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USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS USPS Squadron Officers Calendar.

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Presentation on theme: "USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS USPS Squadron Officers Calendar."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS USPS Squadron Officers Calendar 2013 - 2014 Provided by: The Leadership Development Committee Stf/C R.P. Davis

2 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS Instructions for use of this calendar: To add your District and Squadron Events:  Use the Normal View using View drop down.  Click on Text Box Icon on the tools bar.  Point at the day on the calendar where you want to add event.  Left Click to insert Text Box.  Change text size to 8 or 10 point.  Type in the event.  Adjust text box to position event where you want it.  Click outside the calendar to finish.  Rename and save revised calendar. NOTE: HQAB dues notice Emailed on the first of every month and mailed on 15th of each month Check web site monthly for non renewals that should be notified. NOTE: HQAB dues notice Emailed on the first of every month and mailed on 15th of each month Check web site monthly for non renewals that should be notified.

3 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS January Reminders: CDR – Monitor Spring Boating Classes and internal classes CDR – Have Editor save 25 – 50 copies of Squadron publication for Parade of Publications at the next annual meeting CDR – Make certain your NOMCOM has submitted form ED-80 to DEO for approval of SEO and Asst. SEO prior to elections. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals. CDR – Schedule Operations Training and Leadership Development Programs during the year.

4 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS February Deadlines: CDR – OD-2 forms listing new officers for national directory CDR – ED-1 listing local board appointments to DEO S/TR – Notify HQ of dues for the period 1 June 2013 - 31 May 2014 on form provided February Reminders: All – Plan attendance and participation at Spring Conference CDR – Begin preparations and PR for Summer Boating Classes CDR – Have Rules Com review AM/GB minutes for bylaws changes CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals. SAO – Conduct Leadership Development Program for new Bridge and others.

5 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS March Reminders: All – Attend Spring Conference. All – Encourage your bridge and other members to attend Spring Conference. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals

6 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS April Deadlines: SEO – Submit Summer Boating Course Form HQ800 online... SEO – Submit Spring Boating Course ED-27's online... April Reminders: CDR – Begin preparations for Cooperative Charting program and National Safe Boating Week CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals S/Tr – Review Operations Manual for information regarding compliance with IRS rules pertaining to Form 990 CDR – Ensure Operations Training and Leadership Development Programs are scheduled for the year..

7 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS May Reminders: CDR – Verify smooth new member processing for those invited from Spring Boating Classes CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals SEO – Verify all ED-27’s for Spring Boating Classes have been filed on-line. Sec – Have historian file annual squadron history with HQ and District historian. May Deadlines: CDR – Safe Boating Week – 18-26 May 2013 CDR – Contact all non-renewals

8 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS June Reminders: ALL – Make reservations for the San Antonio Fall Governing Board Meeting CDR – Have PRO start publicity efforts for Fall boating classes CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts CDR – Watch dues processing, begin contacting non-renewals by 1 June CDR – Check on arrangements for handling new member prospects from Summer Boating classes SEO – Schedule Fall Boating classes and secure facilities SEO – Submit ED-27 forms immediately following Summer Boating classes

9 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS July Reminders: All – Make reservations for the San Antonio Fall Governing Board Meeting CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals SEO – Order materials for fall classes. SEO – Send nomination for Charles F. Chapman Award for Excellence in Teaching so it reaches DEO prior to 15 July.. July Deadlines: SEO – Send Form HQ800 for Fall Boating classes to DEO S/Tr – Send Form 900 & 900T info to HQ on forms provided SEO – Charles F. Chapman Award Nominations to DEO

10 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS August Reminders: Cdr – Check with SEO that all materials for Fall classes are on hand. Cdr – Check on arrangements for teaching aids exhibit at Fall Conference. Cdr – Continue to promote fall Boating classes. Cdr – See that members are informed of Fall AdvGr, elective course and seminars offerings. Cdr – If not already started, begin work on merit mark recommendations. August Reminders (Cont’d): Cdr – If unable to attend San Antonio GB, give completed "Designation of “Alt. Voter“ form to other squadron member attending or D/C. Cdr – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. Cdr – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals SEO – Send suggestions for discussion at San Antonio GB Meeting to the DEO handling the DEO meeting

