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The Urinary System Chapter 15.

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1 The Urinary System Chapter 15

2 Functions of the Urinary System
Elimination of waste products Nitrogenous wastes Toxins Drugs Regulate aspects of homeostasis Water balance Electrolytes Acid-base balance in the blood Blood pressure Red blood cell production Activation of vitamin D

3 Organs of the Urinary system
Kidneys Ureters Urinary bladder Urethra

4 Location of the Kidneys
Kidney is located against dorsal body wall in the body Kidneys extend from T12 to L3 The right kidney is slightly lower than the left

5 Features and Structure of Kidney
Is dark red kidney-bean shaped 12 cm long, 6 cm wide, 3 cm thick Has medial indentation called Renal hilum Several structures enter or exit the kidney (ureters, renal blood vessels, and nerves) at hilum An adrenal gland sits atop each kidney

6 Coverings of the Kidneys
Three layers of supportive tissue surround each kidney: Fibrous capsule Transparent fibrous capsule surrounds each kidney Perirenal fat capsule Surrounds the kidney and cushions against blows Renal fascia Outermost capsule that helps hold the kidney in place against the muscles of the trunk wall

7 Regions of the Kidney Cortex – the light colored, outer region
Medulla – Reddish brown area Has cone-shaped medullary (renal) pyramids separated by renal columns Renal pelvis – Medial to the hilus Flat basin like cavity

8 Regions of the Kidney Calyces – large branches of the renal pelvis
Collect urine draining from tips of pyramids Empty urine into the renal pelvis Urine flows through the renal pelvis to ureter and then to the bladder

9 Blood Flow in the Kidneys
Kidneys continuously cleanse the blood One-quarter of the total blood supply of the body passes through the kidneys each minute Renal artery provides each kidney with arterial blood supply Venous blood drain from kidney takes place via Renal vein

10 Nephron Each kidney contains more than a million tiny structures – Nephrons Nephrons - The structural and functional units of the kidneys Responsible for forming urine Main structures of the nephron Glomerulus Renal tubule

11 Glomerulus Is a knot of capillaries
Attached to arterioles on both sides (maintains high pressure) Large afferent arteriole Narrow efferent arteriole

12 Glomerulus Capillaries are covered with
Octopus –like cells called podocytes Forms porous membrane around glomerulus Cup-shaped, First part of renal tubule surrounds the glomerulus known as Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule

13 Nephron Renal Tubule Renal tubule extends from glomerular capsule and ends at the collecting duct Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) Loop of Henle Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

14 Types of Nephrons Cortical nephrons Located entirely in the cortex
Includes most nephrons Juxtamedullary nephrons Found at the boundary of the cortex and medulla

15 Collecting Duct Receives urine from many nephrons
Run through the medullary pyramids Deliver urine into the calyces and renal pelvis

16 Nephron Anatomy Each and every Nephron is associated with two capillary beds Glomerulus Peritubular capillary bed

17 Glomerulus Glomerulus is fed and drained by arterioles
Afferent arteriole— arises from a cortical radiate artery and feeds the glomerulus Efferent arteriole— receives blood that has passed through the glomerulus Specialized for filtration BP in glomerular capillaries is much higher than other capillaries High pressure forces fluid and solutes (smaller than proteins) out of blood and into the glomerular capsule Most of the filtrate from renal tubule is absorbed by peritubular capillary beds and returned to blood

18 Peritubular Capillaries
Arise from efferent arteriole of the glomerulus, which drains the glomerulus low pressure capillaries Adapted for absorption instead of filtration Cling close to the renal tubule to reabsorb (reclaim) some solutes and water Drains into the veins

19 Urine Formation Processes
Three processes: Glomerular Filtration Tubular Reabsorption Tubular Secretion

20 Glomerular Filtration
Nonselective passive process Fluid passes from blood into glomerular capsule (part of renal tubule) Fluid (Water and solutes smaller than proteins) are forced through capillary walls Blood cells and proteins cannot pass out to the capillaries Filtrate is collected in the glomerular capsule and leaves via the renal tubule

