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Published byShanna Gray Modified over 9 years ago
كارگاه آشنايی با مفاهيم و کاربرد علمسنجي در نظامهای ارزشيابی و رتبهبندی دانشگاهی دکتر پيام کبيری پزشک، دکتری اپيدميولوژي عضو کميته راهبردی علمسنجی وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی رئيس سابق مرکز علمسنجی و پايش علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان رئيس مرکز تامين منابع الکترونيک و ارتقای نشريات دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران
اهداف کارگاه 1. آشنايی با همکاران واحدهای علمسنجی دانشگاهها 2. تاريخچه شکلگيری واحد علمسنجی وزارت بهداشت 3. بيان شرح وظايف واحدهای علمسنجی و انتظارات 4. آموزش اصول و مبانی علمسنجی، پايش و ارزشيابی
علمسنجي، مفاهيم و کاربرد آن Payam Kabiri, MD. PhD. Epidemiologist Tehran University of Medical Sciences
برنامه کارگاه امروز ! اطلاعسنجی و علمسنجی، مفاهيم و کاربرد معرفی خلاصه شاخصهای علمسنجی آشنايی با نمايهنامههای استنادی جستجو و تحليل استنادی در مجموعه های ISI Web of Science ضريب تاثير مجلات Impact Factor و بازيابي آن معرفی Journal Citation Report (JCR) معرفی شاخص H-Index آشنايی با نظام های رتبه بندی دانشگاه ها در جهان، شاخص ها و معيار ها
Scientometrics (bibliometrics) Scientometrics (bibliometrics) - The measurement of scientific output activity through statistics on academic publications The scope of bibliometrics includes: “all quantitative aspects and models of science communication, storage, dissemination and retrieval of scientific information”.
تعريف علمسنجی آن دسته از روشهای کمّی را که به تحليل علم بعنوان يک فرآيند اطلاعاتی تأکيد دارند ”علم سنجی“ مینامند. ”علم سنجی“ به تعبيری ساده تر عبارت است از دانش اندازهگير علم.
Scientometrics informetrics bibliometrics scientometrics webometrics cybermetrics
Informetrics broader than bibliometrics and scientometrics Informetrics examines patterns that show up not only in publications but also in many aspects of life as long as the patterns deal with information. e.g. Willis Law deals with the relationships between the age of a group of the animal and plant species and the habitation of these species its concepts, formulas applicable to publication patterns.
Bibliometric data used for.. Scientific output evaluation Impact Citations History of science Publication strategies Science policy; resource allocation Collection management Sociology of science Information organization Information management & utilization
Webometrics Informetrics Mathematics/Physics Library and Information Science Sociology of science History of science Economics Scientific information Services for Research in Librarianship Science policy Research management Scientometrics applied basic Life sciences Links of bibliometrics with related research fields and application services
International National Institutional Faculty Researchers Grant Allocations Policy Decisions Benchmarking Promotion Collection management Funding allocations Research Why do we evaluate scientific output? SPLIT IN NEEDS
Adopted from: “Islam and Science: the data gap”, Nature, 2006, 444(7115):26-7
رشد 11 برابری شمار مقالات ايران در مقايسه با ميانگين جهانی
مقايسه فراواني مقالات و ارجاعات صورتگرفته به مقالات منتشرشده دانشگاه علوم پزشکي تهران و دانشگاه تهران با دانشگاههای رتبه يکصدم و دويستم دنيا در مجموعه Scopus در رتبهبندی سال 2009 تايمز THS-QS رتبه دانشگا ه نام دانشگاهکشور تعداد مقالات 5 ساله در Scopus تعداد ارجاعات به مقالات 5 ساله اخير Scopus تعداد اعضاي هيئت علمي نسبت ارجاع به عضو هيئت علمي نسبت ارجاع به مقاله 100 دانشگاه Rice آمريکا 62546634377285/910/61 200 دانشگاه Twente هلند 619337403100037/46/04 201 دانشگاه اندونزیاندونزی 549209343210/483/81 368 دانشگاه علوم پزشکي تهران و دانشگاه تهران ايران 1135931030 32439/62/37
Databases General Databases (Comprehensive OR Core Databases) Specialized Databases (Subjects Specified Databases)
General Databases (Comprehensive OR Core Databases) Medical Sciences Medline Embase All Sciences Web of Sciences Scopus
Biological Abstracts International Pharmaceutical Abstract PsychInfo CINAHL Chemical Abstracts Agricola Econlite Specialized Databases (Subjects Specified Databases)
Citation Databases Web of Science Scopus Google Scholar (
3 Types of Citation Data Indexes Articles Citation Impact Authors Number of papers (Quantity) Number of Citations (Quality) Average number of citations/article h-index & g-index (Quantity & Quality Both) Journals Journal Impact Factor h-index
A Sample of a Sceintometery Report
