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Internet Basics A management-level overview of the Internet, its architecture, capabilities, and protocols. Copyright 2011 SPMI / Online Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Basics A management-level overview of the Internet, its architecture, capabilities, and protocols. Copyright 2011 SPMI / Online Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Basics A management-level overview of the Internet, its architecture, capabilities, and protocols. Copyright 2011 SPMI / Online Development

2 What is the The Internet? A Technical Answer u The Internet is a network of networks, reaching around the world, connecting computers of all shapes and sizes, all exchanging data through a standard called “TCP/IP”. u The shape and content of the Internet change continually, as computers and networks are added and removed.

3 What is the The Internet? A Functional Answer u A set of Protocols (applications), including: Electronic Mail Usenet Newsgroups File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Hypertext Transfer (The World Wide Web) Others

4 Connecting to the Internet PC Your Access Provider (ex: Netcom, AOL) Other Computers, most with dedicated connections. Dial-up or direct Access

5 Communications u Computers communicate on the Internet using a standard technique called TCP/IP. IPIP TCPTCP IPIP TCPTCP (message)

6 How Data Gets Around u The TCP/IP standard is used to move packets of data across the Internet. u Each packet is: Broken down Transmitted Received Re-assembled

7 Client- Server Architecture PC Server Software Direct, SLIP, or PPP Access PC Shell Account Access Server Software & Client Software Client Software (E-mail, Web, News, FTP, Gopher, Web) Simple Comm. Package vs.

8 Electronic Mail u E-mail is the exchange of free-form messages between users of computers connected to the Internet. Each user has an E-mail address. u E-mail client programs usually include store, reply, forward, delete, and file- attachment capabilities.

9 Electronic Mail (cont.) u E-mail is the Internet’s least common denominator, with over 40 million users having Internet E-mail access. u Many E-mail servers are only occasionally connected to the Internet, in order to collect and send messages to and from the server’s local users.

10 Electronic Mail - Graphic PC Mail Server Other Computers Send Messages Read Messages Mail Reader Program Mail Server Other Users

11 Usenet News u Usenet is a very large, distributed bulletin board system, which is continuously transferred among Usenet sites across the Internet. u Usenet content is comprised of a large number of articles, posted by users, and organized by topic into Newsgroups.

12 Usenet News - Graphic PC News Server Other Computers Post Articles Read Postings News Reader News Server Other Users

13 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) u FTP is the tool used for downloading (and occasionally uploading) files between computers on the Internet. u FTP works with two types of files: ASCII Files (unformatted text). Binary Files (programs, formatted data, pictures, sound, video).

14 FTP - Graphic PC FTP Server Other “Archives” Upload & Download Files Upload & Download Files FTP Client FTP Server

15 The World Wide Web u The Web is the collection of servers, documents, and links which are accessible to anyone with Internet access and a Web client browser. u The Web uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol to link Web pages from various computers together.

16 World Wide Web - Graphic PC Web Server Web Browser Web Server Requests (Clicks) Documents (Pages, Files) Links

17 “Surfing” the Web PC Web Browser (ex: Netscape Navigator) Links Web Server Page Web Page L L L

18 How businesses use the Internet - 1 PC Exchange E-mail with customers and suppliers. Internal Computer * Product Information * Promotion Announcements * Newsletters * Order Forms * Text, Sound, Images, Video Supplier or Customer

19 How businesses use the Internet - 2 Gather product and technical information from the World Wide Web. Acme Widgets Welcome to the Home page for the Acme Widget Company. Check out our product info and technical bulletins in these Web pages. A

20 How businesses use the Internet - 3 Interact with potential customers through Usenet Newsgroups. Widgets Newsgroup PostRead Post

21 How businesses use the Internet - 4 Distribute and collect files and software, through FTP. File Transfer Note: Most files have to be uncompressed after they are downloaded. Any Internet Host with an FTP Server * Internet Programs * Sound, Video * Technical Items * Formatted Text

22 How businesses use the Internet - 5 Promote your company and products on the WWW. Coswell Cogs Welcome to the Home Page for the Coswell Cog Company. Check out our company background and new product announcements on the next few pages. C Service Provider Your Web Page(s) Target Market

23 How businesses use the Internet - 6 Process transactions through E-mail and the Web. (Advanced) SellerBuyer Encryption Digital Cash Prior Arrangement Others

24 Getting Started u Review and understand the different types of Internet connections and services, and the advantages and costs of each. u Evaluate your online business requirements and objectives, considering your target audience. u Consider developing in phases.

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