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OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Extending a Legacy of Helen Keller Christina Reagle Project Director The Teaching Research Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Extending a Legacy of Helen Keller Christina Reagle Project Director The Teaching Research Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Extending a Legacy of Helen Keller Christina Reagle Project Director The Teaching Research Institute

2 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Helen Keller Fellows Project To create a cadre of teacher leaders who will provide evidence-based practices and positive impacts on systems in order to improve services for children who are deaf-blind.

3 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 OSEP Funded 84.325K Personnel Preparation Grant Experts in Deaf-Blindness are graying out. Few people have expertise in deaf- blindness. Requires a dedicated effort to assist in the transition of building new leaders.

4 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Funded Timeframe 2008-2012 10 core university partners select one Fellow each year Four cohorts of Fellows each year $10,000 stipend awarded to each Fellow for one year

5 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Yearly Requirements Participation in 4-5 webinars with the experts Attendance at Annual OSEP/DB Conference Attendance at Systems Leadership Seminar Internships with State Deaf-Blind Project. Completion of a Leadership Work Sample

6 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Added Activity Fall Orientation Session Allowed for face-to-face interaction and clarification of requirements

7 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Cohort 1 2008-2009 Cincinnati, OH Seven full Fellows Three partial Fellows All requirements have been completed.

8 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Cohort 2 2009 – 2010 Biloxi, MS Eight full Fellowettes Two partial Fellowettes Two of ten are doctorate students

9 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Cohort 3 2010-2011 Washington, DC Eight full Two partial One of twelve is doctorate student

10 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 State Deaf-Blind Project Internships Goal: To gain experience in the field of deaf-blindness by working in a state deaf-blind project office. Administrative work, technical assistance, research and data collection, annual events, etc.

11 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Kentucky Deaf-Blind Project Participated in training throughout the week. Made home visits with project staff. Assisted in a family transition team meeting.

12 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Wisdom from Seasoned Resources Network with Faculty who have expertise in Deaf- Blind content Connect with State Deaf-Blind leaders

13 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Leadership Work Sample How do we know we are building teacher leaders? (short term vs long term) How are we impacting educational systems? OUTCOME – create a eModule on Leadership

14 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Service Obligation Required Full Fellows are required to complete a 2 year Service Obligation over 5 years Definition broadened to include services focused on children with special needs (admin, teaching, and/or technical assistance)

15 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 Building Future Leaders

16 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 What Helen Keller Fellows … Can contribute to the field….

17 OSEP Grant #H325K080218 How the field … Can contribute to HK Fellows Project…

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