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Workshop Capacity Building for Learner Qualification Development Facilitators 15 – 16 August 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Capacity Building for Learner Qualification Development Facilitators 15 – 16 August 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Capacity Building for Learner Qualification Development Facilitators 15 – 16 August 2012

2 Policy Background to Occupational Qualification  The (QCTO) was established in 2008 in terms of the Skills Development Act to perform the following functions: –Design and develop occupational standards and qualifications and submit them to the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) for registration on the National Qualifications Framework; –Establish and maintain occupational standards and qualifications; –Ensure the quality of occupational standards and qualifications and learning in and for the workplace; – Promote the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework; 2

3 Policy Background to Occupational Qualification  The (QCTO) was established in 2008 in terms of the Skills Development Act to perform the following functions: –Liaise with the National Skills Authority on the suitability and adequacy of occupational standards and qualifications and on the quality of learning in and for the workplace; –Liaise with the SAQA, other Quality Councils and professional bodies responsible for establishing standards and qualifications or the quality assurance of standards and qualifications; and –Perform any other prescribed function. 3

4 Policy Background to Occupational Qualification  CURRICULUM FRAMING CONCEPTS –What is an occupation? a cluster or group of similar jobs that share many common occupational tasks of similar complexity and require similar performance across different processes and industries. –What is Occupational Qualification? SDA defines as ‘a qualification associated with a trade, occupation or profession, resulting from work ‐ based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work experience unit standards’. defines the learning required to be competent to practice an occupation or in a range of working contexts :formal and informal economy and public and private sectors 4

5 CURRICULUM FRAMING CONCEPTS –What is Occupational Curriculum? A guide on: on the content to be covered within the three learning components (conceptual knowledge, practical skills and work experience) to ensure consistency in the provision and internal assessment of the associated occupational qualification –to Skills Development Providers –to develop lesson plans, learning material and assessments (internal) –on requirements for accreditation for the development of the external summative assessment 5

6 Policy Background to Occupational Qualification  Components of Occupational Qualifications –Occupational Qualifications Document Overall document inclusive of Occupational Curriculum Document and Assessment Specification Document It also includes International Comparability and attached to Curriculum Development Process Document –Occupational Curriculum Document Provides for occupational profile based on defined and unique tasks The 3 learning components: –Internal assessment –Exemptions and entry requirement and –Provider accreditation requirements 6

7 Policy Background to Occupational Qualification  Assessment Specifications Document  It focus on occupational competence and enhances the consistency, quality and credibility of the external assessment process, through:  external assessment strategy  Outline of occupational outcomes to be assessed  Defining points or specific times when external assessment must take place  Identifying critical elements of the internal assessments to be moderated  Defining eligibility requirements for learners to access the external assessment, and  Providing a criteria for registration of assessors. 7


9 Recapping the Processes completed and outline of curriculum development processes 9

10 10 QUALIFICATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROCESS STEPS RESULTS Curriculum Scope & SLA with (DQP) Occupational Profile & SLA with (AQP) B Learning Com- ponent Specifications (incl Internal Assessment) Occupational Curriculum (B+C) Occupational Qualification (C+D) Receive and Pro- cess Application Oversee Scoping Meeting with Constituency Develop Occupa-tional Profile and Identify AQP Develop Module and Subject Specifications Finalise Assess- ment Specifications Submit Manage Verification Process RESPONSIBLE Manage Verifi- cation Process AC QCTO Qualification Assessment Specifications (External) DE DQP with Expert Practitioners (incl Assesors Appoint AQP 3 DQP with Expert Practitioners and AQP 5 QCTO Staff 4 2 1 QDF with Expert Practitioners, AQP & Educationalists 8 DQP with Constituency Group 7 QDF with Expert Practi- tioners, AQP & Educationalists 6 DQP & QDF 9

11 Processes for Development of the Occupational Profile 11


13 Occupational Profile Occupational Task Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Subject Specification Practical Skills Module Specification Work Experience Module Specification Knowledge and Theory Standard Practical Skills Standard Work Experience Standard Occupational Profile Learning Process Design Occupational Qualification Occupational Curriculum – 1 “Occupational Profile” Integrated Final External Assessment Specification 1

