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COURSE: TELECOMMUNICATION ECONOMICS PROFESSOR: WUHONG School of Economics and Management BUPT Economics Research Center (MING GUANG 504) Tel:13621050170.

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Presentation on theme: "COURSE: TELECOMMUNICATION ECONOMICS PROFESSOR: WUHONG School of Economics and Management BUPT Economics Research Center (MING GUANG 504) Tel:13621050170."— Presentation transcript:

1 COURSE: TELECOMMUNICATION ECONOMICS PROFESSOR: WUHONG School of Economics and Management BUPT Economics Research Center (MING GUANG 504) Tel:13621050170 Email:

2 INTRODUCTION 一、 The course evolution 一、 The course evolution – in the 1950s : The former Soviet Union professor lectured and translated the textbook 《 post and telecommunication(PT) economics in China 》 – in the 1950s : The former Soviet Union professor lectured and translated the textbook 《 post and telecommunication(PT) economics in China 》 – in the first 1980s : the course system was divided into four(PT economics introduction, PT labor management, PT plan management, PT economical accounting) – in the first 1980s : the course system was divided into four(PT economics introduction, PT labor management, PT plan management, PT economical accounting) – in the middle 1980s : PT economics – in the middle 1980s : PT economics – in the first 1990s : telecommunication economics (the scope is wider) – in the first 1990s : telecommunication economics (the scope is wider) – in the middle 1990s : the second edition (including market economy) – in the middle 1990s : the second edition (including market economy) – in 2003 : the 3 rd edition and was awarded the best course in school – in 2003 : the 3 rd edition and was awarded the best course in school – in 2004 : the 3 rd edition was awarded the best textbook in Beijing – in 2004 : the 3 rd edition was awarded the best textbook in Beijing – in 2005 : the course was awarded the best in Beijing – in 2005 : the course was awarded the best in Beijing

3 INTRODUCTION 二、 the textbook content:13 chapters 1. The origin and development of telecommunication 1. The origin and development of telecommunication 2. The economic characteristics of telecommunication and the status in economy 2. The economic characteristics of telecommunication and the status in economy 3. Telecommunication network 3. Telecommunication network 4. Telecommunication market 4. Telecommunication market 5. Telecommunication quality 5. Telecommunication quality 6. Telecommunication cost 6. Telecommunication cost 7. Telecommunication tariff theory and practice 7. Telecommunication tariff theory and practice 8. Telecommunication investment 8. Telecommunication investment 9. Telecommunication enterprises outputs analysis 9. Telecommunication enterprises outputs analysis 10. Telecommunication management system 10. Telecommunication management system 11. Telecommunication capital business 11. Telecommunication capital business 12. Telecommunication control 12. Telecommunication control 13. Telecommunication globalization 13. Telecommunication globalization

4 INTRODUCTION 三、 The nature of the courses and the related courses 三、 The nature of the courses and the related courses · meso economics/department economics/industrial economics/applied economics · meso economics/department economics/industrial economics/applied economics · object: telecommunication industry /post and telecommunication industry · object: telecommunication industry /post and telecommunication industry · content: the running law of the industry economics, the economical problems in enterprises · content: the running law of the industry economics, the economical problems in enterprises · 《 economics 》 / 《 telecommunication principles 》 / 《 industrial economics 》 · 《 economics 》 / 《 telecommunication principles 》 / 《 industrial economics 》 · the important and hot issues · the important and hot issues – the economical features of telecommunication industry – the economical features of telecommunication industry – monopoly and competition in telecommunication market – monopoly and competition in telecommunication market – control of telecommunication industry – control of telecommunication industry – industry value chain evolution – industry value chain evolution – telecom cost and tariff pricing – telecom cost and tariff pricing – universal services – universal services – capital operation – capital operation …

5 INTRODUCTION 四、 Reference Literature 1 、 reference books · [1] Gaobin 《 telecommunication economics 》 People's Posts & Telecommunications (PPT) Publishing House in 2004 · [1] Gaobin 《 telecommunication economics 》 People's Posts & Telecommunications (PPT) Publishing House in 2004 · [2] HankInterven 《 telecom regulation manual 》 BUPT Publishing House in 2002 · [2] HankInterven 《 telecom regulation manual 》 BUPT Publishing House in 2002 · [3] [FRANCE] Let. Jacques. Laffont 《 tecom competition 》 PPT Publishing House in 2000 · [3] [FRANCE] Let. Jacques. Laffont 《 tecom competition 》 PPT Publishing House in 2000 · [4] [FRANCE] Frederiksen 《 telecom cost–telecom control policy and cost acting model 》 Qizhanhong translater PPT Publishin House in 2002 · [4] [FRANCE] Frederiksen 《 telecom cost–telecom control policy and cost acting model 》 Qizhanhong translater PPT Publishin House in 2002 · [5] Tangshoulian 《 telecom control 》 BUPT Publishing House in 2002 · [5] Tangshoulian 《 telecom control 》 BUPT Publishing House in 2002 · [6] Zhangqizhu 《 web industry: control and competition theory 》 Social Science Literature Publishing House in 2000 · [6] Zhangqizhu 《 web industry: control and competition theory 》 Social Science Literature Publishing House in 2000 · [7] [ENGLISH] David M.Newberry 《 web industry reorganization and planning 》 PPT in 2002 · [7] [ENGLISH] David M.Newberry 《 web industry reorganization and planning 》 PPT in 2002 · [8] Wanghongmei 《 telecom universal competition 》 PPT in 2000 · [8] Wanghongmei 《 telecom universal competition 》 PPT in 2000 · [9] Rongyuelin 《 domestic telecom reform and development 》 PPT in 2000 · [9] Rongyuelin 《 domestic telecom reform and development 》 PPT in 2000 · [10] Hexia 《 information industry investment and financing 》 PPT in 2000 · [10] Hexia 《 information industry investment and financing 》 PPT in 2000 · [11] Cengjianqiu 《 telecom industry development introduction 》 BUPT in 2001 · [11] Cengjianqiu 《 telecom industry development introduction 》 BUPT in 2001 · [12]Zhangxiaotie 《 telecom capital operation 》 BUPT in 2001 · [12]Zhangxiaotie 《 telecom capital operation 》 BUPT in 2001 · [13]Qizhanhong 《 telecom enterprises strategy management 》 BUPT in 2001 · [13]Qizhanhong 《 telecom enterprises strategy management 》 BUPT in 2001 · [14]Zhouguangbin Caixiang 《 telecom policy and control 》 BUPT in 2001 · [14]Zhouguangbin Caixiang 《 telecom policy and control 》 BUPT in 2001 · [15]Wuhong 《 foreign telecom management 》 BUPT in 2001 · [15]Wuhong 《 foreign telecom management 》 BUPT in 2001 · [16]Shiyongjiang 《 globalization and telecom enterprises innovation 》 BUPT in 2001 · [16]Shiyongjiang 《 globalization and telecom enterprises innovation 》 BUPT in 2001

6 INTRODUCTION Reference literatures Reference literatures – telecommunication enterprises management – telecommunication enterprises management – people’s post and telecommunication – people’s post and telecommunication – telecommunication world – telecommunication world – Chinese telecom industry – Chinese telecom industry – telecom soft science research – telecom soft science research – global telecom – global telecom – Chinese post – Chinese post – post research – post research – telecommunication information newspaper – telecommunication information newspaper – BUPT journals (social science ) – BUPT journals (social science ) … · Reference literatures (web sources)






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