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Matthew-Gospel Themes The opening genealogy is designed to document Christ’s credentials as Israel’s king, and the rest of the book completes this theme.

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2 Matthew-Gospel Themes

3 The opening genealogy is designed to document Christ’s credentials as Israel’s king, and the rest of the book completes this theme. Matthew shows that Christ is the heir of the kingly line. He demonstrates that He is the fulfillment of dozens of OT prophecies regarding the king who would come. He offers evidence after evidence to establish Christ’s kingly prerogative. All other historical and theological themes in the book revolve around this one. -John MacArthur

4 Matthew-Gospel Themes Jesus Christ Kingdom of Heaven

5 Theme: Jesus Christ Teaching Ministry –Sermon on the Mount (Ch 5-7) –Instructions to the Disciples (Ch 10) –Parables of the Kingdom (Ch 13) –Condemnation of the Religious Leaders (Ch 23) –Olivet Discourse (Ch 24-25)

6 Theme: Jesus Christ Messiah –Messiah-like prophets in Jesus’ day –True King of Israel (Mt 21:5-9; Mt 27:29) –Messiah (Mt 16:16-20) –King dynasty descended from David –King defined

7 Theme: Jesus Christ King –Disciples would have a role in his Messianic Kingdom –Called himself Israel’s King –Disciples claimed he was the Messiah –Executed as King – “King of the Jews” –Triumphant Entry for a King

8 Theme: Jesus Christ Son of God –Equivalent to “Christ” (Mt 16:16) –God-given Authority –Unique Relationship with the Father (Mk 14:36) –Jesus refers to himself as the Son of God. OT References - 2 Sam 7:14; Ps 2:7

9 Theme: Jesus Christ Son of Man –Christological term Daniel 7:13-14 Jesus alludes to Daniel 7 in Mt 24:30 (to Disciples) Jesus alludes to Daniel 7 in Mt 26:64 (to Opponents) Term used by Jesus to refer to Self

10 Theme: Kingdom of Heaven Kingdom Meaning One scholar wrote, “If indeed Jesus is Messiah,” a Jew would ask, “what happened to the promised kingdom?” OT –God would reign unchallenged (Isa 24:23) How Jesus viewed the Kingdom and Rule (Daniel 7; 2:30, 44)

11 Theme: Kingdom of Heaven Matthew supports God’s original promise First verse reveals Christ’s Summary Kingdom Timeline

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