14 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question 1. Occupational Purpose A description of the unique contribution that the occupation makes within the world of work – derived from the OFO descriptor. Review the OFO descriptor and then ask: 1.What is the unique contribution that this occupation makes within the industry? 5 Develop Occupational Tasks 2. Define the Occupational Task What the incumbent in the occupation is responsible to deliver in the workplace. A short statement capturing the full task. Use the major activity, focus and role in the Level Descriptor matrix for the identified NQF level to interrogate the identified occupational responsibility: 1.Ask what verb will adequately describe the overall role and responsibility of this occupation? 2.Combine this verb with the identified product/service; 3.Describe a statement starting with the Occupation in plural followed by the identified verb stated in 3 rd person plural. (infinitive) 3. Product/Service The unique products and/or services that are delivered by this occupation. With reference to the Occupational Purpose ask: 1. What are the unique products/services delivered by this occupation to achieve the stated purpose? 4. Occupational Responsibility The specific responsibility of incumbents in this occupation towards the delivery of the products/services. With reference to each of the products/services ask: 1.What are the specific occupational responsibilities towards the delivery of the product/service? Developing the Occupational Profile

15 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question 5. Occupational Context The scope of the work the learner must experience in order to develop occupational competence. With reference to the occupational responsibility and the defined product and responsibilities ask: 1.What occupational settings will the incumbent be exposed to? 2. With whom will the occupational incumbent interface in executing the task? 3. What range of objects, circumstances or situations will the occupational incumbent be exposed to? 6. Define the NQF level for the task The skills complexity level of the task evaluated against the NQF level descriptors. What is the overall focus of the task? – plot on the “Level Descriptor Matrix” What are the typical activities described in the task ?– compare with “level descriptor matrix.”..\Documents\Abeeda Consulting\Teta\Profile for Bricklayer.docx..\Documents\Abeeda Consulting\Teta\Profile for Bricklayer.docx Developing the Occupational Profile

16 Curriculum ElementConstruction rulesExample Occupational Purpose Start with the Occupation stated in plural: Follow with the defining responsibility stated in the 3 rd person singular form, followed by a summary of the products/services and the context of the occupation. Production/Operation Managers (Mining): Oversees the achievement of mining objectives through the acquisition and utilisation of all production resources for a designated section of a mine within the parameters of prevailing legislatory and site specific requirements. Occupational Task Start with the highest level describing responsibility state in “all persons continuous” tense. Combine this with the product/service (do not include the context) Controlling the operation of processing equipment Implementing SHEQ systems Managing productive labour availability Coordinating availability of skills Ensuring operational mining labour availability Product/Service State the specific product/services as something that has been achieved. Material handled Skills available Operational Risks managed Equipment operating stability achieved Occupational curricula developed Occupational responsibility List the specific responsibilities. State them as infinitives. Operate material handling equipment, receive material, load material and move material to storage Set labour complements, select staff, coach staff, assess worker competence and plan training. Determine resource requirements, budget for acquisition of resources and control availability of resources. Occupational Context List occupational settings and interfaces. Stationary and mobile material handling equipment used for a range of material and products within an agricultural product processing environment. For Underground hard rock mining. In collaboration with Mineral Resource Management and Mine planning professionals. For specific crops and cultivars on a section of a farm

17 Group Exercise: Developing Occupational Profile – 1 hr  Divide into 3 groups  Choose a facilitator, reporter and an occupation that many in the group are/ may be familiar with  Using slide 15 and 16 and the examples provided therein and the bricklayer profile – develop Occupational Profile for this occupation of your choice 17

18 Developing Learning Components 18

19 Occupational Profile Occupational Task Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Subject Specification Practical Skills Module Specification Work Experience Module Specification Knowledge and Theory Standard Practical Skills Standard Work Experience Standard Occupational ProfileLearning Process Design Occupational Qualification Occupational Curriculum – 2 “Learning Process Design” Integrated Final External Assessment Specification 2 2.1

