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Principles of Leadership Teens in Prevention (TiP) “Getting it Done”

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Leadership Teens in Prevention (TiP) “Getting it Done”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Leadership Teens in Prevention (TiP) “Getting it Done”

2 LEADERSHIP- Getting it Done! Introduction Principles of Voluntary Leadership Important Traits of Effective Leaders Attributes of Good Listening Summary

3 INTRODUCTION Leadership is an art which defies precise definitions. What is Leadership? What is a Leader?

4 INTRODUCTION Are Leaders born? Can Leadership be learned? Effective Leaders and Leadership.

5 Principles Of Voluntary Leadership Leadership is the actions by one or more persons that influence or guides the behavior of one or more persons in a group setting. Leadership ranges from the smallest decision, such as where to eat lunch, to the decisions that effect the directions of nations.

6 Principles Of Voluntary Leadership Leadership cannot occur without the consent of the followers or supporters. The attaining of agreement upon goals or purposes but the group or organization is an important part of the leadership process.

7 Principles Of Voluntary Leadership There are many people who do not want to be leaders. Leadership is situation specific

8 Principles Of Voluntary Leadership Once an individual has been successful as a leader, they are more likely to accept or seek other opportunities. The change or legacy of a good leader will last longer after the leader has left the role.

9 IMPORTANT TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS “Traits Plus Motivation Equals Leadership” Personality Persuasive Persistence Patience

10 IMPORTANT TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS “Traits Plus Motivation Equals Leadership” Probity Praise Giving Positive Orientation People Based

11 IMPORTANT TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS “Traits Plus Motivation Equals Leadership Possible Practical Progressive Prepared Power-Building

12 ATTIBUTES OF GOOD LISTENING Be interested and attentive Encourage talking “tell me about your day” Listen patiently Hear people out Listen to nonverbal messages

13 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING COMMUNICATIONS Be interested Avoid dead-end questions Extend conversations Share your thoughts

14 SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING COMMUNICATIONS Observe signs – watch for signs that it is time to end a conversation Reflect feelings – put yourself in others shoes Help clarify and relate experiences

15 Additional Information Special Agent David Monnette El Paso Demand Reduction Coordinator and TiP Network Manager 915.832.6000

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