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1. Introduction of ISTK1. Introduction of ISTK 3 What does ISTK work for? Fosters the Government funded Research Institutes (GRIs) in the field of industrial.

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2 1. Introduction of ISTK1. Introduction of ISTK

3 3 What does ISTK work for? Fosters the Government funded Research Institutes (GRIs) in the field of industrial science and technology Manages our member institutes systemically for under “The Act on the establishment, management, and promotion of GRIs” Provides full support to secure world-class R&D competencies of GRIs Contributes to the development of creative economy by encouraging the creation of new industries and growth of SMEs

4 4 Governance of ISTK 10 GRIs incl. KIST (basic science) 10 GRIs incl. KIST (basic science) Ministry of Knowledge Economy Ministry of Knowledge Economy Ministry of Education, Science & Technology Ministry of Education, Science & Technology 14 GRIs incl. KITECH (industrial science and technology) 14 GRIs incl. KITECH (industrial science and technology) KRCF ISTK Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP)

5 5 ISTK was established under Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Gyu-Tae Park took office as the 1 st Chairman Dr. Won-Hun Park took office as the 2 nd Chairman Changed affiliation to the Ministry of Science and Technology Dr. Ho-Il Lee took office as the 3 rd Chairman Changed affiliation to the Ministry of Knowledge Economy KICT, KRRI, KIER, KIGAM became member institutes of ISTK Dr. Uk Han took office as the 4 th Chairman Celebrated the 10 th Anniversary of ISTK Dr. Cheol-Shin Kwon took office as the 5 th chairman 1999. 3. 2002. 3. 2004. 10. 2005. 4. 2008. 2. 2008. 4. 2008. 6. 2009. 3. History 2011. 5.

6 6 The 6 th chairman (since 2012) Ho-Nam Chang, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Stanford Univ., 1975, PhD Chemical Engineering, Stanford Univ., 1971,MS Chemical Engineering, Seoul National Univ., 1967, BS ◎ Education 2012~ President, Asian Federation of Bio-technology 2010~ Post-retirement Professor with Service, KAIST 1976~2010 Professor of Biochemical Engineering, KAIST 1999~2002 Board Member of Basic Research and Technology Association 1995~1997 President, Presidential Committee on Science and Technology (National) ◎ Main Experiences

7 7 Vision & Objective Play a leading role with ceaseless efforts to make Korea an economically powerful country by cultivating the best research groups in industrial science and technology. Long-term Vision Build a system that secures core competitiveness in each technology sector. Build a system that maximizes the economic value of research outcomes. Mid-term Objectives

8 8 Main Strategy 1. Develop fundamental technologies which create a future industry. 2. Activate major tasks to go to the global top group in science and technology. 3. Establish a R&D strategy system that can enhance effective R&D management. 4. Facilitate convergence and integration among different fields of science and technology. Strategy

9 9 Main Strategy 5. Enhance research competitiveness and boost morale of researchers 6. Evaluate member institutes in a reasonable and objective manner to promote research competition. 7. Secure and strengthen the utilization of technology (IP) based on qualitative excellence. 8. Provide technical support to help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to enter the global market. Strategy

10 10 Organization of ISTK Auditor Board of Trustees Planning & Evaluation Committee Audit Council Future Strategy Division Future Strategy Division Management Support Division Policy Planning Division Evaluation Division Chairman Deputy Executive Director Management Committee Policy Advising Committee Technology Convergence Division SMEs’ Growth Support Division

11 11 Main Activities Plan a policy aimed at offering measures for the development of research councils and GRIs. Build a clear vision and strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of GRIs. Improve the productivity of research activities by coordinating the functions of GRIs. Enhance the research competitiveness of GRIs through fair and objective evaluations of their research results. Ensure transparency in the management of GRIs and an autonomous and responsible management system by checking the efforts and outcomes related to the operation of the institute. Share best cases and expand them across the nation related to the operation of the institute and research outcomes by GRIs. ◎ Policy planning ◎ Institute Evaluation

12 12 Carry out general on-site support projects to deal with difficult technologies which SMEs encounter at their production sites. Carry out technology manpower support projects to dispatch highly skilled personnel to mid-level companies and SMEs. Construct systems where GRIs provide support to SMEs. ◎ Company Support Support large-scale convergence research projects in which GRIs, industries and universities are all involved. Develop strategic technologies to solve national issues and technologies for future industries by gathering the strengths of the GRIs. Induce synergistic effects in research through personnel exchanges and the joint usage of research facilities among GRIs. ◎ Convergence Research Main Activities

13 13 Increase global competitiveness under the system to diffuse outcomes of the research by GRIs. Provide customized support for the establishment and execution of IP management strategies by GRIs through the operation of joint support organizations. ◎ Research Results Diffusion Main Activities Promote international cooperation of member institutes especially signing MOUs with outstanding research councils or institutes Carry forward the Asian R&D Network project (0.5 million USD) Support and dispatch the excellent researchers to universities and research institutes in other countries for getting to know the current status of the most advanced R&D in related fields ◎ International Cooperation

14 14 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Korea Institute of Toxicology 14 Member Institutes (GRIs)

15 15 Locations of GRIs KERI KITECH KRICT Headquarters of GRIs Regional Centers of GRIs

16 16 Member Institutes' Resources ◎ Total Personnel : 10,631 Permanent employee Contract employee 5,860 4,771