20 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Subject number A coded identification number that will be used to identify the subject in the database so that it can be sorted and searched when needed The number is automatically generated when using the system. It will contain the OFO code of the Occupation plus an identity indicator. (KS 01---) Subject Title A title for the subject that will enable us to link it to academic study fields and, where required specify it’s uniqueness related to the specific curriculum that we are developing In what typical subjects will you find the identified “Learning focus Areas/Topics?” Subject Description A description of the learning fields in which the subject will be found and/or the typical educational institutions that offer this subject. Scope of the Subject A brief description of the main focus of the learning and the essential concepts that are included in the learning. With regard to the occupational Purpose ask: 1.What should the main focus of the learning be? 2.What are the essential must know areas that must be included? Subject Topics The topics are the knowledge focus areas identified in the occupational purpose. You must allocate all these focus areas to the subjects. For each knowledge focus area ask: 1.What topics will you ordinarily find within the specific chosen subject? Developing the Subject Specification

21 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Learning Activity Guidelines A brief description of the learning activity required to master the knowledge contained in the topic. With regard to the topic ask: 1.What are the specific elements that should be covered in this topic? 2.What are the essential theory aspects that must be covered in this topic? NQF Levels The knowledge complexity level of each of the learning activity guidelines. In relation to the descriptors in the "Level Descriptor Tool" ask: 1.Which focus area does this learning activity relate to? 2.Which role does the learning in this activity relate to? Critical Knowledge areas The knowledge learning activities that are critical and that must be known/understood 100% to be deemed competent. For each of the learning activity guidelines ask: 1.Is this a critical knowledge area that the learner must fully know/understand in order to be deemed competent?..\Documents\Abeeda Consulting\Teta\Specification for Knowledge Subject Bricklayer.docx Developing the Subject Specification

22 Curriculum ElementConstruction rulesExample Subject Title The recognisable subject title that industry is familiar with. In many cases this could be the titles of text books. Human Resources Management Applied Labour Law Applied Mechanical Studies Basic Business Communication Quality Practices Operational Risk Management Finance for Non Financial Managers Engineering for Production Managers Engineering in Rock Masses Subject Description An indication of the origin of the subject – this is done to place the subject within the appropriate field of study and to make it generally recognisable. “Applied Labour Law” This subject cuts across the Human Resources and the Legal fields of study. It covers the basic elements that line managers should know regarding the South African labour law within the context of the South African Constitution and the basic International Labour Organisation conventions. Scope of the Subject Draft a general statement that indicates the main focus of the subject and highlights essential/critical aspects that should be covered in the learning. Knowledge of typical process equipment and technology focusing on the application of the technologies within the agricultural product processing environment. It is essential to cover current best practices and emerging new technologies. Learning Activity Guidelines A brief statement of the specifically required knowledge. Make it specific enough to be individually recognisable. Types of agricultural feedstock and how to recognise them The quality standards for processed agricultural material at each stage of the process Guidelines for good practices when processing agricultural material

23 Group Exercise: Developing Subject Specification – 1 hr  Divide into the same 3 groups  Choose a facilitator, reporter and for the same occupation:  Using slide 20 to 22 and the examples provided therein and the bricklayer – identify the subject relevant for the defined product or services, and –Define description, scope, topics and critical knowledge areas –Choose one topic and list relevant learning activity guidelines –Compile internal assessment guidelines 23

24 Occupational Profile Occupational Task Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Subject Specification Practical Skills Module Specification Work Experience Module Specification Knowledge and Theory Standard Practical Skills Standard Work Experience Standard Occupational Profile Learning Process Design Occupational Qualification Integrated Final External Assessment Specification 2.2 2 Occupational Curriculum – 2 “Learning Process Design”

25 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Module Number A coded identification number that will be used to identify the module in the database so that it can be sorted and searched when needed. The number is automatically generated by the system. It will contain the OFO code of the Occupation plus an identity indicator. (PM 01---) Module Title The title of the module is exactly the same as each of the Occupational Responsibilities. It will be automatically inserted when using the system. Scope of the Module A brief description of the main focus of the learning. In relation to all the applied skills covered in this module: 1.What will the main focus of the learning be? 2.In summary what will learners be practicing in this module? Applied Skills The specific skills that were identified in the occupational profile relevant to this specific occupational task. The skills as stated in the occupational task will be transferred by the system to the module. Developing Practical Skills Module Specifications

