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Austria April 20, 1889  Did not finish secondary school  Went to Vienna to be an artist  “Not untalented”

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2 Austria April 20, 1889

3  Did not finish secondary school  Went to Vienna to be an artist  “Not untalented”

4  Left Austria to serve in German army  Served as a “runner”  Sent messages between trenches  Stabbed in the Back Legacy

5  Munich  National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NAZI)  Beer Hall Coupe-1923

6  Mein Kampf-My Struggle  Social Darwinian Theory of Struggle and Supremacy  Lebensraum (living space)  Authoritarian Leadership

7  Nationalism  Strong Leader  Anti-Communist, Anti-Semitic  Contempt for Democracy  Glorification of War  Economic Self-Sufficiency  Return Women to Household




11  Do you think Hitler was a good artist? Or was he, “not untalented?”  Do you think history would be different if Hitler had gotten into art school? How so?

12  Must gain power legally  Built up Party to 800,000 members by 1929  Largest in Reichstag

13  1930: President Hindenburg ruled by decree  1933: Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor  March 23, 1933: Enabling Act  No Constitution for 4 years

14  Office of President abolished  Personal oath of loyalty to Hitler  Create an Aryan Race

15  The SS  Hitler’s personal bodyguards  Secret police forces  Directed by Heinrich Himmler  Eventually in charge of concentration camps

16  Public Works Projects  Massive rearmament  Unemployment: 6 million down to 2.6 million  Nazis took full credit for economic improvements

17  Stay at home and produce children  Meant to be wives and mothers  Medals for having children

18  September 1935  Anti-Sematic Laws  No citizenship  Curfews  No intermarriage  Yellow Star of David  Classification of Jews

19  November 9, 1938  Burned synagogues and Jewish businesses  100 killed  30,000 sent to concentration camps

20 rld-war-ii/videos#hitlers-military- blunders

21  Why do you think people were so willing to follow a racist leader? Think about the:  Economy  Political Climate  Do you think people today would still be willing to follow Hitler?  Answer in 3-4 Sentences.

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