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MTT Exam Competency 001 Robert W. Young, Jr. University of Texas, Brownsville.

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Presentation on theme: "MTT Exam Competency 001 Robert W. Young, Jr. University of Texas, Brownsville."— Presentation transcript:

1 MTT Exam Competency 001 Robert W. Young, Jr. University of Texas, Brownsville

2 Competency 001 The Master Technology Teacher demonstrates knowledge and application of technology- related terminology and concepts, hardware, software, data-input strategies, and ethical practices, and knows how to acquire, analyze, and evaluate digital information from the Internet and other sources.

3 The Master Technology Teacher: 1. Knows technology-related terminology and concepts. 2. Demonstrates an understanding of the appropriate use of hardware components and software applications. 3. Knows how to use input and output devices when using selected digital technologies (e.g., text, graphics, animation, video, sound, Internet applications). 4. Identifies and demonstrates knowledge of how to create, use, manipulate, and exchange digital file formats (e.g., text, image, video, audio) between applications and/or platforms.

4 The Master Technology Teacher: 5. Demonstrates knowledge of criteria (e.g., quality, appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency) for evaluating productivity and authoring tools for selection, acquisition, and use. 6. Knows how to facilitate the use of integrated technologies in foundation and enrichment curricular content. 7. Demonstrates knowledge and application of strategies for searching (e.g., keyword, Boolean, natural, language), locating, and acquiring information from electronic resources (e.g., collaborative software, the Internet, intranets). 8. Knows how to organize, store, and retrieve electronic information found in various formats (e.g., text, graphic, video, audio).

5 The Master Technology Teacher: 9. Knows how to identify and evaluate information acquired from primary and secondary sources for accuracy, relevancy, and content validity by accessing, researching, and comparing data from multiple sources (e.g., the Internet, encyclopedias, databases). 10. Demonstrates knowledge of the acceptable use of electronic information and products while in an individual classroom, lab, or on the Internet or an intranet. 11. Demonstrates knowledge of copyright laws and violations and of ethical issues (e.g., fair use, patents, and trademarks; computer hacking; computer piracy; computer vandalism; intentional virus setting; invasion of privacy) when using, manipulating, and/or editing electronic data.

6 The Master Technology Teacher: 12. Knows how to obtain and cite the source of print and digital information from a variety of resources (e.g., the Internet; encyclopedias; databases; libraries of images in a variety of formats including text, audio, video, and graphics). 13. Demonstrates respect for intellectual property and understands the ethical acquisition and use of digital information (e.g., citing sources using established methods).

7 Terminology

8 Experience counts. Broad & shallow.

9 Data Terminology Bits Bytes Kilobytes (Kb) Megabytes (Mb) Gigabyte (Gb) Terabyte (Tb) Random Access Memory (RAM)

10 Operating System (OS) Terminology Digital Operating System (DOS) Graphic User Interface (GUI) WYSIWYG (whizzgy) QWERTY

11 Windows Terminology System Tray (Sys tray) Task Bar Quick Launch Start Menu

12 Task Manager OOPS! Now What? Control + Alt + Delete

13 Further Review Education & Microsoft software Tutorials Microsoft AccessabilityTutorials px px

14 Applications

15 Hardware Applications Can you operate:  A printer on a network?  A scanner?  A digital camera  Photo editing software? (Photoshop)  Video editing software? (Windows Movie Maker)

16 Software Applications Can you use:  Photo editing software? (photoshop)  Video editing software? (Windows Movie Maker)  Word processor? (MS Word)  Presentation Software? (Power Point)

17 Applications Knows how to use input and output devices when using selected digital technologies (e.g., text, graphics, animation, video, sound, Internet applications).

18 Applications Identifies and demonstrates knowledge of how to create, use, manipulate, and exchange digital file formats (e.g., text, image, video, audio) between applications and/or platforms.

19 Review & Evaluation

20 Should We Buy It? Quality Appropriateness Effectiveness Efficiency

21 Tech Integration

22 Supports Curricular Goals Four key components of learning:  Active engagement  Participation in groups  Frequent interaction  Feedback, and connection to real-world experts.

23 Further Review

24 Search

25 Strategies FOR Searching Keyword Boolean Natural Language

26 Further Review searchguides.html&ctx=advanced&hl=en searchguides.html&ctx=advanced&hl=en

27 Formats

28 File Extensions  *.exe  *.doc  *.ppt  *.txt

29 Visual Media Terminology Pixels *.jpg *.gif Thumbnail

30 Research Sources

31 Know Your Sources Primary Sources  Original work Secondary Sources  Cite other sources  Encyclopedia  Reviews Accuracy Relevancy Content validity

32 Copyright & Fair Use

33 Public Domain Fair game for all. It mainly depends on when the item was written.

34 Before Jan. 1, 1923 Public Domain

35 1923-1978  Works published between Jan. 1, 1923 and Dec. 31, 1978  Registered copyright was not renewed.  If the original copyright has been renewed, the published works may be protected for a total of 95 years from date of first publication.

36 Before 1978, but Never Published 70 years after the death of the author. If the author died over 70 years ago, the copyright in an unpublished work lasted until December 31, 2002. If such a work was published before December 31, 2002, the copyright will last until December 31, 2047.

37 After 1978 Public domain 70 years after the author dies. If the work is a work for hire (that is, the work is done in the course of employment or has been specifically commissioned) Or is published anonymously or under a pseudonym The copyright lasts between 95 and 120 years, depending on the date the work is published.

38 Fair Use Basic Rule: When in doubt, get permission.

39 Character of Use Use Fair Use Support for Fair Use Copyright Owner  Nonprofit  Educational  Personal  Criticism  Commentary  News reporting  Parody  Transformation  Commercial

40 Nature of the Work Fair Use Support for Fair Use Copyright Owner  Fact  Published  A mixture of fact and imagination  Imaginative  Unpublished

41 How Will Work be Used Fair UseCopyright Owner  Small amount  More than a small amount

42 Effect on Potential Market Value or Value of the Work Fair Use Support for Fair Use Copyright Owner  Factors 1-3 favor fair use  Original is out of publication  There is no ready market  Copyright owner is unidentifiable  Competes with sales of original  Avoids payment of royalty

43 Further Review Review & test for copyright & Fair Use. pypol2.htm#test pypol2.htm#test Guidelines for Education Multimedia mcguid.htm mcguid.htm Guidelines for Digital Images agguid.htm

44 Citations

45 Why Cite? It’s a pain in the rear! Recognition of the work of others. Keeps authors honest Pre-digital Age Link

46 Plagiarism The outright copying of the work of another person Using a direct quote without quotation marks Paraphrasing that does not depart substantially from the original text A statement that represents the opinion of another who is not identified Inclusion of not commonly known facts or unique information Reproduction of statistics, charts, or tables without giving credit

47 Basic Format (APA) Print Journal  Author(s), (Year of Publication). Title of article. Journal name, Volume (Issue), Pages. Web Article  Author(s), (Year of Publication). Title of article. Journal name, Volume (Issue), Pages. Retrieved from Link

48 Further Review s-apa.asp s-apa.asp

49 © Copyright 2008 R. W. Young, Jr. Ojalá Concepts

50 Copyright Policy Materials published by Ojalá Concepts may be duplicated in hard copy format if unchanged in format and content for educational, non-profit school district use only. All other uses, transmissions and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. Showing these pages remotely through frames on a website is not permitted.Ojalá Concepts

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