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Early Learning Center PTO - Meeting Summary December 14, 2010 Meeting began at 7:15PM Attendance Katie Mattei, Kristen Kraskouskas, Adrienne Aubin, Jennifer.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Learning Center PTO - Meeting Summary December 14, 2010 Meeting began at 7:15PM Attendance Katie Mattei, Kristen Kraskouskas, Adrienne Aubin, Jennifer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Learning Center PTO - Meeting Summary December 14, 2010 Meeting began at 7:15PM Attendance Katie Mattei, Kristen Kraskouskas, Adrienne Aubin, Jennifer Maclean, Amanda DiFiore, Julie Wiegand, Faye Jackson, Christina Ronco, Karen Folan, Amanda Adams, Karen Girouard, Sheila Burgess, Nancy Latham, Beth Peterson, Christine McKenna Principal’s Report - There is new state regulation from the Ethics Commision regarding gifts received by public employees. In short, teachers must disclose, in writing, gifts valued greater than $50. A class gift must not exceed $150 within the course of the school year. The intent is to limit favoritism as a result of a received gift. Chestnut Hill Studios was chosen this year for school photos. They did a great job working with the staff to get the best smiles possible. They will be back in April for an optional spring photo shoot. Treasurer’s Update Withdrawals: $955.50 Deposits: $815.59 Total Funds on Hand: $6,538.46 Upcoming Events Dec 24 - Jan 2 - Winter Break January 11th - Animal Experience January 17th - MLK Day - No School February 8th - Smiles Program (mobile dentist) February 10th - Pediatric Dental February 21- 25 - Vacation Wreath Fundraiser: Thank you to all who participated in our wreath fundraiser. The feedback has been positive. We will look to do this fundraiser again next year. Please keep it in mind when planning your outdoor decorations and spread the word. Rick Morin of Innerhythm: If your child is moving to the beat a bit better these days, it is thanks to Rick Morin. As part of a new enrichment program he is in the classrooms twice a month for 30 min. The children love this new experience. Fundraising - March Mayhem Calendar – It’s time to start thinking about our big March fundraiser..our March Mayhem calendar. Calendars are sold for $10 each. Every day in March a name is drawn to win the prize for the day, a $75+ value! Grand prize for the calendar is a lottery ticket tree. Each classroom has been assigned a theme basket idea: Rm 1& 6: Arts & Crafts Rm 2: “Let’s Build It” Rm 3: Outdoor Fun Rm 4: Game Night Rm 5: Books / Music Rm 7: Dad Basket PTO: Pampering Mom Check in with your classroom coordinator for more information. Donation Deadline: January 20th Do you receive gift cards during the holidays that you never use? Consider donating them to the calendar this year! Any donations from local businesses are greatly appreciated as well! Cookbook We are still accepting recipes for our very own ELC cookbook. SImplify your life; consider submitting all of your favorite recipes for easy access in one cookbook. Make it special for your child and submit recipes under your children’s names. Submit to: Boxtops Look for monthly Boxtop sheets in your child’s backpacks. These have been a big success in getting them in. Target Did you know you can designate the ELC to receive a percent of your monies spent at Target stores? To do so, go online to Target’s website and select the ELC! Right now only 5 families are participating! PTO Website Jennifer MacLean continues to update the PTO web site; be sure to check it out at This is a great way to learn about what is going

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