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Senior Design I Project Spring 2007. Overview Objectives Constraints Possible Components.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Design I Project Spring 2007. Overview Objectives Constraints Possible Components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Design I Project Spring 2007

2 Overview Objectives Constraints Possible Components

3 Project 2 Objectives To Design and build an audio processor Should be PC controlled Should perform  Level Compression  ALC (automatic Level Control)  At least three band equalization Easy To Use Economic Simple Circuitry

4 Compression

5 PC Interface

6 Interesting Links m m mpression%20101.pdf mpression%20101.pdf E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en010007 E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en010007 E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en023602 E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en023602 762 762

7 Project 2 Objectives To Design and build a Micromouse  Should be able to find its way through a maze  Maze details to be disclosed soon Easy To Use Economic Simple Circuitry

8 Micromice

9 Interesting links MMRULES.html MMRULES.html http://www.robots- http://www.robots- http://www.robot- =1&lid=2 http://www.robot- =1&lid=2

10 Our Maze Square size 6.5 Matrix Size 13x6 or 13x10

11 Projects Distribution The number of teams working in the different projects must not differ for more than one

12 Constraints The projects will be based on the Microchip dsPIC30F4011 or dsPIC30F4013 microcontrollers Project Should be completed by the presentation date indicated in the syllabus Teams should be composed of three or four members. If there is a single person without team I will assign that person to a team of my choice.

13 Extra Credits There will be extra credits for:  First fully functional project  Best Accomplished project Extra credit can range from 1 to 5 absolute points

14 Components: GP2D120 Sharp GP2D120 Analog Distance Sensor 4-sharp-gp2d120-ir-sensor.aspx Features  Less influence on the color of reflective objects, reflectivity  Line-up of distance output/distance judgment type Distance output type (analog voltage) GP2D120 Detecting distance 4 to 30cm  Recommended, buy the interconnect cable  GP2D120.pdf GP2D120.pdf  $8.99

15 Components: GP2D120

16 14,000 lx

17 Position Determination Stock#: 605-0005 Melexis 90217 Hall-Effect Sensor Price: $4.95 3/8 diameter, 1/8 thick NdFeB plate magnet Price: $0.79

18 Position Determination 1. Thru Distance Sensors 2. Hamamatsu P5587 Wheel Encoder Modules + 30 Spoke Wheel 1.5” Encoder Disks or similar 3. http://www.roboticsconn sensors.aspx http://www.roboticsconn sensors.aspx 4. Combnation: $31.95

19 Position Determination ACE 128 Absolute Encoder p/Passives/Encoders/BO URNS/EAW0D-B24- AE0128/displayProduct.js p?sku=04B9184 p/Passives/Encoders/BO URNS/EAW0D-B24- AE0128/displayProduct.js p?sku=04B9184 $10.75

20 Position Determination Incremental Encoder ECL1J-B24-BC0024 — BOURNS p/Passives/Encoders/BO URNS/ECL1J-B24- BC0024/displayProduct.js p?sku=04B9197 p/Passives/Encoders/BO URNS/ECL1J-B24- BC0024/displayProduct.js p?sku=04B9197 $4.26

21 Type of Motors “DC motors are widely used, inexpensive, small and powerful for their size. Reduction gearboxes are often required to reduce the speed and increase the torque output of the motor. Unfortunately more sophisticated control algorithms are required to achieve accurate control over the axial rotation of these motors. Although recent developments in stepper motor technologies have come a long way, the benefits offered by smooth control and high levels of acceleration with DC motors far outweigh any disadvantages.”

22 Stepper Motors Variable Reluctance Unipolar Winding 1 1001001001001001001001001 Winding 2 0100100100100100100100100 Winding 3 0010010010010010010010010 Winding 1a 1000100010001000100010001 Winding 1b 0010001000100010001000100 Winding 2a 0100010001000100010001000 Winding 2b 0001000100010001000100010

23 Stepper Motors Bipolar Bifilar Terminal 1a +---+---+---+--- ++--++--++--++-- Terminal 1b --+---+---+---+- --++--++--++--++ Terminal 2a -+---+---+---+-- -++--++--++--++- Terminal 2b ---+---+---+---+ +--++--++--++--+

24 Stepper Torque Stepper motors have the greatest torque at slower speeds and less torque as the motor speeds up. If the motors are started at full speed they will not move the mouse at all, the motors will simply "twitch" and the rotor will not rotate to the next position. In order to move the mouse, the motors must be accelerated to top speed. Likewise, in order to stop the mouse, the motors must be slowed down. A graph of the stepper's speed would look like this: troduction/steppers.html

25 Where to buy? ew?langId=- 1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&searchType=k&searchValue=stepper& categoryId=351580&rscount=76 ew?langId=- 1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10001&searchType=k&searchValue=stepper& categoryId=351580&rscount=76

