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1. The Heart 2. Three types of blood vessels 3. What’s in blood 4. How the systems work together.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The Heart 2. Three types of blood vessels 3. What’s in blood 4. How the systems work together."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The Heart 2. Three types of blood vessels 3. What’s in blood 4. How the systems work together

2 The human heart is a muscular pump composed of cardiac muscle for rhythmic contraction. Cardiac muscle is a involuntary muscle, meaning it does not need to be told to contract. It is located in the middle of your chest right behind the sternum and just to the left. It is the size of your fist.

3  4 chambers  Upper = atria  Lower = ventricles  Blood flows ONE way – from atrium to ventricle  Valves prevent blood from flowing the wrong way


5  The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from around the body.  The right side pumps blood through an artery (pulmonary artery) into the lungs to re- oxygenate it.

6  The left side of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.  The left side pumps blood through an artery (aorta) throughout the body by way of veins, arteries, and capillaries.

7  Arteries  Carry blood out of the heart  Elastic (stretchy)  Must be strong to withstand heart’s force  Veins  Carry blood IN to the heart  Thin and not very elastic  VALVES to keep the blood moving to the heart  Capillaries  One-cell thick  Connect arteries and veins  Site of exchange of materials (nutrients, messages, etc)

8 Capillaries Arteries Veins

9 Capillaries come in close contact with every cell in the body

10 capillary capillaries

11  Red Blood cells Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide with help from a chemical called hemoglobin  White Blood cells Fight germs and diseases that enter the body  Platelets Gather at the site of a wound to form a clot to prevent bleeding to death  Plasma Liquid part of blood; carries cell wastes, nutrients, hormones

12 1. 2. 3.

13 1. 2. 3.


15  Your blood type is established before you are BORN, by specific GENES inherited from your parents.  You inherit one gene from your MOTHER and one from your FATHER.  These genes determine your blood type.

16 Blood Transfusions A blood transfusion is a procedure in which blood is given to a patient through an intravenous (IV) line in one of the blood vessels. Blood transfusions are done to: -Replace blood lost from injury/illness -Different types of cancer treatments -Supplement blood for people who cannot make enough of their own Who can give you blood? People with TYPE O blood are called Universal Donors, because they can give blood to any blood type. People with TYPE AB blood are called Universal Recipients, because they can receive any blood type. - Universal Donor Universal Recipient

17 Circulation Assignment 1.What are the four components of blood? What is the purpose of each? 2.What is the percentage of each component in a drop of blood? 3.I have a low platelet count in my blood, should I be worried? Why? 4.What four other things does blood sometimes carry? 5.What does lub-dub mean? Describe each sound. 6.Once deoxygenated blood enters the heart where is it headed next? 7.What does the right side of the heart do? 8.What are the 8 blood types? Which is the most rare type in Canada? 9.What does universal donor/universal receiver mean? 10.What is a blood transfusion? 11.I am 0-, should I be worried about accidents, illness, etc? Why?

18  Circulation with Muscular  Smooth muscles make the blood vessels  Cardiac muscle makes the heart  Circulation with Skeletal  Bone marrow inside of some bones makes blood cells  Circulation with Digestive  The circulatory system carries the nutrients around the body to all cells

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