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New Testament Bible Trivia. 1. Who took Judas’ place as an apostle? A. Matthias B. Silas C. Paul D. Timothy.

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Presentation on theme: "New Testament Bible Trivia. 1. Who took Judas’ place as an apostle? A. Matthias B. Silas C. Paul D. Timothy."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Testament Bible Trivia

2 1. Who took Judas’ place as an apostle? A. Matthias B. Silas C. Paul D. Timothy

3 2. Who said he was happy with little or with much? A. Peter B. Jesus C. Paul D. Matthew

4 3. Who in the Gospels was beheaded? A. Peter B. Paul C. Jesus D. John the Baptist

5 4. Who acted as a coatrack while Stephen was being stoned? A. Saul B. John C. Stephen’s brother D. Paul

6 5. Why was Jesus called a Sabbath breaker? A. Because He walked farther than the allowed distance on the Sabbath B. Because He did not go to the temple C. Because He healed people on the Sabbath D. Because He shaved

7 6. What does the name Jesus mean? A. Friend B. Savior C. God with us D. Lover of my soul

8 7. Which Gospels tell of Christ’s birth? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. A & B F. A & C G. A & D H. B & C I.C & D J. B & D

9 8. Who took Jesus’ body down from the cross A. Peter, Paul & Mary B. Jesus’ Family C. The Roman Soldiers D. Joseph of Arimathea

10 9. According to the prophet Joel, what will young men see in the last days? A. Pigs flying B. Dreams C. Visions D. The end of the world

11 10. What two brothers of Jesus were authors of books in the Bible? A. Mark and Luke B. James and Jude C. Paul and Peter D. John and James

12 Answers

13 1. Who took Judas’ place as an apostle? A. Matthias B. Silas C. Paul D. Timothy

14 2. Who said he was happy with little or with much? A. Peter B. Jesus C. Paul D. Matthew

15 3. Who in the Gospels was beheaded? A. Peter B. Paul C. Jesus D. John the Baptist

16 4. Who acted as a coatrack while Stephen was being stoned? A. Saul B. John C. Stephen’s brother D. Paul

17 5. Why was Jesus called a Sabbath breaker? A. Because He walked farther than the allowed distance on the Sabbath B. Because He did not go to the temple C. Because He healed people on the Sabbath D. Because He shaved

18 6. What does the name Jesus mean? A. Friend B. Savior C. God with us D. Lover of my soul

19 7. Which Gospels tell of Christ’s birth? A. Matthew B. Mark C. Luke D. John E. A & B F. A & C G. A & D H. B & C I.C & D J. B & D

20 8. Who took Jesus’ body down from the cross A. Peter, Paul & Mary B. Jesus’ Family C. The Roman Soldiers D. Joseph of Arimathea

21 9. According to the prophet Joel, what will young men see in the last days? A. Pigs flying B. Dreams C. Visions D. The end of the world

22 10. What two brothers of Jesus were authors of books in the Bible? A. Mark and Luke B. James and Jude C. Paul and Peter D. John and James

23 Bonus

24 Who is the third most mentioned man in the New Testament? Who is the third most mentioned man in the New Testament? A. Jesus B. Paul C. Peter D. John the Baptist E. Timothy F. Barnabas

25 Who is the third most mentioned man in the New Testament? Who is the third most mentioned man in the New Testament? A. Jesus B. Paul C. Peter D. John the Baptist E. Timothy F. Barnabas

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