17 17 Member Institutes' Resources ◎ Research personnel (Permanent employee only) : 5,049 Ph.D.Master 3,101 1,948

18 18 ◎ Total Budget : 2.0 billion USD Total budget of member institutes (unit: million USD, in 2013.1.) Commissioned Government Fund Contract Financing (Public & Industry Projects) 0.6 billion USD (34%) 1.4 billion USD (66%) Member Institutes' Resources

19 19 1. SCI(E) 4. Royalty Income 3. Patent (International)-Registration (million USD) Member Institutes' Research Performance 2. Patent (Domestic)-Registration

20 20 Global R&D Centers of Member Institutes

21 21 MOU Activities of ISTK

22 22 International Cooperation with Asian Countries (KITECH) 2012. June ~ 2015. October Total Budget : 16million USD Cần Thơ city (~170km from Ho chi Minh) Agricultural machinery, Processing of fresh produce Technical development, technology transfer, business incubator, education and training, testing and certification etc. KOREA-VIETNAM

23 23 International Cooperation with Asian Countries (KITECH) KOREA-INDONESIA Cold Roll Box - Low Temperature PCM technique - Technology transfer to Indonesia for industrialization (since 2007) - Establishment of Korea-Indonesia joint company

24 24 International Cooperation with Asian Countries (KITECH) KOREA-INDONESIA Converter Kit - Technology cooperation for practical application of natural gas - Establishment of consortium

25 2. Overview of Member GRIs2. Overview of Member GRIs

26 26 KITECH Research Field ▷ Manufacturing System Technology ▷ Green Production Technology ▷ Convergence ∙ Fusion Technology (Robotics, Textile materials etc.) ▷ Supporting Technology for SMEs Establishment Location Personnel Budget Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 1989. 10Cheonan, Chungnam 1,259265.0 million USD Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute Research Field ▷ Mobile Telecommunication Technology ▷ Radio & Broadcasting Technology ▷ IT Convergence ∙ Fusion Technology ▷ Digital Contents Technology Establishment Location Personnel Budget 1976. 12Daejeon 2,393517 million USD GRIs’Status ( In 2013.1)

27 27 National Security Research Institute Korea Institute of Construction technology Research Field ▷ National Security & Security Assessment Technology ▷ National Security System Technology ▷ National Security Policy Development Establishment Location Personnel Budget 2000. 1Daejeon 312 Research Field ▷ Construction Technology, Land Resources Technology ▷ Infrastructure for the Safe Building Technology ▷ Construction Information Technology Establishment Location Personnel Budget 1983. 6Goyang, Gyeonggi 771139 million USD GRIs’Status ( In 2013.1) 62.7million USD

28 28 Korea Railroad Research Institute Korea Food Research Institute Research Field ▷ Railroad System Technology (High Speed Train, Urban Transit, Light Rail Transit, etc.), ▷ Next Generation public transportation, ▷ Railroad Safety ∙ Standard ∙ Policy Establishment Location Personnel Budget 1996. 3Uiwang, Gyeonggi 435 Research Field ▷ Value-added Agricultural Foods Technology, ▷ Food Standardization, Analysis and Assessment, ▷ Food Safety Technology Establishment Location Personnel Budget 1987. 12Sungnam, Gyeonggi 414 100 million USD 57.4 million USD ( In 2013.1) GRIs’Status

29 29 Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources 1976. 5Daejeon 558133 million USD ▷ Geological Technology ▷ Sustainable Utilization of Resources Technology (Mineral Resource, Petroleum Resource, Marine Resource, etc.) Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget World Institute of Kimchi 2010.10Gwangju 629.2 million USD ▷ Overall R&D related to Kimchi ▷ Research and Business for Globalization of Kimchi ▷ Innovation of Technologies for Kimchi industry Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget ( In 2013.1) GRIs’Status

30 30 Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials 1976. 12Daejeon 557138 million USD ▷ Nano-mechanical System Technology ▷ Machinery System Technology (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Energy Systems, etc.) ▷ System Engineering Technology Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget Korea Institute of Materials Science 2007. 4Changwon, Kyungnam 41575 million USD ▷ Advanced Metallic Materials Technology ▷ Materials Processing Technology ▷ Surface Technology ▷ Powder Materials Technology Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget ( In 2013.1) GRIs’Status

31 31 Korea Institute of Energy Research 1977. 8Daejeon 902148 million USD ▷ Renewable Energy Technology ▷ Energy Efficiency Technology ▷ CTL&CCS Technology ▷ Integration Technology for Hydrogen Infrastructure and Fuel Cells Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute KERI 1976. 12 623 Changwon, Kyungnam 134.3 million USD ▷ Power System Technology ▷ Advanced Material and Application Technology ▷ Electro-fusion Technology ▷ Power Apparatus Testing & Evaluation Technology Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget ( In 2013.1) GRIs’Status

32 32 Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology KRICT 1976. 9 664 Daejeon 145 million USD ▷ Green Chemistry Technology ▷ Advanced Chemical Material Technology ▷ Bio-Organic Technology (Drug Discovery Platform, Pharmacology Research, etc.) Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget Korea Institute of Toxicology Research Field Establishment Location Personnel Budget 2002. 1Daejeon 31140 million USD ▷ Methods for Biological and Chemical Analysis Application ▷ Evaluation of Biomedical Toxicity ▷ Toxicology Test ▷ Environmental Toxicology Development ( In 2013.1) GRIs’Status


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