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Physics Education Research-Based Reform at a Multicultural Institution Richard Steinberg City College of New York This work is supported by NSF and FIPSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Education Research-Based Reform at a Multicultural Institution Richard Steinberg City College of New York This work is supported by NSF and FIPSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Education Research-Based Reform at a Multicultural Institution Richard Steinberg City College of New York This work is supported by NSF and FIPSE

2 2 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

3 3 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

4 4 Results from cognitive science Principle 1: Knowledge is built from the processing of information received. »yet our instructional model focuses on students receiving information rather than constructing it Edward F. Redish, Am. J. Phys. 62, 796-803 (1994).

5 5 Results from cognitive science Principle 2: Everything learned is learned via interpretation within a context. »yet we assume students are able to understand and apply complex ideas in a multitude of situations

6 6 Results from cognitive science Principle 3: It is very difficult to change an established mental model substantially. »yet we expect students to abandon the beliefs they bring in favor of the beliefs we present

7 7 Results of traditional instruction Many students leave physics with an unsatisfactory change in their: »understanding of fundamental concepts and scientific reasoning ability »understanding of mathematics in physics problems »epistemological attitudes Students’ problem solving techniques are typically context dependent and not grounded in an understanding of the subject matter.

8 8 Introductory calculus-based physics - City College of New York (N=73) Midterm Exam Question 72 m a.With what speed was the stone thrown? b.At what time was the stone moving down with speed 12 m/s? c.What is the position of the stone when it was moving down with speed 12 m/s?

9 9 Introductory calculus-based physics - City College of New York (N=73) The initial speed of the stone: »33% gave correct answer Time at which stone was moving down 12 m/s: »32% gave correct answer Position of stone when it was moving down 12 m/s: »25% gave correct answer 72 m

10 10 Introductory calculus-based physics - City College of New York (N=73) Midterm Exam Question 72 m direction of velocitydirection of acceleration on the way up at the highest point on the way down 33% answered correctly

11 11 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

12 12 Methods of physics education research Classroom Observations Student Interviews »demonstration interview »problem solving interview Examination questions Free-response and multiple-choice diagnostics

13 13 Research-based curricula Group Problem Solving Heller - University of Minnesota Modeling Workshop Project Hestenes - Arizona State University A New Model Course in QP Redish – University of Maryland Steinberg – CCNY Wittmann – University of Maine Peer Instruction Mazur - Harvard University Powerful Ideas in Physical Science AAPT Tutorials in Introductory Physics / Physics by Inquiry McDermott and Physics Education Group - University of Washington Tools for Scientific Thinking Sokoloff - University of Oregon Thornton - Tufts University Understanding Basic Mechanics Reif - Carnegie Mellon University Workshop Physics Laws - Dickinson College

14 14 Research-based curricula Group Problem Solving Heller - University of Minnesota Modeling Workshop Project Hestenes - Arizona State University A New Model Course in QP Redish – University of Maryland Steinberg – CCNY Wittmann – University of Maine Peer Instruction Mazur - Harvard University Powerful Ideas in Physical Science AAPT Tutorials in Introductory Physics / Physics by Inquiry McDermott and Physics Education Group - University of Washington Tools for Scientific Thinking Sokoloff - University of Oregon Thornton - Tufts University Understanding Basic Mechanics Reif - Carnegie Mellon University Workshop Physics Laws - Dickinson College

15 15 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

16 16 CCNY Students Over half of the students were born outside of the United States. Over half of the students have learned English as a second language. Students come from about 90 different countries. No one group represents a majority of the student body.

17 17 Tutorials at CCNY* traditional recitation:tutorial: or *Lillian McDermott and the Physics Education Group at the University of Washington.

18 18 Tutorials at CCNY

19 19 Tutorials at CCNY

20 20 Force Concept Inventory 29-item conceptual multiple-choice diagnostic in mechanics Distractors are based on the results of extensive research in physics education at what instants do the objects have the same speed compare the forces of the car and truck on each other D. Hestenes, M. Wells, and G. Swackhammer, “Force concept inventory,” Phys. Teach. 30, 141-158 (1992).

21 21 Force Concept Inventory Fraction of the possible gain Traditional h = 0.23 Tutorial h = 0.43 R.R. Hake, “Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses,” Am. J. Phys. 66, 64-74 (1998).

22 22 Force Concept Inventory Fraction of the possible gain Traditional h = 0.26 (native English) Traditional h = 0.21 (ESL) Tutorial h = 0.46 (native English) Tutorial h = 0.42 (ESL)

23 23 Tutorials at CCNY

24 24 Tutorials at CCNY

25 25 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

26 26 Case study of two outstanding students working together to try to resolve the twin paradox problem – post instruction on special relativity Two students’ approaches to the twin paradox problem Igor: - Received A’s in inquiry-based intro and modern physics courses Tulio: - Received A’s in traditional intro and modern physics courses

27 27 The Problem 1) When B is above Earth, clocks both read the same time. B travels directly to X which A measures to be 6 light years away. 2) When B reaches X, she quickly comes to a stop and returns to Earth at the same speed. 3) When B reaches Earth, she gets off the rocket and is reunited with her brother. Their physics teacher hands a poster of Einstein to the younger twin. Who gets the poster? 6 light years 0.6c Bonnie Aaron X

28 28 The Solution 6 light years Bonnie Aaron X According to Aaron Time to XTime to EarthTotal In Aaron’s frame10.0 y 20.0 y In Bonnie’s frame8.0 y 16.0 y According to Bonnie Time to XTime to EarthTotal In Aaron’s frame6.4 y 12.8 y In Bonnie’s frame8.0 y 16.0 y

29 29 Overview of interview Both students showed strong understanding of elementary special relativity, conceptually and formulaically. Neither student was able to grasp all aspects of the problem or resolve the paradox without help. Tulio was more prone to use the equations. Igor was more likely to think of the physical implications of the results of the equations.

30 30 Sample responses Igor: “…It can’t have 2 values at the same time. Its one physical thing. If it says 8 it cannot say 6.4 in another reference frame, its something physical.” Tulio: “You’re going to have to live with that.”

31 31 Sample responses Igor: “Do they have to be the same?” Tulio: “I’m saying no.” Igor: “Why not?” Tulio: “Because of relativity.”

32 32 Interview summary Tulio would try to fit the physical world to the numbers he got from the equations, whereas Igor would always try to make sure the results of the equations gave answers that made physical sense.

33 33 Outline Motivation Physics Education Research PER-based Reform at CCNY: Introductory Mechanics PER-based Reform at CCNY: Special Relativity Conclusion

34 34 Conclusion A student-centered, research-based model of physics instruction appears to be a good match for university physics students. Curriculum Development Instruction Research Model o f Learning

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