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IRP Update IFTA 2006 Managers Workshop and Law Enforcement Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "IRP Update IFTA 2006 Managers Workshop and Law Enforcement Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRP Update IFTA 2006 Managers Workshop and Law Enforcement Seminar

2 IRP – Program Overview Model of Good Govt./Cooperation A Model of Efficiency for Jurisdictions and Industry Alike Economic Impact:  $2 Billion in Fees  Efficiency for Shipping & Commerce

3 IRP, Inc. Snapshot Official Repository of IRP Professional Staff Multiple Services for Members – Plan Admin., Meetings, Info., etc Clearinghouse – Netting function, EFT – great member program Partially-owned Subsidiary of AAMVA

4 IRP Major Projects - Rewrite Rewrite Guiding Principle: A registrant is a registrant: All vehicles should be registered under the same rules – unless there is a compelling reason or conflicting regulation for a particular industry segment that requires following different rules.

5 IRP Major Projects - Rewrite Rewrite Purpose:  The Plan needs to better reflect modern technology and business practices.  The language in the Plan needs to be clear.  The various Plan sections should be coordinated and consistent.  The Plan should allow for full implementation of NAFTA, including the eventual admission of Mexico as an IRP member.

6 Proposed Ballot 2006.02 – Plan Rewrite For Discussion at IRP Annual Meeting Out for vote in October 2006 If approved, effective July 1, 2008 IRP Major Projects - Rewrite

7 Rewrite Benefits:  Future participation of Mexico as a member jurisdiction.  Provide clarity and uniformity in determining IRP registration fees.  Specific guidance for fleet consolidation, addition of vehicles, and splitting fees. This will ensure jurisdictions realize appropriate revenue when fleets are changed or moved from one jurisdiction to another.  Clear alternatives for establishing a base jurisdiction.  Adding “reasonableness” and jurisdiction accountability. IRP Major Projects – Rewrite

8 IRP Major Projects – Dues Ballot Ballot approved to change dues rate to $6,000 flat rate plus escalating PU scale Will be implemented for FY 2009

9 IRP Strategic Initiatives Outreach Efforts:  Part of Strategic Plan to become a stakeholder in motor carrier issues  Federal agencies – created Board advisory seat for FMCSA  Law Enforcement – priority audience, recent presentation with IFTA at CVSA  Others include UCR, HVUT – working with AAMVA  Continue to work with and explore opportunities with IFTA!

10 IRP Strategic Initiatives Focus on Education and Training:  Help Ensure Compliance by increasing education for members and possibly industry  Utilize multiple tools, including existing ones such as meetings and new opportunities for distance- and web-based learning

11 IRP Strategic Initiatives Increased/Enhanced Communications:  Looking to create more targeted outreach  Identifying priority audiences, such as federal agencies and LE  New and more interactive web site – coming soon!

12 IRP and IFTA – Working Together Audit Workshop Joint Reviews – First Recently in MN Participate with IFTA on Border State Issues Information Exchange – Annual meeting presentations Great Ideas – “IFTA does it this way” or “IRP does it that way”

13 Important Dates: 2006 - 2007 November 3-7 ’06: IRP Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA January ‘07: IRP/IFTA Audit Workshop, Tempe, AZ April ‘07: IRP Managers/Supervisors Workshop, Quebec City, Quebec Fall ’07: IRP Annual Meeting, TBD in Region II

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