26 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Learning Activity Guidelines The learning activity guidelines contains three specific components: 1. The specific performance – what the learner must be able to do; 2. The specific condition under which the performance will be practiced (Given---) 3. The required standard of the performance (How well the person must perform in order to be deemed capable. NOTE: The learning activity guidelines starts with the Given statement (A brief description of the conditions under which the practical skill must be performed). It is then followed by a number of statements containing both the required performances and the minimum standard for each of the performances. With regard to the practical skill ask: 1.What must the learner be given/exposed to in the learning environment to practice this skill? 2.What are the things that the person must be able to do to competently execute the skill? 3.How well/to what standard must each of the performances be executed? Guidelines for Assessment An indication of the possible best methods of assessing the specific skill With regard to the stated performances: 1.What are the critical things that should be assessed through testing and questioning? 2.What are the behaviours/performances that must be observed? 3.What specific end products should be evaluated? Developing Practical Skills Module Specifications

27 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Credits The possible credits that learners can accumulate by successfully completing this module. For each skill ask: 1.How long will it take to learn and practice this skill? For each 10 hours of potential learning/practicing allocate one credit. The total credits for all the skills will be added up to form the total credit value for the module. Provider Accreditation Requirements A description of the minimum requirements that providers must meet in order to be accredited to train people in this skill area. Looking at the total module ask: 1.What must the skills levels, experience and or qualifications of instructors and trainers be? 2.What specific physical resources, equipment or environmental conditions must the training provider have access to in order to ensure that all the skills can be effectively practiced? 3.What unique safety, health and environmental standards must the training provider comply with in order to ensure that the skills can be safely practiced. Developing Practical Skills Module Specifications

28 Curriculum Element Construction rulesExample Scope of the Practical Skills Module Summarise the totality of the practical skills that will be practiced in this module. Operation of material handling equipment within operating requirements performing all the functions required to receive, store, out load and dispatch agricultural products. Application of all duties of a teller in accepting deposits and capturing the transactions on a computerised teller platform. Practical Skills Learning Activity Guidelines The Practical Skills Leaning guidelines contains three components: 1.Conditions under which the applied skill will be practiced and evaluated. This condition explains the training environment and should be as close as possible to the real world of work. Start the statement with “Given: ---------” 2.The required performance: A statement of what the person must be able to do/apply. “Use be able to -------” 3.The standard of performance. A qualitative and/or quantitative statement of how well the performance must be executed for the person to be deemed capable of applying the skill under the specified the training conditions. Given operating procedures, single stage standalone equipment and various materials and production requirements: Be able to: – Check and start up the equipment completing all checklists and reporting all equipment faults; – Adjust settings correctly for the full range of material and product specifications; – Change settings correctly in response to all changes in instrument readings and the full range of operating variations; – Execute emergency stop and shut down procedures following the standard emergency procedures; – Recognise and appropriately respond to a basic set of processing problems. – Process a full range of products within the standard operating time in such a way that the products meets the laid down quality standards fully.

29 Curriculum Element Construction rulesExample Guidelines for Assessment List the three or four critical things that must be assessed to check competence for each of the skills in this module. Where appropriate/necessary indicate the type of assessment method to be used. Try not to state the obvious and minimise duplications. Understanding of the impact and implications of various equipment settings; Understanding of the consequences of non compliance with operating procedures on the quality of the final product; Ability to respond to changing material consistency during processing; Attitude towards the care and maintenance of the equipment Provider Accreditation Requirements State the minimum requirements for the provider. Avoid stating the obvious and minimise duplications. Human Resources: Coaching provided by qualified operators at a ratio of 1 trainer to 3 learners; Availability of qualified Fitter and Electrician to maintain the equipment; Physical: Availability of stand alone equipment outside of the normal production environment; Fully functional conveyor system outside of the normal production environment; Equipment Operating standards that meets minimum vendor specification Safety and Health: Legally compliant work area; Approved personal protective equipment Approved fire protection devices

30 Group Exercise: Developing Practical Skills Modules– 1 hr  Divide into the same 3 groups  Choose a facilitator, reporter and for the same occupation:  Using slide 25 to 29 and the examples provided therein and the bricklayer – identify the all Practical Skills Modules from your profile, and for one Module –Define scope, scope, applied knowledge, learning activity guidelines and credits –Determine criteria for accreditation of providers –Compile internal assessment guidelines 30