نمونه ايميل ارسالی برای مکاتبه برای ادغام تنوعهای نوشتاری اسامی افراد در Scopus Dear Colleague This is a request to merge the papers of an author in our university which his papers divided in two author affiliation format. His name is Reza Madani & unfortunately his total papers are divided mainly in his 2 separate author identities as Author ID's 36601112600 & 9246620000. Of course all the 2 authors-affiliation listed below, are really his own papers. As these two Author ID really belong to one person & he is Reza Madani, I appreciate you if you merge these 2 together in one Author ID. Your action & attention is appreciated. Best Regards Payam Kabiri آدرس ارسال ايميل:
تنوع آدرسدهی مقالات دانشگاههای علوم پزشکی تيپ يک کشور در ISI Web of Science رتبهنام دانشگاه تنوع آدرسها 1 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تهران 88 2 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شيراز 46 3 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي ايران 25 4 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي شهيد بهشتي 48 5 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تبريز 45 6 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي مشهد 47 7 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي اصفهان 80 8 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي كرمان 31 9 دانشگاه علوم پزشكي اهواز 46 منبع: F Aminpour, P Kabiri, MA Boroumand et al. Iranian Medical Universities in SCIE: evaluation of address variation. In Scientometrics. (2010) 85: 53-63
تلاش برای درج صحيح Affilaition دانشگاه در مقالات توسط نويسندگان
Other Tools Available Other bibliometric indicators: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Other indicators databases (national, essential, university, institutional)
Scopus Positioning itself as an alternative to ISI More journals from smaller publishers and open access (+18,000 journals; +1000 conf proceedings) Source data back to 1960. Excellent for physical and biological sciences; poor for social sciences; does not cover humanities or arts. Better international coverage (60% of titles are non-US) Back to 1996 ! (e.g. citation data for the last decade only) Easy to use in searching for source publications; clumsy in searching cited publications. Citation tracker works up to 1000 records only.
Google Scholar Better coverage for all citations as it retrieve web ! More coverage of references also gray literature ! Coverage and scope? Inclusion criteria? Very limited search options No separate cited author search Back to 1990 NOT more ! Free!
Web of Science (Now Thomson Reuter ISI) Covers around 10,000 journal titles and 110,000 conference proceedings & alos 200 book series divided between SCI, SSCI and A&HCI. Over 40 million records! Electronic back files available to 1900 for SCI and mid- 50s for SSCI and mid-70s for A&HCI. Very good coverage of sciences; patchy on “softer” sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. Full coverage of citations.
WoS and Scopus: Subject Coverage (% of total records) WoS SCOPUS Google Scholar ?
Web of Science If a journal is in Web of Science, it means it should have Impact Factor & vice versa. Don’t confuse Web of Sciences Journals with ISI Master list Journals ! Web of Science indexed about 10,000 Journals while ISI Master List 14,000 Journals.
The Journal Impact Factor The Journal Impact Factor is calculated for those journals only which are indexed & included in Web of Sciences Databases, NOT more ! The database which contain the Journal Impact Factors is Journal Citation Report abbreviated JCR.
What is Journal Impact Factor? The average citation frequency for articles published in a journal, or how many times, on average, during the study year the articles that appeared in the 2 preceding years of that journal received citations in other (ISI) indexed journals only.
Impact Factor Calculation Citations in the current JCR year to articles published in the previous two years divided by the number of articles published in the previous two years. Citations in 2007 to articles published in 2005 + 2006 IF= Total 2005 + 2006 Papers
200720062005 Source paper – published in 2007 Cited reference – published in 2007 Cited reference – published in 2006 or 2005 Citation Immediacy Index Impact Factor All Previous Years Cited ½ Life
How to Find Impact Factors? Directly from Journal Citation Report Database through ISI. Using the Excel & PDF Datasheets, prepared especially for this matter.
