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Cardiovascular System Chapter 7. Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System angi/oangiogram vas/ovasospasm vascul/ovascular aort/oaortic.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System Chapter 7. Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System angi/oangiogram vas/ovasospasm vascul/ovascular aort/oaortic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System Chapter 7

2 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System angi/oangiogram vas/ovasospasm vascul/ovascular aort/oaortic

3 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System arteri/oarteriosclerosis ather/o atheroma atri/oatrioventricular

4 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System cardi/ocardiology coron/ocoronary my/omyocardial

5 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System pector/opectoral steth/ostethoscope sphygm/osphygmomanometer thromb/othrombocyte

6 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System ven/ovenous phleb/ophlebitis varic/ovaricosis

7 Combining Forms for the Cardiovascular System ventricul/oventricular

8 Cardiovascular System Overview  Consists of the heart and blood vessels  The heart pumps blood throughout the body  Blood vessels transport blood throughout the body

9 The Heart  Muscular Organ  Hollow interior  Pumps blood throughout the body  Four chambers  Upper chambers  Lower chambers

10 Structure of the Heart  Four Chambers  Right atrium (upper chamber)  Left atrium (upper chamber)  Right ventricle (lower chamber)  Left ventricle (lower chamber)  Septum — divides heart into right and left portions  Interatrial septum — separates the atria  Interventricular septum — separates the ventricles

11 Structure of the Heart  Valves — Open and close with the heartbeat to maintain one-way flow of blood through the heart  tricuspid valve — located between right atrium and right ventricle  mitral (bicuspid) valve — located between left atrium and left ventricle  pulmonary semilunar valve — opening from right ventricle to pulmonary artery  aortic valve — located between left ventricle and aorta (continued)

12 Layers of the Heart  endocardium  membrane that lines the interior cavities of the heart  myocardium  Thick, muscular layer  epicardium  Outer membrane  Pericardium is the loose, protective sac that surrounds and encloses the heart

13 Structures of the Heart

14 Blood Vessels  arteries  vessels that carry blood from the heart to arterioles  aorta  large artery branching from the left ventricle  arterioles  small vessels receive blood from the arteries

15 Blood Vessels  capillaries  tiny vessels that join arterioles and venules  venules  small vessels that gather blood from the capillaries into the veins  veins  vessels that carry blood to the heart from the venules (continued)

16 Coronary Arteries

17 Blood and Lymph Circulation

18 Arteries

19 Veins

20 Blood Pressure  Force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of the arteries, veins and heart chambers  Determined by the volume of blood, the space within the arteries and arterioles, and the force of the heart contractions

21 Blood Pressure Terms  diastole  period in the cardiac cycle when blood enters the relaxed ventricles from the atria  systole  period in the cardiac cycle when the heart is in contraction and blood is ejected through the aorta and pulmonary artery  normotension  normal blood pressure

22 Blood Pressure Terms  hypotension  low blood pressure  hypertension  high blood pressure (continued)

23 Blood Pressure Determination

24 Conditions Causing Reduction of Blood Flow

25 Types of Aneurysms

26 Coronary Artery Disease

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