But, in a moment of hopelessness, Father Tiber (the god of the great river) came to Aeneas in a dream and told him of where Aeneas can find allies for this war.  Aeneas feels frustrated that he can’t defeat these enemies so he listens to the god and goes on a heroic task to find allies  The Trojans then end up winning the war with these allies

17  Aeneas learns to follow your destiny and what you’re told you have to do then follow your heart/dreams  For example, when he is introduced to Dido and falls in love with her, the gods tell him that he needs to move on and get to his destination (which is Italy)  Aeneas also learns that even when all odds are against you, you should never give up  In the battle against Latium and the Rutulians, Aeneas’ army was soon losing terribly. Then, when all hope seemed lost, a dream came to him to tell him where to find allies. Aeneas then set out to bring back the people who would help him win this war.

18  Aeneas also ends up giving Rome a reputation  After Aeneas is victorious, Rome begins to have a reputation for having a powerful army and empire. Not only is Rome seen as having a great empire, Aeneas is seen as a great ruler  Rome also becomes known for their skill in art and science

19  Don’t look back, always look forward  Aeneas was saddened when he found Dido in the underworld but he knew that he had to keep on his journey to fulfill his destiny  Don’t back down after taking a hit  With all of the things that Aeneas faced (severe storm, finding Dido in the underworld), he should have just given up. But, Aeneas did not give up. Instead Aeneas found ways (with a little help) to fulfill his destiny of creating Rome.  Everything happens for a reason  Although it was very sad that Troy had been burned down, there was a reason that specifically Aeneas escaped. If Aeneas’ home hadn’t been taken from him, Aeneas wouldn’t have been looking for another place to live and he might not have completed his destiny.

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