21 Tubular Reabsorption Besides wastes and excess ions ,Filtrate contains many useful substances, which is returned to blood via absorption Reabsorption begins when filtrate enters proximal convoluted tubule from glomerulus The peritubular capillaries reabsorb useful substances Water Glucose Amino acids Ions Some reabsorption is passive, most is active Most reabsorption occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule

22 Reabsorption Materials not reabsorbed Nitrogenous waste products
Urea— protein breakdown Uric acid— nucleic acid breakdown Creatinine— associated with creatine metabolism in muscles Excreted through the urine

23 Tubular Secretion Some materials move from
the peritubular capillaries into the renal tubules filtrate to be eliminated in urine, such as Hydrogen and potassium ions Creatinine Materials left in the renal tubule move toward the ureter

24 Formation of Urine

25 Characteristics of Urine
In 24 hours, about 1.0 to 1.8 liters of urine are produced Yellow color due to the pigment urochrome (from the destruction of hemoglobin) and solutes Sterile Slightly aromatic Normal pH of around 6 Specific gravity of to 1.035

26 Characteristics of Urine
Solutes normally found in urine Sodium and potassium ions Urea, uric acid, creatinine Ammonia Bicarbonate ions

27 Characteristics of Urine
Solutes NOT normally found in urine Glucose Blood proteins Red blood cells Hemoglobin White blood cells (pus) Bile

28 Ureters Slender tubes attaching the kidney to the bladder
Superior end of ureter is continuous with the renal pelvis Enter the posterior aspect of the bladder Ureters are passageways that carry urine from kidneys to bladder Propel urine into bladder by Peristalsis aids

29 Urinary Bladder Smooth, collapsible, muscular sac
Temporarily stores urine Trigone – three openings Two from the ureters One to the urethra

30 Urinary Bladder Wall Bladder wall contains three layers of smooth muscle, collectively known as detrusor muscle And its mucosa is made of transitional epithelium Suited for urine storage When bladder is empty it collapses and thrown into folds Bladder can expand significantly without increasing internal pressure

31 Urinary Bladder Capacity
A moderately full bladder is about 5 inches long and holds about 500 mL of urine Capable of holding twice that amount of urine

32 Urethra Thin-walled tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body by peristalsis Release of urine is controlled by two sphincters Internal urethral sphincter Involuntary and made of smooth muscle External urethral sphincter Voluntary and made of skeletal muscle

33 Urethra Gender Differences
Length Females – 3–4 cm (1 inch) Males – 20 cm (8 inches) Location Females – along wall of the vagina Males – through the prostate and penis Function Females – only carries urine Males – carries urine and is a passageway for sperm cells

34 Micturition (Voiding)
Is the act of emptying the bladder Two sphincters, internal and external sphincter control the flow of urine When volume of bladder reaches around 200 ml Bladder stretches and activates stretch receptors Then impulses transmitted to spinal cord

35 Micturition (Voiding)
And then back to bladder via Pelvic splanchnic nerves Pelvic splanchnic nerves initiate bladder to go into reflex contractions Urine is forced past the internal urethra sphincter and the person feels the urge to void The external urethral sphincter must be voluntarily relaxed to void

36 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
Kidneys have four roles in maintaining blood composition Excretion of nitrogen-containing wastes Maintaining water balance of the blood Maintaining electrolyte balance of the blood Ensuring proper blood pH

37 Distribution of Body Fluid
Normal amount of water in the human body Young adult females – 50% Young adult males – 60% Babies – 75% Old age – 45% Intracellular fluid (inside cells) -2/3 of body fluid Extracellular fluid (outside cells) Interstitial fluid Blood plasma

