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OUSD (AT&L) Human Capital Initiatives Brief to Life-Cycle Logistics FIPT January 13, 2012 Keith Charles Director 2012 Vision: Creating a High Quality,

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Presentation on theme: "OUSD (AT&L) Human Capital Initiatives Brief to Life-Cycle Logistics FIPT January 13, 2012 Keith Charles Director 2012 Vision: Creating a High Quality,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUSD (AT&L) Human Capital Initiatives Brief to Life-Cycle Logistics FIPT January 13, 2012 Keith Charles Director 2012 Vision: Creating a High Quality, High-Performing, Agile Defense Acquisition Workforce to Achieve Technological and Warfare Dominance The Defense Acquisition Workforce Achieving Better Acquisition Outcomes with a Highly Qualified and Professional Acquisition Workforce 2010 2015202020252030 1

2 On behalf of Mr. Kendall Acting Under Secretary of Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)), Thank YOU for all you do to support each member of our profession and the Warfighter. Each of us should consider a stronger workforce to be his or her most important legacy. 2

3 “…(the) Fifth (objective) is strengthening our acquisition workforce. We have increased the number of people in the acquisition workforce over the last few years. While some growth may still be possible, we will increasingly turn our attention to improving the capability of the workforce that we have. Every supervisor should consider a stronger workforce to be his or her most important legacy.” The Honorable Frank Kendall Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Guidance Memo to DoD Acquisition Community, October 7, 2011 3

4 1. Strengthen our workforce: a. Implement Defense Acquisition Workforce ROADMAP… b. With focus on Strengthening Mid-Career Acquisition Workforce 2. Connect with the Acquisition Workforce: a. Inform and involve entire community in taking workforce to next level of capability and quality b. Make field visits High Priorities Mr. Keith Charles Director, HCI OUSD(AT&L) 4

5 Military Civilian Military 90% of workforce is civilian Project Source: OUSD (AT&L) HCI Data Source: AT&L Data Mart (as of 09-30-2011) January 9, 2012 ver2 Significant loss of experience on horizon… Overall Defense Acquisition Workforce Mid-Career “Bathtub” 5

6 Project Source: OUSD (AT&L) HCI Data Source: AT&L Data Mart (as of 09-30-2011) January 9, 2012 ver2 Life Cycle Logistics Career Field has same bathtub problem as the overall workforce 6 Mid-Career “Bathtub”

7 Mr. Charles’s “Roadmap” memo of October 12, 2011 to Workforce Senior Steering Board (SSB) Last Friday, Mr. Kendall and I met and he asked that we move forward with the Roadmap. As a priority, he asked that we develop a rigorous Level 4 program to take the workforce beyond Level 3 certification to the fully qualified master. He also asked that we implement a more extensive coaching and mentoring program. This program will leverage the experience of proven masters in our profession. He approved establishment of an Acquisition Wall of Excellence in the Pentagon – a highly visible way to recognize the great accomplishments of our workforce. In addition, it was clear that his overall emphasis was improving recognition of our work as a profession – a profession which values supporting the warfighter, providing best value for the tax payer, and the highest standards of ethical conduct. Mr. Kendall asked that I work closely with you as we pursue high impact and enduring results. I look forward to your leadership, ideas and participation. In my role as chair of the Workforce Management Group, we will work closely with your representatives to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the Roadmap. 7

8 Defense Acquisition Workforce Guidance “Roadmap” Strategically build the acquisition workforce to “higher level” (Growth and Quality) – Follow through on investment – Rebuild technical/systems engineering bench strength; return to Lead Integrator capability – Strengthen DOD’s capability to perform inherently governmental functions and provide appropriate oversight for acquisition – Stabilize and optimize workforce investment – Resource enhanced workforce – increased size, enhance development programs, and enhanced DAU mission – for the long term – Leverage FFRDCs, UARCS and contractor support to acquisition mission – Ensure scarce DAWDF resources are used for high priority targeted growth and quality initiatives to achieve and sustain the highly qualified workforce we need – $1.3B invested so far; 130 FY12 proposals = $775M Take workforce quality to “higher level” -- Post-Certification Workforce Development – Create Mid-Level Career Program – Invest in the Middle – move from certified to qualified – Post certification program that is tough – proven high performers, qualified, experienced -- gate to elite group ready for complex, major acquisitions Take the workforce to a “higher level” to achieve Better Buying Power – Instill culture and skills to increase buying power and improve acquisition outcome results Take workforce “profession” recognition to a higher level – Increase recognition and incentives to motivate and retain those with significant experience and major responsibilities – Significant monetary incentives for major acquisition leadership positions – Post-Certification Workforce Development enables “AP” (Acquisition Professional) after name (like JD, MD, PE, CPA, PMP) – “In the Pentagon” – Wall of Acquisition Excellence at end of Corridor Ten, Third Floor Take workforce planning to “Higher Level” - Improve requirements and data driven approach to workforce planning – Establish workforce staffing models/standards and effective succession planning for excellent staffing of MDAPS/MAIS programs, services acquisitions, and contingency support – Establish data driven accurate insight for workforce with major responsibilities -- key experiences, qualifications, tenure, waivers Take Mid-Career Workforce to “Higher Level” of Readiness – Re-target remaining growth and other DAWDF quality initiatives to strengthen size and ensure a highly-qualified mid-career workforce – Current strategy targets 60/40, entry/journeymen for growth hiring; shift to 30/70 – As part of a new Acquisition Leadership Development Program (ALDP) - Use senior career workforce as coaches and mentors to strengthen mid-career workforce – Open 5% - 10% of senior career positions as opportunities for “mid-career” workforce – Target recruiting to reach out to available “right-experienced” members from private sector and from other high performers in DoD – Target incentives to retain “right” senior career acquisition workforce members – Use Rehired Annuitants as both mentors and actual workforce members, full or part-time – Target “high potentials” in the newly hired workforce that can move into mid-career positions – Target non-acquisition DoD members -- high-performers, high potential, with right domain experience (comptroller, technical, logistics) -- to rotate into acquisition workforce as part of career plan and path to GS-14/15, SES AT&L HCILast Update: 9 January 2012 8

9 End 9

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