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HSVO NEP-11 CENIC ‘09, Long Beach, CA March 9 th 2009 Health Services Virtual Organization funded by.

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Presentation on theme: "HSVO NEP-11 CENIC ‘09, Long Beach, CA March 9 th 2009 Health Services Virtual Organization funded by."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSVO NEP-11 CENIC ‘09, Long Beach, CA March 9 th 2009 Health Services Virtual Organization funded by

2 Health Service VO Theme 1 Resources Virtual patients Mannequins –Simuated patients Clinical guidelines Knowledge bases Ehealth Records People Learners and Teachers

3 3 Digital Anatomy Server CMA InfoBase Server Virtual Patient Server Video Conf Server Chat Server Mannequin Server Learners Instructor Observer EHealth Record Server


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6 Project Theme 2 Cadaveric Dissection Connecting: 3D models –Interactive, remote Cameras and light arrays Clinical datasets Communication and control Capture, playback –Zoom, pan, tilt, unique POV

7 Inside the dissection room

8 SAVOIR: Service-oriented Architecture Virtual Organization Infrastructure and Resources Hyperconnectivity = (Users + Resources) × Sessions –Resources = multimedia applications + interactive devices + computing clusters + datasets –Sessions connect the users to the resources via the network –Ad hoc real-time distributed collaborative environments composed by non-experts –Users selected by name or by expertise Synchronous / Asynchronous –Sessions are recorded, stored with markup Chat messages Voice to text Files that were accessed Expertise of Users –Segmented Sessions can be selected, played back –Used in future sessions –Markup is inherited

9 Resource Federation via Network Virtualization

10 Virtual Network Operator Application Provider Infrastructure Provider Service Provider Service Operator Green IT (carbon offsets) IaaS “The Big Picture” User Base Service 1 $$ Application 1 $$ Infrastructure 1 $$ Infrastructure 2 $$ Resource Stores Inocybe Platform Audit/Billing User Base IAAS Services IAAS Resources Inocybe Platform Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 2 Audit/Billing Client Reservation Service Scenarios Service User Base IAAS Engines IAAS Services IAAS Resources Inocybe Platform Audit/Billing Client Ether Nimbus User Base Audit/Billing Client IAAS Resources Inocybe Platform Service 1

11 IaaS Framework based Software Architecture

12 IaaS Solutions SolutionInfrastructure Equipment ArgiaOptical Networks, it covers Layer 1 related equipment such as ROADM, Optical Cross- Connects and SONET/SDH EtherEnterprise Networks, it covers Catalysts and other similar Layer 2 Switches. MANTICORE IIVirtual Routers and L3 Network technologies SensivSensor Networks and Instruments Incus or NimbusCloud Computing Platforms

13 Chronos - An Advanced Reservation System for Argia Allows users to reserve network resources in advance Handles routing so you don’t have to know the inner topology Users just select the end points to connect, the start and end times, and the bandwidth needed and Chronos will find the correct path and reserve the resources for that time Dynamically sets up complete mesh networks with a finite time to live - - - - Application Oriented Optical Networking USER CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF OPTICAL NETWORKS powered by Argia enables end-users, either people or sophisticated applications, to treat network resources as software objects and provision and reconfigure lightpaths within a single domain or across multiple, independently managed domains Users can join or divide lightpaths and hand off the control and management of these private sub-networks to other users to create their own application- specific IP networks without the need for interaction from an optical network manager The network resources can be managed using the Resource Management Center – a rich client application – or any other application capable of calling remote services





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