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Accounting & Purchasing Services’ Customer Advisory Group First Meeting – Welcome Annual Physical Inventory Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Accounting & Purchasing Services’ Customer Advisory Group First Meeting – Welcome Annual Physical Inventory Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accounting & Purchasing Services’ Customer Advisory Group First Meeting – Welcome Annual Physical Inventory Training

2 Chancellor Mark Yudof Vice Chancellor for Administration Tonya (Moten) Brown Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration Florence Mayne Assistant Director of APS Jenny Murphy Purchasing Associate Kyle Hayes Supervisor of Accounts Payable Becky Franklin Administrative Associate Orlando Castaneda Accounting Assistant Rita George Accounting Assistant Vicky Hernandez Accounting Assistant Mary Ann Howard Accounting Assistant (75%) Jennifer Ramos Accounting Assistant Becky Mendez Accounting Assistant Mike Valdez APS’ Organizational Chart

3 Introductions Customer Advisory Group Members APS Staff

4 Relationship between U. T. System Administration and U. T. Austin (simplified version) U. T. Austin sees U. T. System Administration as one large department APS provides services to U. T. Austin as a central assurance function versus U. T. Austin having to train and service 35 additional departments U. T. System Administration’s 35 departments APS reviews, prepares POs, prepares DEFINE journal entries, and provides final approval to pay in DEFINE U. T. Austin Accounting reviews and pays or returns paperwork for more information. Expenditures process example:

5 Communication Two Ways Examples of APS to Customer Advisory Group: OTIS must review and approve all computers, software, hardware, PDAs, and printers prior to a department purchasing these items. Do not use state funds to pay an organization for membership dues, or as reimbursement to an employee for payment of membership dues, until your staff confirms that the organization is not one that pays all or part of the salary of a person registered as a lobbyist. Itemized receipts are required for out of pocket business expense forms. Vicky Hernandez, Accounting Assistant, last day is Friday, February 6 th. Transfers of state funds to state funds in another agency need to be handled through a special process at U. T. Austin. Please notify APS if you have this type of transaction. Office Depot has a glitch in the ordering system. If status says “Virtual Warehouse”, delete it and use another vendor.

6 Communication Two Ways Examples of Customer Advisory Group to APS: Could we have a department contact in APS? Is there a way my department can prepare their own POs? There is an urgent payment/purchase that needs to be paid…how can we make it happen? Our department needs a Procard and the limit needs to be above the $2,000 automatic limit. How do we obtain one? A payment to a vendor was held at U. T. Austin…why? Do we need to go out for bids on this purchase? Our department needs to submit an RFP how do we do this? Why do we need to hold onto documentation for Procard transactions for eight years when APS has the information and it is available on FileNet? Delegation of signature authority on our departmental accounts need to be changed what do we need to provide APS?

7 Annual Physical Inventory Training AGENDA 2003 Successful Inventory – Thank you. Objectives of the 2004 Annual Physical Inventory Changes in the process from last year Summary of the Physical Inventory/Scanning Process that will occur at the department level What we need the department to do: Take the inventory report received in your meeting materials and locate inventory Set up a date and time with APS to conduct the scanning process Investigate and locate missing inventory Provide APS a signed Certification Form and information related to the Not Found report to APS by the designated due date. Reference Information in the meeting materials

8 Annual Inventory Objectives Locate all inventory that is U. T. System Administration’s responsibility. Update the location and department responsible for the inventory. Comply with State Law: The provisions of the 52 nd Legislature, Regular Session 1951, House Bill Number 753, Section 5 (3), require state organizations to take a complete physical inventory of all equipment in their possession once each year. The University will be penalized for excessive lost or stolen property as outlined in Article IX, Section 9.03 of Senate Bill 1 from 77th Legislative Session, 2002-2003 Biennium.

9 2004 Annual Inventory Process Please refer to your flowchart in your packet.

10 Questions? Please contact us anytime about any questions you may have!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION & HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.

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