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Food Safety Research Programming in the Czech Republic Vilnius, 9 January 2006 Milena Vicenová Ministry of Agriculture – Food Authority, Czech Republic.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Safety Research Programming in the Czech Republic Vilnius, 9 January 2006 Milena Vicenová Ministry of Agriculture – Food Authority, Czech Republic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Safety Research Programming in the Czech Republic Vilnius, 9 January 2006 Milena Vicenová Ministry of Agriculture – Food Authority, Czech Republic

2 General information Area km 2 78 886 Inhabitants10,22 mil. Unemployment10,33 % Inflation2,8 % GDP compared with the EU 15 average 65 %

3 General information Share of agriculture on the GDP 4,36 % Share on total employment 2,9 % Share of food processing on the GDP 3,11 % Share on total employment 3,09 % Expenditure for food26 % of income

4 Research in food safety area Based on: Concept of research and development for the period 2004-2008 National policy of research 2004-2008 Agricultural policy concept 2004-2013 Act No 130/2002 Coll. on support of research and development from public funds

5 Research in food safety area Food Research Institute Prague Research Institute of Animal Production Research Institute of Plant Production Veterinary Research Institute National Institute of Public Health Main responsibility Ministry of Agriculture (food production) Ministry of Health (consumers´health)

6 Financing of research Three main types of financing: 1. Financing of research objects (Ministry of Agriculture) 2. Financing of research programmes (Ministry of Agriculture) 3. Financing provided by other institution – Ministry of Education

7 1.Research objects Call for proposals – Ministry of Agriculture Proposals evaluated (using official and published criteria) by the commission of experts, selected and approved by the Minister of agriculture for the period 2004 – 2008 Progress and spending of the money monitored every year

8 Examples of research objects Food Research Institute Prague Safe and healthy nutrition based on sustainable food processing New methods of risk assessment (alergens) Development of microbiological risk assessment New methods of food protection Nutrititional values of food

9 Examples of research objects Research Institute of Pant Production Development of methods and evaluation of materials used for genotype with high nutritional and technological quality Systems of plant protection and protection of stored products, risk analysis and risk minimalization in stored food

10 Examples of research objects Veterinary Research Institute Food safety of raw material of animal origin from the point of view of microbiological contamination Food safety of raw material of animal origin from the point of view of chemical and biological contamination

11 Examples of research objects Research Institute of Animal Production Development of welfare technologies, etology, management and economy of farm animals keeping as a basis for food safety and quality of food

12 2. Projects based on National Programme of Research Ministry of Agriculture publishes main topics based on National Programme of Research (2004-2009) Priorities: Diagnosis, therapy and prevention of animal diseases, zoonosis and alimentary infections Development of methods controlling the quality of primary farm products used for food production GMOs Plant health

13 Research projects Call for proposals – Ministry of Agriculture Proposals evaluated (using official and published criteria) by the commission of experts, selected and approved by the Minister of agriculture Progress and spending of the money monitored every year by the National Agency for agricultural research

14 Examples of research projects Regulation of iodine in food of animal origin Development and validation of molecular biology Methods of improving the quality and safety of food Development of new methods for contamination detection in final milk products Quality and safety of cereals used for food production

15 3. Research projects financed by the Ministry of School Based on National Research Programme for the period 2006 – 2011 Priorities: Healthy and safe food Systems and methods for assessment of raw materials, food and feed safety Call for projects published in December 2005

16 Scientific committees Based on Strategy of Food Safety approived by the Czech government in December 2001 Established in 2002 Play similar role as EFSA – present scientific standpoints in food safety area

17 Scientific committees on Food on Phytosanitary and Environment on Animal Nutrition Veterinary Science Committee on GMO – is being established

18 Financing of Scientific committees Ministry of Agriculture on Phytosanitary and Environment on Animal Nutrition Veterinary Science Committee on GMO – is being established Ministry of Health on food

19 Financing of Scientific committees Scientific committee 2005 EUR2006 EUR on Food25 000 on Phytosanitary88 300 on Animal Nutrition 51 60060 000 on Veterinary Science 70 000

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