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Text- and Content-based Approaches to Image Retrieval for the ImageCLEF 2009 Medical Retrieval Track Matthew Simpson, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Dina Demner-Fushman,

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Presentation on theme: "Text- and Content-based Approaches to Image Retrieval for the ImageCLEF 2009 Medical Retrieval Track Matthew Simpson, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Dina Demner-Fushman,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Text- and Content-based Approaches to Image Retrieval for the ImageCLEF 2009 Medical Retrieval Track Matthew Simpson, Md Mahmudur Rahman, Dina Demner-Fushman, Sameer Antani, George R. Thoma Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, National Library of Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA CLEF 2009

2 Retrieval tasks and approaches ITI project long term goal –Find a way to combine image and text features so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Ad-hoc image retrieval –Text-based –Image content-based –Automatic mixed –Relevance feedback mixed Case-based document retrieval –Text-based

3 Text-based approach Indexing: –Create image documents for ad-hoc image retrieval –Create surrogate documents for case-based retrieval –Index using Essie term normalization using the SPECIALIST Lexicon query expansion based on UMLS synonymy term weighting based on location in the document Phrase-based search

4 Text documents Image document –Title and caption provided by organizers –Mention extracted from paper –MEDLINE citation (abstract +MeSH) –PICO frame of the caption + image modality (structured caption summary) Surrogate document –MEDLINE citation –caption, mention, and structured caption summary of each image contained in the article

5 Text retrieval PICO-based structured query and case representation – 19 Crohn's disease CT – ct c.a.t. cat compu terised axial tomography …. – Crohn's disease crohn disease Regional enteritis eleocolitis Cicatrizing enterocolitis granulomatous enteritis INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE regional enterocolitis …

6 CBIR - Image feature representation Concepts - color and texture patches from local image regions Low-level global features –Color (Color Layout Descriptor, MPEG-7) –Edge (histogram of local edge distribution and direction) –Texture (grey level co-occurrence matrix) –Average grey level (256-dimensional vector of blocks in image normalized to gray-level 64x64) –Lucene (LIRE)-based Color Edge Direction Descriptor and Fuzzy Color Texture Histogram

7 Image similarity computation Category-specific –Determine image category (training set of 5000 images manually assigned to 32 mutually exclusive categories) –Use category-specific weights in linear similarity matching Relevance feedback –Feature weights updated using images judged relevant

8 Combining text and image Based on text search results, –Compute mean vector of top 5 retrieved images, use as input to category-specific retrieval –Select 3-5 relevant images manually, use as input to category-specific retrieval –Re-rank text retrieval results using visual retrieval scores Provide feedback using all retrieval results, –expand query using image documents –Pad selected relevant images with new retrieval results

9 Relevance Feedback

10 Results visual category- specific RFtext mixed re- ranked case-basedBRFRFRF+QE

11 Image-text search engine

12 Thank you! Questions?

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