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Student Centered Learning in UKM Riza Atiq Rahmat Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia)

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Presentation on theme: "Student Centered Learning in UKM Riza Atiq Rahmat Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Centered Learning in UKM Riza Atiq Rahmat Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia)

2 Changes Surrounding Universities in Malaysia The economic and job market are constantly changing at a very fast rate Manufacturing and other economic activities are rapidly shifting to China and India Internet facilities are changing students’ learning habit The students are digital native Universities are expected to commercialise its research products Changing of Malaysian economic base from agriculture >> manufacturing, to high–tech >> knowledge-based >> entrepreneur-Innovation based in a very short time

3 OBE (Pembelajaran Berasaskan Hasil) Student-centered learning Empirically measuring student performance, which are called outcomes It requires that students demonstrate that they have learned the required skills and content Often incorporate a host of many progressive pedagogical models and ideas, such as block scheduling, project-based learning, problem- based learning, work-based learning …..

4 UKM Vision UKM Mission Program Objective Program Outcomes Stake Holders Educational Block 1 Educational Block 2 ‘n’ Co-curiculum Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course ‘n’ Course n1 Course n2 Course n3 Course ‘nn’ Co-Curiculum 1 Co-Curiculum 2 Co-Curikulum 3 Co-curikulum ‘n’ Total Student Learning Experience UKM Educational Objective Constructive alignment

5 Program Educational Objective Proram Outcomes Course Outcomes Co-curriculum Outcomes Course Outcomes

6 Graduate attributes  Program Outcomes Complex problem solver Knowledge producing graduate Share, remix and capitalise on new ideas Embrace change rather than fighting change Innovative-Entrepreneurial Global Leverage and collaboration Strong ethic


8 Delivery Outcomes Complex problem solver Knowledge producing graduate Share, remix and capitalise on new ideas Embrace change rather than fighting change Innovative-Entrepreneurial Global Leverage and collaboration Strong ethic Delivery Complicated project Research Project Multi-disciplinary Problem Based Learning Case Study Joint project with foreign U Group project

9 Assessment Lecturer Perpective Objective Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching Activities Evaluation Student Perpective Evaluation Learning Activities Intended Learning Outcomes (Biggs 2010)

10 Assessment of Student knowledge skills behaviors Exam. Project Co-cur. simmulation Generic Skills Program Outcomes

11 Implementing Constructive Alignment in Teaching and Assessment (Biggs 2010)

12 OutcomesDeliveryAssessment Complex problem solverComplicated projectProject Report, portfolio Knowledge producing graduate Research ProjectProject report, portfolio, presentation Share, remix and capitalise on new ideas Multi-disciplinary Problem Based Learning Embrace change rather than fighting change Case study Innovative-EntrepreneurialCase study, simulation, serious game GlobalJoint project based learning Leverage and collaborationPBL, case study Strong ethicPBL, simulation, serious game

13 Changing UKM Curriculum 2009Gradually change to….. Teacher centered Prescription/rigid outcomes based Limited stake holders involvement Individual Timetabled Course based Tested (eg. Examination) Top down Expertise led Local Student centred Beyond Learning Outcome (unexpected) Active stake holders involvement Collaborative Immersive collaborative environment Project based Exhibit (more authentic) Bottom up (student initiative) Experience led Global

14 Requirement Lecturer quality and professional certificate Digital learning environment Student Total Learning Experience environment

15 Paradigm shift: From teacher centered to student centered, From teaching to facilitating, From lecturer to learning experience designer

16 Student Total Learning Experience Time Residential space Faculty space Industrial space Community space Co- curriculum space Innovative entrepreneurship space Cultural space Library space Internationalisation space Knowledge, skills and attitude

17 The whole campus becomes learning space – broad band WIFI

18 Collaborative learning Project based Eagerness to learn from each other

19 More project based learning, More presentation

20 Project based Competition based Serious Game

21 Classroom without wall (three walls principle)

22 Entrepreneurship Course Simulation and Competition Based learning (First Year)

23 Second year: Selling products

24 Pitching and selling their own product, based on their research (Final year)

25 Living laboratories A traditional laboratory usually is isolated from society and industrial community. Researchers usually are immersed in their research without contact with the real world. As a result, most research products do not immediately benefit the society

26 Living laboratories Geopark Geology Community development Tourism Sustainable development Bangi Urban Transport Mngt Traffic Control Trip demand management Sustainable urban transport planning Crime prevention Gifted Children Project Special School Special camp

27 Langkawi Geopark


29 Bangi Urban Transport Management System

30 Bangi Traransport Management Centre

31 Terimakasih

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