2010 Impact Factors
شاخص جديدي از شاخصهاي علمسنجي است. اين شاخص در سال 2005 ميلادي توسط Jorge Hirsch در دانشگاه کاليفرنيا ابداع شد. اين شاخص در واقع با هدف ارزيابي کيفي اثر و ارزيابي کمي برونداد پژوهشي محققين ابداع شده است. The h-index
مفهوم H-Index عبارت است از تعداد مقالات نويسنده که تعداد ارجاعات برابر با h و يا کمتر از آن دارند. مثلا چنانچه H- Index محققي 5 باشد، مفهوم آن اين است که اين محقق 5 مقاله منتشر شده دارد که هرکدام حداقل 5 استناد يا Citation دارند. به عبارت ديگر مفهوم آن اين است که ساير مقالات اين محقق کمتر از 5 استناد دارند. امروزه اين شاخص معادل Impact Factor براي محققين محسوب ميشود. The h-index
The H-index: a definition ‘The H-index is the highest number of papers a scientist has that have at least that number of citations.’ Nature (2005)
H-index was born ! We need an Index both to include quantity & also quality of an authors' paper Productivity Impact Not affected by “big hits” Not affected by “noise”
H-index Concept through its Graph
The h - Graph
How to calculate the h-index? You can calculate the h-index through the following citation databases: Web of Science Scopus Google Scholar (
h-index Calculation through Google Scholar To calculate h-index thriough Google Scholar, you shodul use the 3 rd parties services. Some softwares has been developed for this matter, like: Publish or Perish
Publish or Perish Software You can download from: It’s a free software which can be dwonloaded directlfy at:
Publish or Perish Software
بزرگترين شاخص h در دنيا مربوط به حوزه علوم زيستی برابر با 197 و بزرگترين شاخص h محققان ايران جناب آقای دکتر شمسی پور استاد شيمی دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه با عدد h برابر 47 میباشد.* * مربوط است به سال 1390 The highest h-index in the World & Iran
Edward Witten Physicist h=132 Stephen Hawking Physicist h=62 But more people know who I am! My h-index is bigger than yours!
بررسي اجمالي نظامهاي ارزشيابي و رتبهبندي دانشگاهها، مراكز تحقيقاتي و پژوهشگران دکتر پيام کبيری پزشک، دکتری اپيدميولوژي رئيس مرکز تامين منابع الکترونيک و ارتقای نشريات دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران
Human Capital Education Mission Educational Governance Teaching and Learning Research Mission Research Governance Research Operation Knowledge Entrepreneurship Mission Entrepreneurial Governance Academy-Industry Relationship Wealth Service Mission Clinical Governance Clinical Services Public Health Health Comprehensive Map
1)Colledge Ranking Methodology from Wharton & Harvard 2)Times Higher world university Ranking 3)Top 100 Global Universities (By Newsweek Magazine) 4)Webometrics Ranking of Universesities 5)Stanford Rankings 6)The U.S News & World Report ranking of US universities 7)The Washington Monthly's "college Rankings” 8)Ranking of U.S Universities by University of Florida the center 9)Maclean's Canadian University Rankings 10)Higher Education statistics Agency (HESA) Ranking of U.K Universities. 11)Academic Ranking of world Universities (By shanghai Jiao Tong University) برخي از روشهاي رتبهبندي دانشگاهها
The Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings Times Higher Education, a British publication that reports specifically on issues related to higher education, in association with Quacquarelli Symonds, annually publishes the THES - QS World University Rankings, a list of 200 ranked universities from around the world. In comparison with other rankings, many more non-American universities populate the upper tier of the THES ranking. The THES - QS ranking faces criticism due to the more subjective nature of its assessment criteria, which are largely based on a 'peer review' system of 1000 scholars and academics in various fields.
The Times Higher Education Supplement CriteriaIndicatorWeight Quality of Researchers Peer review40% Quality of Research Output Total citations 1995-2005 20% Quality of Graduates Employer opinion10% Quality of Teaching Environment Staff: student ratio20% International Faculty Percentage of international staff 5% International Students Percentage of international students 5%
Academic Ranking of World Universities Compiled by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which was a large-scale Chinese project to provide independent rankings of universities around the world primarily to measure the gap between Chinese and "world class" universities. The results have often been cited by The Economist magazine in ranking universities of the world.
