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Area 1 -3 Meeting Messages from the District Treasurer Saturday 21 March 2015.

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1 Area 1 -3 Meeting Messages from the District Treasurer Saturday 21 March 2015



4 Club Financial Records  Fiduciary Duty  Treasurer entrusted with the care of the Club’s money  Separate accounts recommended for Fund Raising and Administration.  Two signatures required for payment authorisation  Pay dues to Zonta International and District 22 by due dates  Reports to Club Members must be concise and easily understood

5 Club Budgeting. Each year, the treasurer needs to prepare a budget to ensure membership renewals cover all costs for administering the business of the Club. Listed below are some items all clubs need to budget for * together with other items that you may need to include in your budget. Annual ReturnSAY$ 40.00 Audit Fees“ 400.00 PO Box Rentals“ 75.00 Telephone“ 75.00 Advertising to support IWD, Breast Care Month, – White Ribbon Day“ 600.00 Storage Facilities“ 1,200.00 Contribution to Club’s Birthday party, Christmas Party, Local Award presentations“ 500.00 Postage etc.“ 80.00 Dinner Meeting cost for Guest Speakers (2)“ 60.00 All costs relevant to your club to be added and divided by number of club members, then add on District Dues$ 35.00 ZI Dues US $80 (converted to AUD$) @.70c$ 114.00 This should ascertain Renewal Fees per member.

6 Monthly Account Keeping Forms 1. Monthly Cash Payments & Disbursements 2. Monthly Cash Receipts 3. Bank Reconciliation 4. Income & Expenditure Statements

7 Club Audits.  All Club books are to be closed at 31 st March each year.  It is advisable to seek professional advice from a Qualified Accountant (preferably at arms-length). It protects Members and Service Funds It protects the Treasurer. Clubs need audited accounts to apply for certain funding/grants.  Audited Accounts are not always available prior to the Club AGM, therefore at the AGM the Treasurer should submit her Annual Report and the AGM be adjourned until such time as audited accounts are available.  At this later date the AGM should be re-opened within a normal Dinner Meeting to accept the audited accounts, the AGM closed and the Dinner Meeting resumed.  Audited accounts are required to be submitted to the Office of Fair Trading together with the Club’s Annual Return.

8 Zonta International (ZI) dues Annual Dues paid by 1 June each year. Late Fee of US$15 per Member to reinstate after mid July Dues cover administration of Zonta Membership and Zonta International Foundation

9 Donations to Zonta International Foundation Minimum of one third of all funds raised to Zonta International Foundation ALL these Club Donations to ZIF fund International Service Programs, Scholarships and Awards. NO funds used for administration of Zonta International. Club Dues of $USD80 PA pay for the administration of the organisation.

10 District 22 Dues Currently $35 per Member Pays for the administration of the District. Half year dues $17.50 for registrations from 1December 2014 to 31 May 2015 Biennial budget presented and approved by Members at District Conference. Rules of Procedure for District 22 (DROP) is also reaffirmed after debate at District Conference.

11 District 22 Dues (cont.) District Budget Covers District Governor’s visits » to each Club » to Area Meetings each year » to District Conference » to International Convention – District Board Meetings » Face to Face meetings of the District Board » Teleconference meetings – Area Director’s visits » to each Club » to District Conference

12 Insurance Public Liability Policy covers all Zonta Clubs in District 22 for all activities without notification to QBE. Except the following 5 notifiable events where Zonta is directly in control of the service of alcohol in control of contractors e.g. bouncers, crowd control, traffic control staff events involving animals events involving amusement rides events with more than 200 patrons

13 Insurance (cont.) Voluntary Workers’ Policy covers non Medicare medical expenses weekly benefit loss of income $500 capital benefit $50,000 18 – 80 Years $10,000 under 18 years and over 80 years Contact District Treasurer with details of any incident Certificates of Currency available on Zonta District 22 Website

14 Event Risk Management risks rated on likeliness to result in a claim animals/alcohol/rides/sport events/large number of people increases the risk analyse event with critical eye duty of care to Zontians and public ensure contractors have own liability Our responsibility to access the risks, take action to mitigate the risks to prevent harm or damage

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