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Actor Briefing [Exercise Name] [Date]. 2 Thank you for your participation. You provide necessary realism for the responders. Without your assistance,

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Presentation on theme: "Actor Briefing [Exercise Name] [Date]. 2 Thank you for your participation. You provide necessary realism for the responders. Without your assistance,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Actor Briefing [Exercise Name] [Date]

2 2 Thank you for your participation. You provide necessary realism for the responders. Without your assistance, this exercise would not be possible. Thank you!

3 3 Exercise Overview Exercise Safety Exercise Schedule Exercise Scenario What Will Happen? Exercise Identification Summary Today’s Briefing

4 4 Exercise Overview A [length of play] interagency exercise focused on field-level response to [scenario] No-fault learning environment A training tool

5 5 [List participating agencies and organizations] Exercise Players

6 6 Safety is everyone’s concern. Safety concerns override exercise conduct. In the event of an actual emergency, stop play and say, “This is a real-world emergency.” Be aware that operating in this environment is inherently dangerous. The players will take this seriously; so should you. Exercise Safety

7 7 Exercise Schedule [Insert exercise schedule]

8 8 Exercise Location [Insert exercise site map]

9 9 [Insert scenario overview here, including date, time, setting, incident, and weather, as appropriate] Scenario Overview

10 10 Victim Tags Actors will wear [color] symptomology tags to identify their symptoms to players.

11 11 A simulated occurrence will initiate the incident. Your clothing and other personal items should be bagged and tagged. You will be told where to collect your valuables at the end of the exercise. The actor controller will instruct you to react. Responders will arrive on the scene and begin to assess the situation. What Will Happen?

12 12 Actors who are nonambulatory (can’t walk) may be there a while. Continue to display your “symptoms” throughout the exercise. DO NOT STOP ACTING. You may not see responders immediately. Response activities will evolve slowly because responders will need to protect themselves from the threat. What Will Happen? (cont’d)

13 13 What Will Happen? (cont’d) Water will be available during the exercise. Please drink it to stay hydrated. There will be no invasive treatments (no medicines or needles). Follow the instructions of the actor controller.

14 14 Actor Decontamination (Optional) Emergency responders will begin to decontaminate the victims. Be prepared to be decontaminated. Wear a swimsuit: you will be asked to remove your clothes! During decontamination, you will be hosed off with water. After decontamination, you will be triaged (prioritized for treatment).

15 15 Hospital Transportation (Optional) Some actors will be transported to hospitals before the exercise starts. Actors will be transported back to the exercise site for lunch and to sign out. Follow the instructions of the actor controller.

16 16 What Will Happen? (cont’d) At the conclusion of your participation: –Fill out the assessment form on your victim tag. –Turn in your assessment form. –Follow all instructions of controllers.

17 17 How to Play Your Role Act your role, but don’t overact. Do not ad lib symptoms. If there is a problem, or you do not feel well, tell the nearest responder or controller, “This is a real emergency.”

18 18 Exercise Identification Exercise director [color] hat Exercise team[color] hats Controllers[color] badges Evaluators[color] badges Support staff[color] badges Players[color] badges Observers[color] badges Media[color] badges Actors[color] symptomology tags

19 19 Know your role and the symptoms. Do not overact. Do not prompt or get in the way of players. Contact controllers with any problems. SAFETY COMES FIRST. Use the phrase “This is a real emergency” in an actual emergency. Thank you for your participation. Final Exercise Reminders

20 20 Questions

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