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 The United States declared war on Britain in June 1812.  For the second time in less than 30 years, the Americans and Britain were fighting.  Canada.

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2  The United States declared war on Britain in June 1812.  For the second time in less than 30 years, the Americans and Britain were fighting.  Canada (which was part of the British Empire) was at war with the Americans as well.

3 1.TRADE BARRIERS Britain and France were at war at the same time. Britain declared that any ships, including American ones, sailing into enemy territory would have their cargo seized and searched. This hindered Americans trading with Europe.

4 Trade Barrier Activity: Monkey in the Middle One side is France. One side is America. Try to pass your “goods” through Britain’s trade barrier (aka the monkey) How does a trade barrier affect your ability to trade?

5 2. BRITAIN’S SEARCH FOR DESERTERS Britain stopped and searched American ships looking for runaway British soldiers or deserters who worked on American ships. British sailors were treated poorly and many sailors left to work on American ships. Britain took back the deserters and often also American sailors.

6 Americans sail their ship. Meet a British ship. Lose deserters on board plus some American crew. How does being stopped, searched and losing crew affect your trade?

7 3. BRITAIN’S FIRST NATIONS ALLIES First Nations groups were upset at American expansion west so they raided frontier towns. Americans believed that Britain was telling First Nations to attack American frontier settlement, especially in the Ohio Valley.

8 Britain’s First Nations - Gossip First Nations: “We must not let the Americans take our land. We shall attack!” (attack village) Americans: “Hmmmm, it must be Britain who is telling these First Nations to attack. They have no right to treat us this way! We shall attack them!” Did the Americans have proof that Britain was telling the First Nations to attack?

9 4. AMERICAN WAR HAWKS (Manifest Destiny) Americans believed they were meant to control all of North America. Americans felt Britain was trying to stop America’s emergence as an independent nation.

10  American War Hawks Rally 1 “We need to declare war!” 2 “We want the rich farmland of British N. America!” 3 “British North America land is cheaper than the expensive land in America!” 4 “British North Americans are probably siding with the First Nations who are stopping our westward expansion!” 5 “If we can take over British North America there will be no more danger from the Native people!” 6 “Britain doesn’t look at us as equals!” 7 “The British trade blockades are preventing us from delivering our cargo to European ports!” 8 “We are sick of Britain reclaiming the British deserters working on our ships…and taking our fellow Americans too” 9 “Now is a good time to attack since Britain is busy at war with France!” Do you think most Americans would agree with the War Hawks? Why or why not?

11  Read page 129-130 “Causes of the War of 1812” in Close-Up Canada. Summarize the four main reasons for the War of 1812.  On the bottom of page 130, read “Reasons for Confidence” and tell why America was confident they could defeat Britain in Canada.

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