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ECG Review for practical 1:

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1 ECG Review for practical 1:
For the practical you will be required to provide an answer for each ECG that includes the name of the ECG, what is the disorder, why it is abnormal, and give the rate when required. Be specific. Don’t overwrite with excess unnecessary information. We will review in class on _______.Until then go through these slides and fill in the needed information via your notes. If you do not have this filled out you will not be allowed to stay for the review.


3 Normal Sinus Rhythm In this example, the heart rate is 68 beats · min–1.

4 Sinus Bradycardia

5 Sinus Tachycardia In this example, the heart rate is 136 beats · min–1.


7 Myocardial Infarction
See Figure 11.3, Page 120 for reference Myocardial Infarction Reprinted, by permission, from E. Stein, 1992, Rapid analysis of electrocardiograms, 2nd ed. (Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger), 150. Note the Q wave may be the only remaining evidence of the MI

8 Significant Q Wave

9 ST Elevation

10 Sinus Pause

11 Premature Atrial Contraction
Biphasic P wave in this case.

12 PAC *= ectopic focus Blocked or non-conducted PAC. AV node is still in the refractory period.

13 Junctional Premature Complexes
Inverted P wave in this case

14 Junctional Premature Complex or PJC


16 Rate

17 Atrial Fibrillation

18 Horizontal and Downsloping ST Depression


20 Upsloping ST Depression

21 T-Wave Inversion

22 T wave inversion

23 First Degree AV Block

24 First-Degree AV Block – pg. 61

25 Second Degree Type I AV Block

26 Second Degree Type II AV Block

27 Third Degree AV Block

28 Ventricular Tachycardia

29 Runs of Ventricular Tachycardia

30 Torsades de pointes

31 PVCs

32 Multiform Couplet

33 Bigeminy

34 Trigeminy

35 Ventricular Fibrillation (Pg. 50-51)

36 Idioventricular Escape Rhythm

37 Asystole

38 Agonal Rhythm

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