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Job Seeking Skills HSII-Unit 1.01. Job Seeking  Explore job sources  Identify places of employment  Complete (Professional Portfolio)  cover letter.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Seeking Skills HSII-Unit 1.01. Job Seeking  Explore job sources  Identify places of employment  Complete (Professional Portfolio)  cover letter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Seeking Skills HSII-Unit 1.01

2 Job Seeking  Explore job sources  Identify places of employment  Complete (Professional Portfolio)  cover letter  resume  application  interview

3 Explore Job Sources  Newspaper ads  Friends and relatives  Job fairs  School counselors  Employment agencies  Internet

4 Identify Places of Employment  Hospital  Private clinic  Home health agency  Traveling agency  School/University

5 Create a Professional Portfolio Professional way to highlight a person’s knowledge abilities skills Allows for presentation of your information in an organized manner Reflects an integration of classroom activities

6 Professional Portfolio Components Letter of introduction Resume’ Project Writing sample Work-based learning Oral presentation (Speech) Service learning (Community service) Credentials Technology Leadership Other content

7 Cover letter  Letter of introduction  Usually accompanied by other employment documents

8 Cover Letter Guidelines (letter of introduction)  Typed on good quality paper  Use correct spelling and grammar  Include:  purpose of the letter  interest in the position  qualifications for position  contact information

9 Resume’  Documents background and skills

10 Resume’ Guidelines  To include:  personal identifying information  career objective  Education  skills  accomplishments  work experience  references  One Page in Length

11 Application  Form or collection of forms provided to a potential employer indicating interests and qualifications for employment

12 Application Guidelines  Read the directions before you write  Print neatly or type  Use correct spelling and punctuation  Use a black pen, if hand written  Fill out each item neatly and completely  Be sure all information is correct and truthful  Proofread the completed application

13 Interview  Conversation where questions are asked by the interviewer to get information about the person being interviewed

14 Interview Guidelines  Have all necessary information  Social Security number  References contact information  Dress appropriately  Be prepared for questions  Understand interview do’s and don'ts

15 Interview Guidelines Do:  be on time – even early  be prepared for difficult questions  ask questions about the position/facility  send a follow up “Thank You” note

16 Interview Guidelines Don’t:  answer discriminatory questions  take a cell phone into the interview  chew gum during interview

17 Interview Do & Don’ts Video 

18 Job Keeping Skills: Professional Attributes Report to work on time Be prepared to work when you arrive Promote a positive attitude Be efficient and willing to learn Practice teamwork

19 Professional Development Purpose:  Commitment to profession  Leadership  Life long learning  Research  Scope of practice guidelines

20 Professional Development Professional development is achieved through:  Continuing education courses  Mentors  Professional journals  Professional organizations

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