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21st Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "21st Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 21st Annual Conference

2 Optimising Sucking & Dumping with new technologies
Managing The Nasties Optimising Sucking & Dumping with new technologies By Morten Jensen J. Hvidtved Larsen A/S, Denmark

3 JHL product range FlexLine® CityFlex® MaskoFlex® RECycler® FlexVac®

4 Mobile sludge dewatering technology
MaskoFlex® Mobile sludge dewatering technology - Economically sustainable waste minimisation technology for a better environment Mobile dewatering unit Dewatering on site and return of the water to the source immediately. High content of solids of the dewatered sludge. Suitable for septic tanks. Increases efficiency/number of tanks per kilometre driven less fuel, CO2 emission. Less capacity needed on treatment plants. >10 times more efficient than traditional vacuum units. FlexLine danner grundlag for de øvrige modeltyper. Udviklet med baggrund i ønsker og erfaringer fra kunder. Design har vægtet tungt i udviklingen af modellen – unikt for JHL. 4

5 The operation, which takes approximately 3 minutes per m3, is quiet and relatively odour free as the unit is designed as a closed system ”The flow and environment in the septic tank is maintained as the dewatering is carried out on site, and the reject water is returned to the right septic tank during the operation. The JHL dewatering technology ensures continuity throughout the work day and therefore saves time and money” AQS Environmental Ltd, Ireland ”The MaskoFlex® unit empties septic tanks (2 m3) before unloading of the unit is needed”, ISS Denmark

6 MaskoFlex® applications
Septic tanks Grease interceptors Pump stations Stationary dewatering Industrial waste processing Regular sewer cleaning jobs

7 Case: Christchurch Facts: septic tanks each 2000 litres – emptying every 3rd year Traditional sewer cleaning unit (volume: 6,000 litres) (day one) Emptying of up to 3 septic tanks 500 work days 1000 visits to the land fill ~ 20,000 km ~ Normal CO2 emmisions Land fill Emptying of up to 3 septic tanks Land fill

8 Case: Christchurch MaskoFlex® (volume: 12,000 litres)
Facts: septic tanks each 2000 litres – emptying every 3rd year MaskoFlex® (volume: 12,000 litres) (day one) Emptying of septic tanks work days 67 visits to the land fill ~ 1,340 km ~ CO2 reduction (day two) Emptying of septic tanks (day three) Emptying of septic tanks Land fill

9 Case: Christchurch MaskoFlex® advantages
Facts: septic tanks each 2000 litres – emptying every 3rd year MaskoFlex® advantages Fully functioning septic tank 90% Less sludge for further treatment Less work hours Less driving Lower emission of CO2

10 Vision It is our vision to be:
The world’s most innovative manufacturer of sewer cleaning units One of the three largest European manufacturers of sewer cleaning units Preferred supplier in the market A desirable workplace – personal and professional development Responsible towards the outside world in all aspects of our work

11 High reliability Less CO2 emission
Less water consumption Optimal work environment High efficiency Less fuel consumption

12 21st Annual Conference

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