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The Legacy of C-MORE is… C-MORE. BUILDING THE C-MORE LEGACY Scholarship, Leadership and Fellowship Science, Education and Outreach Missions Facilities.

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Presentation on theme: "The Legacy of C-MORE is… C-MORE. BUILDING THE C-MORE LEGACY Scholarship, Leadership and Fellowship Science, Education and Outreach Missions Facilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Legacy of C-MORE is… C-MORE

2 BUILDING THE C-MORE LEGACY Scholarship, Leadership and Fellowship Science, Education and Outreach Missions Facilities Funding Branding

3 C-MORE HALE “The future is today” Groundbreaking Dedication 15 April 200925 October 2010 $22.5 M laboratory on UHM campus

4 C-MORE Hale Est. 2010 LEED platinum

5 “Scientific laboratories are the temples of humanity” Louis Pasteur

6 POST-NSF/STC FUNDING Project-specific grants: NSF and other federal agencies, especially with SEES-focus Friends of C-MORE: UHF Town & Gown Foundation support: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Agouron Institute, David and Lucille Packard Foundation, EFI and possibly others Corporate partnerships: Kyo-Ya, Lockheed Martin, OTEC-International, Honolulu SWAC, others University of Hawaii: staff and facilities support State of Hawaii: Basic Research (BR) Initiative


8 UH FOUNDATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGN C-MORE science and education exhibits 250 “human” participants and several lions C-MORE Endowment?

9 HAWAII EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Formed 1963 as forum for exchange of knowledge/ideas Senior executives who influence policy and provide leadership in Hawaii/Pacific region Strives to trigger not just thought – but also action Action via legislation, transaction, and new ventures 2012 Conference: just completed

10 2012 HAWAII EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE Mauna Kea Beach Hotel 17-18 April Selected Participants: Philanthropists Steve Case, Henk Rogers, Jim Lally CEOs Peter Ho, Bert Kobayashi, James Wei Educators M.R.C. Greenwood, Kim Gennaula, Dave Karl Chef Peter Merriman!

11 Chef Merriman


13 Feature Panel Discussion BASIC RESEARCH AS AN INDUSTRY IN HAWAII: BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE (left to right): James Lally, Steve Case, M.R.C. Greenwood, Dave Karl, James Wei

14 2012 ACTION ITEM OF RELEVANCE TO C-MORE LEGACY Build a $1B basic research industry in 5 years Identify areas where we have “unfair” strategic advantage (e.g., microbial oceanography) Identify top research scientists and recruit them Build new support facilities A joint press release will be made by Governor and UH President before 2012 election

15 C-MORE BRANDING Campus banners Promotional/educational video Infomercial – King’s In View

16 SOEST Dean Taylor plans to fund several videos This is SOEST – complete ( This is C-MORE – in production by 1001 Stories

17 Theme/Message/Method Molecules-genes- ecosystems Discovery-dissemination Lab-field-and back Teaching-training-career building Education-outreach Scholarship-fellowship C-MORE: THE VIDEO!

18 C-MORE FUTURES C-MORE “brand” is well established at UH and elsewhere – possible endowment ($20M) tied to new UH capital campaign Ties (hopefully) to recently announced GBMF Initiative in Marine Microbiology (part II) Need to identify and sustain “legacy” programs and other intellectual achievements Well positioned for State-UH BR initiative The future is today!

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