26 Digital Potentiometer nodeId=1335&dDocName=en025082 They don’t have a DIP package for the up/down versions. I would suggest using the SOIC package and soldering some cables to the IC

27 Components: 28015 Parallax's new PING)))™ ultrasonic sensor provides a very low-cost and easy method of distance measurement. This sensor is perfect for any number of applications that require you to perform measurements between moving or stationary objects. The PING)))™ sensor measures distance using sonar; an ultrasonic (well above human hearing) pulse is transmitted from the unit and distance-to-target is determined by measuring the time required for the echo return. 28015.pdf

28 Components: 28015 Features  Supply Voltage: 5 VDC  Supply Current: 30 mA typ; 35 mA max  Range: 3cm to3 m( 1.2in to 3.3yrds)  Input Trigger: positive TTL pulse, 2 uS mm, 5 uS typ.  Echo Pulse: positive TTL pulse, 115 uS to 18.5 mS  Echo Hold-off: 750 uS from fall of Trigger pulse  Burst Frequency: 40 kHz for 200 uS  Burst Indicator LED shows sensor activity  Delay before next measurement: 200 uS  Size: 22 mm H x 46 mm W x 16 mm D (0.84 in x 1.8 in x 0.6 in $24.95

29 Components: 28015



32 Components: Memsic 2125 Dual-axis Accelerometer The Memsic 2125 is a low cost, dual-axis thermal accelerometer capable of measuring dynamic acceleration (vibration) and static acceleration (gravity) with a range of ±2 g Key Features of the Memsic 2125:  Measure 0 to ±2 g on either axis; less than 1 mg resolution  Fully temperature compensated over 0° to 70° C range  Simple, pulse output of g-force for X and Y axis  Analog output of temperature (TOut pin)  Low current operation: less than 4 mA at 5 vdc Memsic 2125.pdf $ 29

33 Components: Memsic 2125 Dual- axis Accelerometer How It Works Internally, the Memsic 2125 contains a small heater. This heater warms a "bubble" of air within the device. When gravitational forces act on this bubble it moves. This movement is detected by very sensitive thermopiles (temperature sensors) and the onboard electronics convert the bubble position [relative to g-forces] into pulse outputs for the X and Y axis. The pulse outputs from the Memsic 2125 are set to a 50% duty cycle at 0 g. The duty cycle changes in proportion to acceleration and can be directly measured by the BASIC Stamp. Figure 2 shows the duty cycle output from the Memsic 2125 and the formula for calculating g force.

34 Components: IR Transmitter Assembly Kit FEATURES  D= 940 nm  Chip material = GaAs  Package type: T-1 (3mm)  Matched Photosensor: QSC112  Narrow Emission Angle, 24°  High Output Power  Package material and color: Clear, peach tinted plastic QEC112.pdf $2.40

35 Components: IR Transmitter Assembly Kit

36 Components: PNA4601M Infrared Receiver Features  Extension distance is 8 m or more  External parts not required  Adoption of visible light cutoff resin For infrared remote control systems $3.95 oduct_id=350-00014 oduct_id=350-00014 PNA4601M.pdf PNA4601Mapp.pdf

37 Components: PNA4601M Infrared Receiver



40 Componebts: Infrared Transistor #: 350-00018 A phototransistor is a light-sensitive device similar to other transistors which act as current amplifiers, except that it converts visible light, or photons, to current which is then amplified. etail.asp?product_id=350 -00018 etail.asp?product_id=350 -00018 $1.29


42 Components: TC4421/TC4422 Features High Peak Output Current: 9A Wide Input Supply Voltage Operating Range: 4.5V to 18V High Continuous Output Current: 2A Max Fast Rise and Fall Times:  30 ns with 4,700 pF Load  180 ns with 47,000 pF Load Short Propagation Delays: 30 ns (typ) Low Supply Current:  With Logic ‘1’ Input: 200 µA (typ)  With Logic ‘0’ Input: 55 µA (typ) Low Output Impedance: 1.4 (typ) Latch-Up Protected: Will Withstand 1.5A Output Reverse Current Input Will Withstand Negative Inputs Up To 5V Pin-Compatible with the TC4420/TC4429 6A MOSFET Driver Space-saving 8-Pin 6x5 DFN Package =en010665

43 Components: TC4421/TC4422


45 Components:Parallax (Futaba) Continuous Rotation Servo: 900-00008 Technical Specifications  Power 6vdc max  Average Speed 60 rpm, Note: with 5vdc and no torque  Weight 45.0 grams/1.59oz  Torque 3.40 kg-cm/47oz-in  Size mm (L x W x H), 40.5x20.0x38.0  Size in (L x W x H), 1.60x.79x1.50  Manual adjustment port   continuous rotation $6.95 crservo.pdf

46 Components:Parallax (Futaba) Continuous Rotation Servo: 900-00008

47 Overview Objectives Constraints Possible Components

48 & & Q uestions A nswers

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