11 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS September Reminders: All – Plan to attend Fall Conference. All – Report Governing Board actions to all interested. Cdr – Check progress of Fall Boating classes. Cdr – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. Cdr – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals Sec – Verify squadron membership records against headquarters records. Notify HQ of any discrepancies. September Deadlines: All – Attend the San Antonio Governing Board SEO – Summer Boating ED-27's

12 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS October Reminders: All – Attend Fall Conference. Cdr – Encourage your bridge and other members to attend Fall Conference. Cdr – Merit mark recommendations must be to area monitor by 15 November. Cdr – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. Cdr – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals

13 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS November Reminders: All – Finish Merit Marks and electronically send to Area Monitor. All – Make reservations for USPS 2014 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting CDR – Check that PR materials for spring Boating classes are on order. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals SEO – Order materials for Spring Boating, Advanced Grades and elective courses. November Deadlines: CDR – Merit Marks to Area Monitors by 15 November All – Final Fiscal 2013 Expense Vouchers Due to HQ STr – Educational Fund Donations Due to Ed Fund Administrator

14 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS December Reminders: All - Plan to attend the 100 th Anniversary Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, Jacksonville, FL CDR – Give HQ-117 to each squadron delegate attending annual meeting. CDR – Be certain squadron dues for the period 1 June 2013 - 31 May 2014 have been determined before holidays. This information is due at HQ by 28 February 2013. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals SEO – Be certain ED-27's for fall classes have been submitted December Deadlines: SEO – Form HQ800 SEO – ED-27 forms

15 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS January Reminders: CDR – Monitor Spring Boating Classes and internal classes CDR – Have Editor save 25 – 50 copies of Squadron publication for Parade of Publications at the next annual meeting CDR – Make certain your NOMCOM has submitted form ED-80 to DEO for approval of SEO and Assist. SEO prior to elections. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals. CDR – Schedule Operations Training and Leadership Development Programs during the year.

16 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS February Deadlines: CDR – OD-2 forms listing new officers for national directory CDR – ED-1 listing local board appointments to DEO S/TR – Notify HQ of dues for the period 1 June 2014 - 31 May 2015 on form provided February Reminders: All – Plan attendance and participation at Spring Conference CDR – Begin preparations and PR for Summer Boating Classes CDR – Have Rules Com review AM/GB minutes for bylaws changes CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals. SAO – Conduct Leadership Development Program for new Bridge and others.

17 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS March Reminders: All – Attend Spring Conference. All – Encourage your bridge and other members to attend Spring Conference. CDR – Monitor and participate in member reinstatement efforts. CDR – Watch dues processing. Begin contacting non-renewals

18 USPS Squadron Officers Calendar – 2013 - 2014 USPS Leadership Development Committee Stf/Cdr R. P. Davis, AP AS&PS & NVSPS Important Web Sites: Leadership Development Committee: Submission of: Form HQ800.......... Form ED-27 / 26....... Renewals:............. HQAB dues notice Emailed on the first of every month and mailed on 15th of each month. HQAB Squadrons - Check web site monthly for non renewals that should be notified. National Meetings 2012 3 – 8 SeptemberGoverning BoardMarriott Renaissance CenterDetroit, MI 2013 14 January – 19 JanuaryAnnual MeetingHyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Jacksonville, FL 2 – 7 SeptemberGoverning BoardSan Antonio HyattSan Antonio, TX 2014 29 January – 1 February 100 th Anniversary Annual MeetingHyatt Regency Jacksonville RiverfrontJacksonville, FL 7 – 14 SeptemberGoverning BoardHyatt Regency Crystal CityArlington, VA 2015 19 January – 24 JanuaryAnnual MeetingHyatt Regency Jacksonville RiverfrontJacksonville, FL TBDGoverning BoardTBA

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