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EUFAR Joint Research Activity Airborne Aerosol Reference Pod (AARP) enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 H. Coe, J.-L. Brenguier, J. Curtius, R. Dupuy,

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Presentation on theme: "EUFAR Joint Research Activity Airborne Aerosol Reference Pod (AARP) enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 H. Coe, J.-L. Brenguier, J. Curtius, R. Dupuy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUFAR Joint Research Activity Airborne Aerosol Reference Pod (AARP) enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 H. Coe, J.-L. Brenguier, J. Curtius, R. Dupuy, P. Formenti, M. Herrmann, R. Krejci, R. Maser, C. D. O'Dowd University of Manchester (UK), Meteo-France (France), Universit ä t Mainz (Germany), National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland), LISA University of Paris (France), Institute for Tropospheric Research (Germany), Stockholm University (Sweden), Enviscope GmbH (Germany)

2 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Aims Design and construct an Aerosol Reference Pod that can be flown on several aircraft and will serve as a true basis for inter- calibration of airborne aerosol instrumentation, as well as being a stand-alone aerosol payload. Create a stand-alone payload that can be requested by individual users separately and independently from any particular aircraft, and that can be operated as a common European instrument package This will allow instrument inter-calibrations to be carried out during an entire flight (or on several flights), and obviate the need for wingtip-to-wingtip comparisons. A reference pod represents a considerable cost savings in terms of flight hours when compared with our current experimental operations approach of formation flying for inter-comparisons enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104

3 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress – The pod To date the choice of pod has not been finalised. A survey of the European aircraft fleet has been carried out – see next slide, this identified a significant fraction of the fleet can carry pods of around 100 kg in weight. A number of pods have been identified, including the Sargeant- Fletcher, the AIM and Enviscope ’ s own pods. A choice will made after the flow system has been fully defined and the modified instrument specifications have been completed (in the next couple of months) but will most likely be the Enviscope pod. It has been decided that we will use the 14 ” NATO mounting system The aim is to construct two pods, one carrying aerosol microphysics, the other aerosol radiative properties. enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104

4 Survey of hard points: EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress to date -14 of 26 can carry at least 100 kg per station - at least 4 a/c use the same attachment system - these 4 a/c cover the range of lower troposphere up to lower stratosphere (cat #2, cat#3 and cat#4) enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104

5 envi_modG91 pod ”Knuffi” EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress to date - pods enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104

6 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress – The instruments enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 Aerosol number density – 2 TSI based CPCs with cut off between 0.005 and 0.020 µ m Dry aerosol size distribution (1) – airborne DMPS using TSI 3081 long DMA. HV and sheath air circulation will be custom designed Dry aerosol size distribution (2) – Optical particles counter GRIMM delivering size distribution in a range 0.26 – 10 (32) µ m. Ambient aerosol size distribution – possibly an X-probe but most likely a DMT Cloud Droplet Probe (CDP), cloud particle spectrometer that utilizes the forward scattered light collection and sizing technique (2 – 50 µ m). Scattering coefficient – TSI 3563 3 wavelengths nephelometer Absorption coefficient – Teco CARUSSO MAP multiangle photometer combining reflectometer at several angles and transmission measurements The total scientific payload is in the range of 135 kg and needs at least 1000 – 1500 W DC and 350 W AC so split between 2 pods

7 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress – The instruments and software enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 All instruments have so far been purchased except for the GRIMM OPCs and the DMT CDP. GRIMM is undertaking a redesign of its instrument to remove the active pressure control circuitry for airborne instruments The CDP decision will be taken shortly pending some trials underway at some of the EUFAR partners Solidworks is being used throughout the JRA group for the design of the inlet, instruments and pod installation. Common control software is being developed (NUI Galway) to cntrol the flow and the instruments

8 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Progress – The inlet system enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 Detailed 3D flow simulations for an inlet system similar to that used by the CARIBIC project have been performed with the inlet attached to a pod using FLUENT. The Meteo-France shrouded aerosol inlet is also being simulated at the present time Solidworks used to generate the mesh for FLUENT simulations. Flow modelling used to determine the flow and temperature inside and around the inlet; estimate whether the flow separates; predict the formation of shock waves; and determine particle losses in the inlet and sampling lines. Further modelling will be performed as the inlet develops further Such simulations are being used to optimise the inlet design.

9 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Plans enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 - A final decision on ambient aerosol size distribution measurement probe will be reached in the next few weeks - Determination of the pod - Design specifications of the common inlet - Report on the CFD modelling - update on the common software -The final design of the pod and specification is needed by spring- summer 2006 prior to pod construction. -The first phase of the pod integration will begin in autumn 2006. - We are holding a planning meeting in the next few weeks, I will email you to let you know its date, if you feel it useful we would welcome any HAIPER input, possibly via teleconference for example.

10 EUFAR Joint Research Activity, Aerosol Reference Pod Comments and HAIPER interaction enviscope GmbH, JRA_envi_status_051104 An outstanding question for EUFAR is to determine the likelihood or direction between our activity and the HAIPER programme. This was raised at a meeting in 2004 in Paris, but since that time the timelines of the projects have prevented advancing this interaction. Now is a good time to reassess whether and where synergies exist. Your comments and thoughts on this and any aspects of the above work will be very much appreciated (

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