Academic Ranking of World Universities As with all rankings, there are issues of methodology, and one of the primary criticisms of the ranking is its bias towards the natural sciences, over other subjects and science journals in the Anglosphere. This is evidenced by the inclusion of criteria such as the volume of articles published by Science or Nature (both Journals devoted to the natural sciences published in English), or the number of Nobel Prize winners (which are predominantly awarded to the physical sciences) and Fields Medalists (mathematics). However, a 2007 paper from the peer-reviewed journal Scientometrics finds that the results from the Shanghai university rankings are irreproducible
روش دانشگاه شانگهاي ردي ف معيارمعرفكدوزن 1كيفيت آموزش فارغ التحصيلان يك دانشگاه يا موسسه كه جوايز نوبل يا فليدرا دريافت كرده اند فارغ التحصيلان10% 2 كيفيت دانشگاه يا مركز تحقيقاتي پرسنل يك دانشكده يا مركز كه جوايز نوبل يا فيلد را دريافت كرده اندمحققان فوق العاده ارجاع شده (Highly Cited Researchers) جايزه Hici 20% 3 برون ده تحقيقاتي مقالات منتشر شده در مجله Nature يا science N&S20% مقالات SCI يا SSCISCI20% 4اندازه سازمانعملكرد آكادميك با توجه به اندازه سازماناندازه10% جمع كل100%
CriteriaIndicatorWeight Research Output Articles published in Nature & Science 20% Research Output Articles in Citation Indices 20% Quality of Education Alumni winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals 10% Quality of Staff Staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals 20% Quality of Staff Highly cited researchers 20% Size of institution Performance relative to size 10% Shanghai Jiao Tong University Rankings
Impact of a Medical School in any Ranking Exercise Total Citations Citations Excluding Clinical Medicine Harvard John HopkinsStanford Berkeley WashingtonMIT UC San Francisco Tokyo UC Los AngelesWashington UC San Diego MichiganJohn Hopkins
Webometrics The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is produced by the Cybermetrics Lab (CINDOC), a unit of the National Research Council (CSIC), the main public research body in Spain. It offers information about more than 4,000 universities according to their web-presence (a computerized assessment of the scholarly contents and visibility and impact of the whole university webdomain). The Webometrics Ranking is built from a database of over 15,000 universities and more than 5,000 research centers.
The ranking started in 2004 and is based on a combined indicator that takes into account both the volume of the Web contents and the visibility and impact of this web publications according to the number of external inlinks they received. The ranking is updated every January and July, providing Web indicators for universities and research centers worldwide. This approach takes into account the wide range of scientific activities represented in the academic websites, frequently overlooked by the bibliometric indicators. Webometric indicators are provided to show the commitment of the institutions to Web publication. Thus, Universities of high academic quality may be ranked lower than expected due to a restrained web publication policy. Webometrics
Size (S). Number of pages recovered from four engines: Google, Yahoo, Live Search and Exalead. Visibility (V). The total number of unique external links received (inlinks) by a site can be only confidently obtained from Yahoo Search, Live Search and Exalead. Rich Files (R). Number of Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PostScript (.ps), Microsoft Word (.doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt). These data were extracted using Google, Yahoo Search, Live Search and Exalead. Scholar (Sc). Google Scholar provides the number of papers and citations for each academic domain. These results from the Scholar database represent papers, reports and other academic items. Webometrics
Webometric Ranking Weights
Essential Science Indicators Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a resource that enables researchers to conduct ongoing, quantitative analyses of research performance and track trends in science. Covering a multidisciplinary selection of 11,000+ journals from around the world, this in-depth analytical tool offers data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals. Based on journal article publication counts and citation data from Thomson Scientific databases. Available as a ten-year rolling file, ESI covers 10 million articles in 22 specific fields of research, and is updated every two months.
Essential Science Indicators In-depth analytical tool offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals. Explore science performance statistics and science trends data, based on journal article publication counts and citation data Determine research output and impact in specific fields of research Evaluate potential employees, collaborators, reviewers, and peers Links to Web of Science.
Essential Science Indicators Essential Science Indicators provides answers to your questions: What are the most cited papers in immunology? What are the emerging research areas in agricultural sciences? What country has the highest impact in chemical research? Who are the most highly cited authors in the field of molecular biology? What are the top journals in geosciences? With Essential Science Indicators, you can: Analyze research performance of companies, institutions, nations, and journals. Identify significant trends in the sciences and social sciences. Rank top countries, journals, scientists, papers, and institutions by field of research. Determine research output and impact in specific fields of research. Evaluate potential employees, collaborators, reviewers, and peers.