31 Occupational Profile Occupational Task Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Knowledge Practical Skills Work Experience Subject Specification Practical Skills Module Specification Work Experience Module Specification Knowledge and Theory Standard Practical Skills Standard Work Experience Standard Occupational Profile Learning Process Design Occupational Qualification Integrated Final External Assessment Specification 2.3. 2 Occupational Curriculum – 2 “Learning Process Design”

32 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Module Number A coded identification number that will be used to identify the module in the database so that it can be sorted and searched when needed. The number is automatically generated by the system. It will contain the OFO code of the Occupation plus an identity indicator. (WM 01---) Module Title The title of the module is exactly the same as the Product/Service defined for the specific Occupational Task. In other words there will be one “Work Experience Module” for each Product/Service as identified in the Occupational Profile. The Module title will be automatically transferred from the occupational profile and inserted into the Work Experience Module Specification. Purpose of the Module A brief description of what the person will be able to contribute, in the workplace in relation to the product or service and an indication of what aspects of the work processes will help to develop the required competences. With reference to the specific Product/Service and the specific Occupational Context ask: 1.What is the overall contribution that the person must be able to make in the workplace? Work Experiences The work experience components as identified in the Occupational Profile These work experience components will be automatically transferred to the module from the Occupational Profile. Contextualised Workplace Knowledge Required The specific knowledge as defined in the Occupational Profile. The knowledge identified in the Occupational Profile will automatically be transferred to the module specification. Developing Work Experience Module Specifications: Part 1

33 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Scope of the Work Activity An indication of the range of objects, situations or circumstances that the person must be exposed to in order to become competent in doing the work as described in the work experience component. With regard to each of the identified work experiences ask: 1.What objects or situations must the person be exposed to? 2.What circumstances should the person deal with? Credits The possible credit value based on the estimated notional hours required to master the work activity. How long will it take to complete this work Experience. NQF Level The knowledge complexity level of each of the learning activity guidelines. In relation to the descriptors in the "Level Descriptor Tool" ask: 1.Which focus area does this learning activity relate to? 2.Which role does the learning in this activity relate to? Find the probable NQF level and then open the details of that level - now ask: 1.Will the learning in this learning activity enable the learner to execute the typical activities that are listed under this level? Supporting Evidence for Work Experience Record Suggestions regarding possible supporting information that can be used to confirm the work experience as defined in the module. In relation to the defined scope of work activities ask: 1.What naturally occurring evidence can be used to support the work experience record. Developing Work Experience Module Specifications

34 Curriculum Element Construction rulesExample Purpose of the Module A statement of the expected contribution of the person in the workplace during the execution of the work experience period. Give a summary of all the work experiences without repeating them. Operate processing equipment and respond to common variations in production demands as part of a production team. Operate a teller work station for a period of two weeks taking in deposits. Deal with customer queries and complaints for a period of two weeks at an enquiries work station. Scope of the Work Activity For each of the identified work experiences indicate what the person will be expected to do. Chair two disciplinary enquiries Report production performance in production review meetings Develop an annual labour plan Participate in at least three health and safety meetings Operate stand alone equipment for a full production month on all three shifts; Balance cash in a teller work station for two full weeks Supporting Evidence for Work Experience Record For each work experience module list the possible types of evidence that could support the work experience record. Minutes of Safety and health meetings; Equipment utilisation and breakdown reports; Customer feedback forms.

35 Group Exercise: Developing Work Experience Modules– 1 hr  Divide into the same 3 groups  Choose a facilitator, reporter and for the same occupation:  Using slide 32 to 34 and the examples provided therein and the bricklayer – identify the all Work Experience Modules from your profile, and for one Module –Define purpose of the modules, work experiences, contextualised workplace knowledge, –Determine scope of work experiences –Compile Supporting Evidence for Work Experience 35

36 Processes for Development of the External Assessment Specification 36


38 38 Developing the Qualification Assessment Specifications (External Assessment) List the critical aspects of the internal assessments to be assessed externally Identify integrated assessment focus areas Develop assessment standards D2.1 Determine the weight D2.3 D7 Identify points where/ when external assessment must take place D2 Describe the external assessment model D4 List the eligibility requirements to qualify for the external assessment D6 Determine criteria for the registration of assessors D8 Change occupational tasks to qualification outcomes D1 D3 Identify assessment criteria D2.2 List assignments to be evaluated externally D5

