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MyLCI General Session 2014 USA/Canada Leadership Forum Joe Schrepfer, Manager – Membership & Web Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "MyLCI General Session 2014 USA/Canada Leadership Forum Joe Schrepfer, Manager – Membership & Web Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyLCI General Session 2014 USA/Canada Leadership Forum Joe Schrepfer, Manager – Membership & Web Applications

2 MyLCI Don’t’ be afraid

3 3 MyLCI – Don’t be afraid

4 4 I challenge you to: View technology like a child, without fear Just give it a try Challenge your fellow Lions to do the same The alternative to computers is paper  More work for you, more work for HQ  Requires postage  Requires time

5 MyLCI The right tool

6 6 MyLCI – The right tool MyLCI is a valuable web-based tool for you that simplifies club and district administrative responsibilities The design of MyLCI is based on suggestions from club officers, district officers, and international officers from around the world As soon as you log in to MyLCI you are presented with a custom home page that includes a snapshot of information tailored to your needs

7 7 MyLCI – The right tool Some of the things MyLCI can be used for include Entering membership and service activity information Viewing and paying club statements Printing membership cards Designating officers and chairpersons Entering club's website address and meeting location If you ever need help, it is right at your fingertips. Just click Support Center  and get resources and instructions related to the topic you are working on MyLCI is available to Lions and Leo officers everywhere MyLCI is Powerful, Accurate, Secure and Simple

8 8 MyLCI – Powerful, Accurate, Secure and Simple Powerful It is designed with Lions in mind to be the only tool needed for Lions to manage membership, clubs, district and multiple district: Membership Officers Activities Finances New features are planned Event planning and task assignment Communication center Lions helping Lions and Idea Exchange for all things lions The mobile version It can be used by everyone from Leo and Lions Club Officers to International Officers and Directors

9 9 MyLCI – Powerful, Accurate, Secure and Simple Accurate It is a real time system Data entered is instantly available to all relevant parties It incorporates the latest board policy decisions Extensive data validation rules are built into the system Data entered at the source to ensure accuracy Instant feedback while data is entered Extended feedback from LCI and Lions leadership Allows data administration at member, club and district level based on the user’s role

10 10 MyLCI – Powerful, Accurate, Secure and Simple Secure Self-service registration system Identity validation You control your user name and password Requires unique e-mail address Role based security model provides access only to the information that is relevant to you Enhanced privacy policy to prevent from unwanted sharing of information IT and auditors regularly review and update the security policy Data backup/disaster recovery processes are in place to prevent data loss

11 11 MyLCI – Powerful, Accurate, Secure and Simple Simple Designed from ground up with Lions and Leos in mind Dashboard to display relevant information in an easy to follow manner Tasks that require attention are displayed until they are completed Functions are logically grouped together for easy navigation Context sensitive help when you need it on every page Extensive focused group research and field proven After transitioning from WMMR to MyLCI, we saw a 50% increase in usage and a 30% reduction in support calls

12 12 MyLCI - Strategic Direction Objectives:  Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of managing clubs and districts  Become the key tool for club administration and knowledge sharing Development Direction  Move administrative tasks online where appropriate ○New club charter and life member ○Expense reporting for officers  Build features to reduce management efforts for district and club officers  Make MyLCI the idea center for clubs  Turn MyLCI into an efficient data collection tool and depository

13 13 MyLCI – Who can use it Club Officers Club President Club Secretary Club Treasurer Club Membership Chairperson Leo Club Advisor Leo Club President Leo Club Vice President Leo Club Secretary Leo Club Treasurer Zone, Region Officers Zone Chairpersons Region Chairpersons District Officers and GMT/GLT Coordinators District Governor Immediate Past District Governor First Vice District Governor Second Vice District Governor District Governor Elect District Governor Appointee Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer Cabinet Secretary Cabinet Treasurer Coordinating Lion District ALERT Chairperson District Centennial Coordinator District Convention Chairperson District Cultural and Community Activities Chairperson District Diabetes Awareness and Action Chairperson District Environmental Chairperson District GLT Coordinator District GMT Club Success Team Member District GMT Coordinator District GMT Family & Women’s Specialist District GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team Member District Hearing Preservation, Awareness and Action Chairperson District Honorary Committee Chairperson District Information Technology Chairperson District International Relations Chairperson District Lions Quest Chairperson District Lions Services for Children Chairperson District Peace Poster Contest Chairperson District Public Relations & Lions Information Chairperson District Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action Chairperson District Youth (Lions Opportunities for Youth) Chairperson District Youth Camp and Exchange Chairperson LCIF District Coordinator

14 14 MyLCI – Who can use it Multiple District Officers and GMT/GLT Coordinators Council Secretary/Treasurer Council Chairperson Council Secretary Council Treasurer Multiple District ALERT Chairperson Multiple District Centennial Coordinator Multiple District Convention Chairperson Multiple District Diabetes Awareness and Action Chairperson Multiple District GLT Coordinator Multiple District GMT Club Success Team Member Multiple District GMT Coordinator Multiple District GMT Family & Women’s Specialist Multiple District GMT Membership and New Club Growth Team Member Multiple District Hearing Preservation, Awareness and Action Chairperson Multiple District Information Technology Chairperson Multiple District International Relations Chairperson LCIF Multiple District Coordinator Multiple District Lions Quest Chairperson Multiple District Lions Services for Children Chairperson Multiple District Protocol Chairperson Multiple District Public Relations & Lions Information Chairperson Multiple District Sight Preservation, Awareness and Action Chairperson Multiple District Youth (Lions Opportunities for Youth) Chairperson Multiple District Youth Camp and Exchange Chairperson GMT/GLT Area Leaders GLT Area Leader GMT Area Leader GLT Vice Area Leader

