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Debbie Rookstool Director of Leadership Planning & Development Safeway Sarah Chartrand VP, Training & Organizational Development Stop & Shop/Giant of.

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Presentation on theme: "Debbie Rookstool Director of Leadership Planning & Development Safeway Sarah Chartrand VP, Training & Organizational Development Stop & Shop/Giant of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Debbie Rookstool Director of Leadership Planning & Development Safeway Sarah Chartrand VP, Training & Organizational Development Stop & Shop/Giant of Landover

3 Session Objectives – Explore your story – Reflect on your values – Identify your current challenges and how you can respond – Plan to leave your lasting leadership legacy What Can One Leader Do?

4 The Gift of Time…

5 Introductions Find a partner Introduce yourself – 10 years ago Introduce yourself – Today

6 Leading With Values What values helped you succeed from the past to the present? Did you go through difficult times from your past to present and how did your values anchor you?

7 Collins’ Key Points During tough times, successful companies and people: – Are moored by values “In times of great uncertainty, you have to have moorings. You need to preserve them over time.” – Manage for the quarter century – Focus on reinventing vs. just surviving

8 “Legacy Thinking” Unlike an organization’s Vision or Mission, this kind of thinking is more connected to you as an individual It must be consistent with who you are Catalyst for action Instincts and tendencies

9 Discovering Your Legacy Characteristics or skills Values Manifestations How Do You Wish To Be Remembered?

10 Explore Your Legacy This is harder to think about than it is to write… Reflect, then jump right in and begin writing Don’t worry …if it feels / sounds too idealistic …about word choice. You control whether this is shared Make sure your statement is about you and not just about your job or role at your company

11 Legacy Statement What to do with your legacy statement Determine what one leader can do – what you can do!

12 Business Challenges How do your values and legacy statement impact what you will do about the challenges you identified? Forum Worksheet

13 ACTIVITY Reflect on your challenges – How can your values and legacy impact your challenges? – Complete column 1 Share with your partner

14 Practical Tips Follow up with people you meet here – Exchange business cards – Schedule calls 30, 60, 90 days out – Commit to connect Look for ideas throughout the conference – Set 1 or 2 goals for your return – Use the worksheet provided

15 Practical Tips, cont. Discuss one or two concepts that resonate with you – Build a project around those ideas – Make it visible, get other women involved Commit to sharing them with: – Your direct work team – Your peers – People you mentor Share with your Diversity Committees or Multi- Cultural Councils

16 RE-CAP Values/Legacy Statement Current Business Challenges ACTIONS

17 What Can One Leader Do? What Will YOU Do?


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