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Multi-topology protection: promises and problems G. Apostolopoulos Institute of Computer Science Foundation Of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-topology protection: promises and problems G. Apostolopoulos Institute of Computer Science Foundation Of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-topology protection: promises and problems G. Apostolopoulos Institute of Computer Science Foundation Of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)

2 2 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Basic concept of MT protection Based on IETF proposed MT extensions to IGPs Routers have multiple-routing tables Need to pick a routing table for each incoming packet Different addresses Various types of packet marking Use MT to repair failures When a link/node fails affected traffic is locally switched to a pre-computed “backup” topology Each destination in the FIB has a backup next-hop that is activated when a local link fails Traffic reaches the destination over the backup topology without loops

3 3 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT protection Primary Backup s d Mark traffic to send to backup top Traffic reaches dest over backup top

4 4 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Advantages of MT Fast local repair of failure Can repair all possible failures (single link or node) Multiple failures can be detected and addressed No need to distinguish between link and node failures ECMP, SRLG, lan failures, and multi homed prefixes can be handled easily No need for tunneling But must mark packets instead Can optimize how traffic is routed after the failure by manipulating link weights on the backup topologies Failure may not last long but even so traffic impact is undesirable

5 5 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 But there are issues Basic operation and optimization have been worked out Rough overview of some remaining issues: How to differentiate traffic Premium versus regular and BE How to use MT in a real network: Multiple areas, Inter-AS, Hot-potato routing with BGP transit traffic How to return to normal after failure is repaired Operational issues How complex is to configure? How expensive is to monitor/troubleshoot? Incremental deployment? How to optimize link weights What to optimize for? Need to know traffic matrix

6 6 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Traffic differentiation Premium and regular/BE traffic I may be willing to preempt non-premium traffic to make sure “premium” traffic is still ok Standard practice with existing CSPF-FRR architectures Different topologies for each traffic class One of the envisioned uses of MT anyway scalability? Traffic optimization goals may be different now Have to consider the interaction between the traffic types Minimize effect on premium traffic Do not starve BE traffic …

7 7 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 How to return to normal after repair? Failure is repaired and IGP is re-converging How to switch traffic back to the initial (no-failure) topology without micro-loops How to avoid micro-loops in general After each IGP convergence event Solution Use a “fixed” topology – same as the primary topology Continue routing traffic over the fixed/backup topology Let IGP converge in the primary topology After “convergence is complete”, switch all traffic to the primary topology

8 8 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Converge in a separate topology Fixed Backup s d s d Primary Switch traffic after IGP has converged

9 9 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 How to tell when IGP has converged Use a “convergence” timer in IGP Start it when a change that will require IGP re- convergence is detected All traffic is forwarded over fixed/backup topologies Must move traffic from primary to fixed During convergence New routes are installed in primary topology After timer expires (after IGP has converged) Switch all fixed and backup traffic to primary topology Since no topology is in flux no micro-loops will occur from switching topologies

10 10 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT with multiple areas Some of the destinations may be summary routes coming from outside areas Need to map these summary routes to backup topologies in order to compute the backup next-hop for them IGP can do this mapping Link and non-ABR node failures Backup topologies for each area cover failures inside the area No need to coordinate with other areas Need to unmark the repaired packets when they leave the area Remote area does not know about local backup topologies

11 11 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT with areas ABR failures Failure affects two areas Need a primary and a backup ABR for each summary route Simple case: primary and backup ABR connect to the same area Can handle with local backup topology unmark packet when it leaves the area Hard case: primary and backup ABR connect to different areas Need to coordinate backup topologies among these areas else packet may loop

12 12 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Multi-area MT example Route-1 Unmark the packet Packet will reach dest without issue

13 13 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Multi-area MT example Route-2 Unmark the packet Packet will not reach Dest needs coordination

14 14 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Other reasons for looking at all areas together SRLGs may be different in each area E.g. area 1 can not use ABR 2 as backup due to SRLG constraints in area 2 May be necessary if I want to optimize routing Backup topologies for different areas will have to coordinate their link weights for most effective routing after a failure But it may be too expensive to optimize such a large topology

15 15 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Inter-AS traffic Cover failures of border routers and peering links Peering links do not belong to IGP Need extensions to let IGP know about these links Stub links Stub (potentially multi-homed) ISP and outgoing traffic Similar to the area problem IGP can compute the backup topologies Can compute few, independent of the number of BGP prefixes Need to map BGP prefixes to these topologies to compute their backup next-hops Should not have to import all BGP routes into IGP Repaired packets need to be unmarked as they leave the AS

