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2012 Hired Highway Safety Services to assist in the management of SMSA Opened the SMSA Business Office Created a new Web Page Distributed the SMSA Newsletter.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Hired Highway Safety Services to assist in the management of SMSA Opened the SMSA Business Office Created a new Web Page Distributed the SMSA Newsletter."— Presentation transcript:


2 2012 Hired Highway Safety Services to assist in the management of SMSA Opened the SMSA Business Office Created a new Web Page Distributed the SMSA Newsletter Created working committees (bylaws, dues, election)

3 2012 Continued Revised the bylaws Conducted member surveys for organizations and research Planned the 2012 conference Completed a 2012 election

4 2012 Continued Served on Technical Working Groups Participated in the NHTSA Motorcycle Safety Networking Meetings Participated in the GAO survey on 2010 Grant funding and projects Interviewed on successful motorcycle safety projects Asked to present at the GHSA 2012 Annual Meeting

5 The Present SMSA SMSA has been in existence for 28 years Membership is primarily state agencies responsible for rider training programs The Executive Committee are elected “volunteers” SMSA focus has been on Rider training/education Public Awareness SMSA is know primarily for its annual conference

6 The SMSA Purpose SMSA is to provide leadership for state administered motorcycle safety programs by Influencing national policy and standards Providing guidance on adoption and administration of policies and standards Fostering communication, collaboration and partnerships Encouraging data collection, sharing and research Promoting effective management practices Identifying best practices

7 Important Questions for the SMSA How should we define “state administered motorcycle safety programs” What can SMSA currently “bring to the table” and what could or should it bring? What do organizations and states think the SMSA should be doing? How committed is the SMSA membership Is the annual day and half conference the only contribution SMSA can make to motorcycle safety?

8 The Future of the SMSA SMSA needs to: Define its mission Create a plan of action Adopt a comprehensive approach to motorcycle safety Gain respect and creditability Expand its membership Support and be supported by its members Identify additional funding sources

9 The SMSA Vision Partner and collaborate with organizations involved in motorcycle safety Take positions Be a resource for best practices and countermeasures that work Influence national policy Provide valued services and products Change its management and business model

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