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Research Project Thesis Statement. Thesis: What is it? The thesis is the controlling idea of the paper. The thesis for this project will be more than.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Project Thesis Statement. Thesis: What is it? The thesis is the controlling idea of the paper. The thesis for this project will be more than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Project Thesis Statement

2 Thesis: What is it? The thesis is the controlling idea of the paper. The thesis for this project will be more than one sentence. It will be a paragraph at the end of the introduction. It must state an opinion—a point of controversy.

3 Thesis The thesis should show: historical significance. 2-3 characteristics of the subject. outcomes. cause/effect. personal influences on movement or others. accomplishments, obstacles, influences on others. charitable work. Pioneering methods.

4 Writing your thesis: What the thesis does---

5 Writing your thesis-- Topic—What is your topic? Controlling purpose—What do you want to accomplish in the paper? List—What are major points I want to cover? Organize—How can I present this information in the paper?

6 Writing your thesis: Example: Topic: Rosa Parks Ideas to cover: Didn’t give up seat Protested civil disobedience Bus boycott Jail Mother of Civil Rights Movement

7 Writing your thesis: Example: Rosa Parks When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on December 1, 1955 on a Montgomery bus, she became the mother of the Civil Rights Movement. She was subsequently jailed and with the aid of Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired a one year bus boycott in that city.

8 Writing your thesis: Example: Topic: Booker T. Washington Ideas to cover: Contributions to education Freedom fighter Abolitionist

9 Writing your thesis: Example: Booker T. Washington Booker T. Washington contributed to the freedom of African Americans in several ways. He acted as a leader, an abolitionist, and an educator.

10 Writing your thesis: Example: Colin Powell Topics to cover: Respected leader in Viet Nam. National Security Advisor. Four Star General. Chief of Staff during Persian Gulf War.

11 Writing your thesis: Example: Colin Powell Colin Powell forced America to see beyond his race and toward his accomplishments. He was a well respected leader in Viet Nam. He acted as National Security Advisor. He rose to the rank of a Four Star General and was named to the position of joint Chief of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

12 Writing your thesis: Example: Plessy V. Ferguson Topics to cover: Segregation. 14 th amendment. Discrimination. Court case.

13 Writing your thesis: Example: Plessy v. Ferguson In 1896, the case of Plessy v. Ferguson ruled that segregation did not violate the 14 th amendment of the United States Constitution. This decision paved the way for further segregation and discrimination. Discrimination was not only encouraged, but allowed to exist for another fifty years.

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