16 16 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Inter-AS operation Prefix Special node

17 17 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 BGP-IGP interactions How to map the BGP routes to the backup topologies and compute the backup next-hops for the BGP routes Backup topologies are computed by IGP Prefix reachability is controlled by BGP policy decisions One approach BGP will have to tell RIB which two border routers can be used for reaching a prefix BGP must have a concept of a “backup” border router for each prefix IGP will tell RIB about the backup topologies RIB will compute the backup next-hop for BGP routes on their way to the FIB

18 18 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT with hot-potato BGP traffic Problem: Changes in the IGP weights/topology can cause massive shifts to transit BGP traffic MT can help By avoiding micro-loops during IGP convergence By creating a BGP forwarding topology that is engineered and protected with MT and insensitive to some of the changes in the IGP layer This topology can be applied to only selected transit BGP prefixes Optimization of traffic routing after failures becomes quite useful now

19 19 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Other concerns What is the administrative overhead of MT? What is the performance overhead of MT Storage? IGP signaling?

20 20 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Administrative overhead Need to manage multiple IGP topologies OSS tools will need to be extended If backup topologies are optimized then I need to manage multiple sets of IGP link weights Quite a bit of effort But done by automated offline tools anyway Troubleshooting and monitoring Over which topology this prefix is routed? What is the connectivity status of topology T? All tools (ping, traceroute) may have to be upgraded depending on the topology de-multiplexing method Does not look too good but compare: With full mesh of statically configured and optimized LSPs for TE With statically configured FRR tunnels Incremental deployment is tricky! May not be able to guarantee protection from all failures if not supported by all nodes

21 21 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 So how bad is scalability Simulations show that Can repair failures with 3-4 backup topologies Can optimize routing after failure with 6-8 topologies How much does each topology cost? SPF computation One SPF per topology, few topologies so not an issue IGP signaling No extra cost, single adjacency for all topologies IGP RIB space Separate routing tables for each topology Can share next-hops System RIB space Separate routing table for each topology Only for IGP routes BGP routes will not have to be replicated Can share next-hops

22 22 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Example FIB structure 000010321232 Shared Next hop structures Topology HASH Prefix lookup Primary Table Backup Table 0000 X000 400 3 topologies 4 next-hops for ECMP 1

23 23 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT with MPLS Use MPLS labels for de-multiplexors Build a MPLS forwarding plane for each topology using LDP For VPNs/BGP free cores Simple LDP extensions Essentially MT-LDP No need to encapsulate traffic on a failure Simpler than RSVP-TE/FRR less signaling overheads Configuration overhead is not clear though Depends a lot on the OSS tools used

24 24 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT with multicast Has become interesting with the advent of IP TV etc… IETF discusses methods to extend LDP for P2MP LSPs and MPLS-FRR for P2MP LSPs MT protection can be easily extended to be used there using P2MP MPLS labels and P2MP extensions to LDP And we can still optimize traffic after failure

25 25 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Dynamic TE Traffic matrices can change significantly DDoS attacks, Diurnal patterns, Failures Adjust routing Does not have to happen extremely fast Ideally this should happen automatically CSPF-MPLS has ways to cope with this Traffic flows inside LSPs May need a full mesh though If a link gets overloaded cat try to shift some LSPs away from it Doing this automatically can lead to oscillations

26 26 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 MT dynamic TE When a link is overloaded need to shift traffic away from it Option A: Create topology T1, re-optimize weights in T1 and shift all traffic to T1 Needs a coordinated switch, large impact on the network Better when change in traffic patterns is permanent Option B: Shift only some (S,D) pairs to T1 No need for coordinated switch and smaller impact to network Better for temporary changes in the traffic patterns Optimization problem What traffic I send into T1 What link weights I use for T1? Can I do something that is adaptive/feedback based?

27 27 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Immediate work items MT with multiple traffic classes New optimization constraints (interaction among traffic types) P2MP protection Optimization issues What are the right optimization goals? combine P2MP and P2P backup for reaching the optimal solution Dynamic TE with MT Optimization for both the (S,D) and the link weights Adaptive based on congestion feedback?

28 28 MT protection: promises and problems Simula Research Lab, Oslo, April 20 2007 Other interesting items MT in Ethernet networks There have been some related proposals already Use MT routing to handle rapid changes in links like those in a wireless network Link fading could be considered a partial link failure Deal with inaccurate traffic matrices Solutions that adapt to changing traffic matrices Algorithms that find good routings even when given inaccurate traffic matrices There has been significant work on the traffic matrix estimation and inaccuracy problem

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