39 39 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question Developing qualification outcomes In order to be declared competent in an occupation the incumbent must prove competence in the performance of all the occupational tasks as listed in the occupational profile. The occupational tasks must be changed into outcome statements to reflect the qualification exit level outcomes. No process question in this regard but follow the construction rule Develop Assessment Standards Based on the profile, assessment focus areas, their weight in relation to one another and the assessment criteria is determined 1.What are the critical aspects of the occupational purpose that must be externally assessed? 2.What are the critical elements in each occupational task that must be externally assessed? Outcomes of these questions should be summarised into assessment focus areas The weight specifies the total weight that each identified integrated assessment focus area must bear in terms of the external assessment 3. With respect to each assessment focus are, what aspects to learner prove competence of? Points for External Assessment Different occupation may require demonstration of competence owing to change of season, length of program or to proceed to next level “Does this qualification span more than one year?” If yes, ask “Are there any intermediate points in the learning process that should be assessed externally?” “Are the occupational tasks in this qualification of a seasonal nature or affected by specific cycles of activity?” “Will the learner require an intermediate external assessment in order to proceed to the next level of learning?” Developing Externals Assessment Specification

40 40 ComponentDefinitionProcess Question External Assessment Model Cost effective model must be identified determine integrated assessment focus areas for different phases if any..\Documents\Abeeda Consulting\Teta\Assessment Models.docx..\Documents\Abeeda Consulting\Teta\Assessment Models.docx 1.What is the most fit-for-purpose and affordable model for conducting the external assessment?” 2.“How will the assessment be conducted?” 3.“Who will conduct the assessment?” 4.“Where will the assessment be conducted?” Assignments to be Evaluated Externally These are internal assessment that would have been identified as critical for external assessment When using the system, it will generate this information automatically Eligibility Requirements to Qualify for the External Assessment This refer to the requirements that must be met by a learner to qualify for external assessment. “What specific documentation will be necessary before the learner is enlisted for external assessment?” Criteria for the Registration of Assessors Specifies criteria to be met for registration as assessors for the particular qualification “What is the experience, the context of the experience and the qualifications that the person must have in order to be registered as an assessor?” Developing Externals Assessment Specification

41 Assessment Element Construction rulesExample Developing qualification outcomes Change the highest level responsibility stated in “present continuous tense” (ing) into a verb in its simplest form, i.e. without an “s”. Develop occupational curricula. Manage operational risks relating to the dying and bleaching of flock, yarn or fabric. Develop Assessment Standards Start the sentence with “The ability to” followed by a verb in the singular form, in its simplest form (without an “s”), followed by a description of the elements to be assessed. The ability to identify the social support needs of clients. The ability to assess credit risks when evaluating loan applications and calculate credit limits. The ability to calculate credit limits. when evaluating loan applications Points for External Assessment If the answer to any of the above questions is “yes”, state the phase and the period. Allocate the identified critical aspects to be assessed (including the weight and assessment criteria). Phase 1: In July during the pruning season to test pruning skills. Phase 1: After 2 months and completion of the knowledge component “Blasting Theory” to qualify for continuing with the practical skills and work experience components External Assessment Model Start with: “The external assessment will be conducted through ….” Followed by a brief description of the assessment process, and Followed by a statement on who will conduct the assessment and where. The external assessment will be conducted through a combination of a written assessment and the evaluation of a report on a project completed during the work experience component. The written examination will be concluded at an approved assessment site and marked by registered assessors. The report will be evaluated by a panel comprising a member of the professional body and the employer at the employer’s premises.

42 Assessment Element Construction rulesExample Criteria for the Registration of Assessors Provide information on the following: Subject Matter Expertise: Years of practice: Assessment Experience: Membership of a Professional Body Expertise: Practicing plumber Years of practice: 5 years Assessment Experience: Assessment Unit standards Membership of a Professional Body: None

43 Group Exercise: Developing External Assessment Specification – 1 hr  Divide into the same 3 groups  Choose a facilitator, reporter and for the same occupation:  Using slide 39 to 42 and the examples provided therein and the bricklayer – develop the following aspects of the external assessment specification –Develop qualification outcomes, assessment standards and points of external assessment. –Determine eligibility requirements for external assessment –Develop registration requirements for the assessors 43

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