نتايج رتبهبندی: رتبه بندي دانشگاههاي جهان اسلام
تاريخچه در نشست سال 2003 مالزي نمايندگان كشورهاي جهان اسلام چشم انداز 1441 در حوزه علم و تكنولوژي را تدوين نمودند كه كشورهاي OICبا همكاري و همياري همديگر تبديل به يك جامعه علمي شوند و در بحث علوم و تكنولوژي حرفي براي گفتن داشته باشند و در سايه آن تبديل به جوامعي پيشرفته از نظر اجتماعي- اقتصادي شوند. بعدا در نشست سال 2005 مكه مكرمه ، اين حقيقت مطرح شد كه در 500 دانشگاه برتر دنيا تعداد بسيار كمي از دانشگاه هاي جهان اسلام قرار دارند كه ايده رتبه بندي دانشگاههاي OIC از همانجا شكل گرفت. بدين صورت كه مكانيزمي طراحي گردد كه توسط آن20 دانشگاه برتر جهان اسلام شناخته شده و سپس با حمايت هايي كه از اين دانشگاه ها ميشود بتوان آنها را در 500 دانشگاه برتر جهان قرار داد. 70
ادامه در نشست وزراي علوم كشورهاي OIC در سال 2006 كويت در مورد روشها و متد هاي رتبه بندي بحث شده و كميته اي تعريف شد كه وظيفه آن مطالعه روش هاي مختلف موجود رتبه بندي در دنيا و تدوين روشي براي رتبه بندي دانشگاه كشورهاي OIC تعريف گرديد. در نشست ماه دوم سال 2007 تهران اين كميته در تهران تشكيل جلسات متعددي داده و پيش نويس روش رتبه بندي توليد شد. نهايتا در ارديبهشت 1386 و در نشست تهران اين مستند نهايي گرديد. 71
معيارهاي ارزيابي وزن کل معيار 50 پژوهشي 35 آموزشي 7 وجهه بين المللي 3 امکانات 5 فعاليتهاي اجتماعي - اقتصادي 72
پژوهش وزنشاخص 15 A1: کيفيت پژوهشي 15 A2 : کارايي پژوهشي 8 A3 : حجم پژوهش 5 A4 : نرخ رشد کيفيت پژوهشي 5 A5 : نرخ رشد کارايي پژوهشي 2 A6 : جوايز
آموزش وزنشاخص 6B1: اعضاي هيات علمي داراي جايزه 8 B2 : اساتيد پراستناد ( در استاندارد ISI و استاندارد OIC) 4 B3 : نسبت اعضاي هيات علمي داراي مدرک دکترا به کل اعضاي هيات علمي 3B4 : فارغ التحصيلان داراي جايزه 3 B5 : فارغ التحصيلان پراستناد ( در استاندارد ISI و استاندارد OIC) 74
آموزش ( ادامه ) 3B6: نسبت اعضاي هيات علمي به دانشجو 3B7 : نسبت دانشجويان تحصيلات تکميلي به کل دانشجويان 3B8 : نرخ رشد دانشجويان تحصيلات تکميلي 3B9 : دانشجويان داراي جايزه در المپيادهاي بين المللي 75
وجهه بينالمللي وزنشاخص 2 C1: نسبت اعضاي هيات علمي بين المللي به کل اعضاي هيات علمي 1C2 : نسبت دانشجويان بين المللي به کل دانشجويان 1.5 C3 : نسبت اعضاي هيات علمي داراي مدرک دکترا خارجي به کل اعضاي هيات علمي داراي مدرک دکترا 1.5C4 : کنفرانسهاي بين المللي 1 C5 : همکاريهاي بين المللي ( تعداد برنامه هاي کاربردي و تعداد ذينفع ها ) 76
امکانات وزنشاخص 1D1: سرانه تعداد عناوين کتاب به ازاي هر دانشجو 1D2 : تعداد مجلات / نشريات دوره اي ( چاپي يا الکترونيکي ) 1D3 : تعداد موسسات / مراکز تحقيقاتي دانشگاه 77
معيار اجتماعي - اقتصادي وزنشاخص 2.5E1: درآمد قراردادها و مشاوره ها 1E2 : دوره هاي بازآموزي 1E3 : برنامه هاي کارآفريني و ارتباط با صنعت 0.5E4 : تعداد مراکز رشد و شرکتهاي spin-off 78
مقايسه رتبه بندي دانشگاههاي ايران و كشورهاي خاورميانه
جدول نام دانشگاهها و مراكز تحقيقات ملي در نقشه علمي جهان
جايگاه دانشگاه هاي کشور در آخرين ارزيابي نظام هاي رده بندي جهاني ردي ف نام دانشگاه رتبه جهاني در نظام شانگهاي (2011) رتبه جهاني در نظام تايمز (2011) رتبه جهاني در نظام QS (2011) رتبه جهاني در نظام SCImago (2011) رتبه جهاني در نظام وبومتريک (2010) 1 تهران 400-301-550-501321708 2 شريف -350-301601+5031404 3 علوم پزشکي تهران ---4641037 4 شيراز ---9801512 5 اميرکبير ---6701451 6 تربيت مدرس ---6581937
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