38 Maintaining Water Balance
Water intake must equal water output Sources for water intake Ingested foods and fluids Water produced from metabolic processes Thirst mechanism is the driving force for water intake Sources for water output Vaporization out of the lungs Lost in perspiration Leaves the body in the feces Urine production

39 Maintaining Water Balance
Dilute urine is produced if water intake is excessive Less urine (concentrated) is produced if large amounts of water are lost Proper concentrations of various electrolytes must be present in both intracellular and extracellular fluids

40 The Link Between Water and Salt
Electrolytes: Na+, K+ Changes in electrolyte balance causes water to move from one compartment to another Alters blood volume and blood pressure Can impair the activity of cells

41 Regulation of Water and Electrolyte Reabsorption: ADH and Aldosterone
Cells in the kidneys and hypothalamus are active monitors When the blood pressure and volume decrease Kidney releases renin Renin acts on angiotansiogen to form angiotensin I Angiotensin I is further broken to Angiotensin II Angiotensin II stimulates Vasoconstriction Release of hormones ADH and aldosterone Stimulates hypothalamus thirst center to drink water

42 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release Stimulates body to retain water
By the kidneys Increases fluid volume Increases blood pressure Thus brings blood pressure and volume together In addition it takes the help of aldosterone

43 Aldosterone regulates sodium ion content of extracellular fluid
Triggered by the rennin-angiotensin mechanism Increases Na+ retention Increases fluid retention Increases blood volume

44 Maintaining Acid-Base Balance in Blood
Blood pH must remain between 7.35 and 7.45 to maintain homeostasis Alkalosis – pH above 7.45 Acidosis – pH below 7.35

45 Maintaining Acid-Base Balance in Blood
Most acid-base balance is maintained by the kidneys Other acid-base controlling systems Blood buffers Respiration

46 Blood Buffers Molecules react to prevent dramatic changes in hydrogen ion (H+) concentrations Bind to H+ when pH drops Release H+ when pH rises

47 Blood Buffers Acids are proton (H+) donors
Strong acids dissociate completely and liberate all of their H+ in water Cause large change in pH Weak acids, such as carbonic acid, dissociate only partially Less effect on solution`s pH Play imp. role in buffer system Bases are proton (H+) acceptors Strong bases dissociate easily in water and tie up H+ Weak bases, such as bicarbonate ion and ammonia, are slower to accept H+

48 Blood Buffers Three major chemical buffer systems
Bicarbonate buffer system Phosphate buffer system Protein buffer system

49 Bicarbonate Buffer System
Mixture of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) Bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) react with strong acids to change them to weak acids HCl NaHCO3  H2CO NaCl strong acid weak base weak acid salt

50 Bicarbonate Buffer System
Carbonic acid dissociates in the presence of a strong base to form a weak base and water NaOH H2CO3  NaHCO H2O strong base weak acid weak base water

51 Respiratory System Controls of Acid-Base Balance
Carbon dioxide in the blood is converted to bicarbonate ion and transported in the plasma Increase in carbon dioxide produces more carbonic acid And Increases in hydrogen ion concentration produces more carbonic acid Excess hydrogen ion can be blown off with the release of carbon dioxide from the lungs by increasing the breathing rate CO2 + H2O H2CO H+ + HCO3- Respiratory rate can rise and fall depending on changing blood pH

52 Renal Mechanisms of Acid-Base Balance
Excrete bicarbonate ions if needed Conserve (reabsorb) or generate new bicarbonate ions if needed When blood pH rises Bicarbonate ions are excreted Hydrogen ions are retained by kidney tubules When blood pH falls Bicarbonate ions are reabsorbed Hydrogen ions are secreted Urine pH varies from 4.5 to 8.0

53 Developmental Aspects of the Urinary System
Functional kidneys are developed by the third month Urinary system of a newborn Bladder is small Urine cannot be concentrated Control of the voluntary urethral sphincter does not start until age 18 months Urinary infections are the only common problems before old age There is a progressive decline in urinary function The bladder shrinks with aging

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