15 15 MyLCI – Who can use it GMT/GLT Constitutional Area Leaders GLT Constitutional Area Leader GMT Constitutional Area Leader GLT Vice Constitutional Area Leader GMT Vice Constitutional Area Leader CEEI Chairperson CEEI Vice Chairperson CEEI Treasurer International Officers and Board International President Immediate Past President International First Vice President International Second Vice President Past International President International Director, 2nd year International Director, 1st year Board Appointee Past International Director

16 16 MyLCI – What can they do Club Officers Add, update members Add, update, share service activities Manage club officers View and pay LCI monthly statements online Print membership cards Print reports and download member information Zone, Region Officers View information for their clubs View new clubs and clubs at risk of being cancelled Print reports and download member information District Officers and GMT/GLT Coordinators View information for clubs in the district (member, officer, club, service activities) Create regions and zones (DG, DGE) Manage cabinet (DG, DGE) Manage district convention information (DG, DGE) Print reports and download member information (DG, DGE) Assign 5 guests to view club information (DG) View the Directory Access the Training Site at all levels

17 17 MyLCI – What can they do Multiple District Officers and GMT/GLT Coordinators View information for clubs in the multiple district Manage multiple district convention information Print reports and download member data Assign 5 guests to view club information (Council Chair) View Directory Access the Training Site GMT/GLT Area Leaders View information for multiple districts, districts, and clubs Print reports and download officer data Access the Training Site View Directory

18 18 MyLCI – What can they do GMT/GLT Constitutional Area Leaders View information for GMT/GLT area, multiple districts, districts, and clubs Print reports and download officer data Access the Training Site View Directory International Officers and Board View information for constitutional area, GMT/GLT constitutional area, GMT/GLT area, multiple districts, districts, and clubs Print reports and download officer data Access the Training Site View Directory

19 MyLCI it Did you know … ?

20 20 Did you know the MyLCI home page is just for you? MyLCI custom home page provides: My Tasks – View role-based pending tasks for the month. My Club – View club’s personalized information. My Info – View and update your contact information. My Members – View status summary of membership reporting. My Service Activities – View club’s recent service activities and annual summary. My Officers – View officers that may be able to help you.

21 21 Did you know MyLCI can be used to enter members? MyLCI members page provides: Add Member – Add new, returning, or transfer members to your club. Report no Changes for Month – When there are no changes. Find Members – Find dropped, new, transferred, or specific members. Edit Member – Change a members information. Drop Member – Drop a member from your club. Create Family Unit – Create or manage a family unit.

22 22 Did you know MyLCI can be used to print membership cards? MyLCI membership cards page provides: Select Paper Size – Choose between Letter and A4 paper and 8 or 10 cards per page. Color Option – Print in color or black & white. Good standing until – Enter an expiration month for the cards. Available Members – Click on any members to print. Selected Members – Click on any members to remove from printing.

23 23 Did you know MyLCI can be used to enter service activities? MyLCI service activities page provides: Add Activity – Enter a new service activity. View/Print – Print the service activities or create a PDF to e-mail. Find Activities – Find service activities for a specific month, theme, campaign, category, or from other parts of the world. Edit Activity – Edit an activity. Delete Activity – Delete an activity.

24 24 Did you know MyLCI can be used to view service activities from around the world?

25 25 Did you know MyLCI can be used to assign next year’s officers? MyLCI officers page provides: Select Term – Select the term to manage officers, current or next. Select past years to view previous officers. Officer Type – Select between officers and chairpersons. Add Local Title – Enter your own title and assign an officer. Add Officer – Click to select an officer for the selected term. End Officer Term – Click to remove an officer.

26 26 Did you know MyLCI can be used to view statements? MyLCI statements page provides: Current Balance – Summary of your current balance. Pay Now – Treasurers can click Pay Now to pay their balance by credit card. Paper Statements – Click Opt Out of Paper Statements to go green and stop receiving statements in the mail. Statements and Invoices – View or print up to three years worth of statements and semi- annual dues invoices.

27 27 Did you know MyLCI can be used to make payments?

28 28 Did you know MyLCI can be used to manage your Leo club?

29 MyLCI it The answer to your DG’s question is “I did it, just login and see for yourself”

30 30 Did you know MyLCI can be used by your DG to view your reports?

31 MyLCI it What do we do with all the information collected through MyLCI?

32 32 We show it

33 33 We analyze it

34 34 We share it

35 35 Collect & Share Lions Stories Behind Service

36 MyLCI Support Center

37 37 Questions??? How to??? Who to ask??? Where is it? or 630-468-6900 (8am – 4:30pm Chicago) MyLCI Support Center

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