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Support for the coordination of activities European Commission Research DG M. WARRAS Coordination of national programmes Why ? Coordination of national.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for the coordination of activities European Commission Research DG M. WARRAS Coordination of national programmes Why ? Coordination of national."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for the coordination of activities European Commission Research DG M. WARRAS Coordination of national programmes Why ? Coordination of national programmes Why ?

2 Support for the coordination of activities Why Coordination? Why ERA-NET? Objective: Reduce fragmentation of research efforts made at national level in Europe Reasons for coordination: Achieving critical mass, to ensure better use of scare resources Join Forces to provide common answers to common problems Addressing global issues Developing common approaches (e.g. ethics, standards) Addressing specific geographical issues Speaking with one voice to third countries In many cases several reasons apply For all: Avoiding overlap and build up of expertise Exchange of good practices

3 Support for the coordination of activities Achieving critical mass, to ensure better use of scare resources Examples: Micro Nano Technologies (e.g. expectations in the field) Rare diseases Rare diseases (e.g. limited resources & cases)

4 Support for the coordination of activities Join Forces to provide common answers to common problems Examples: Cancer (e.g. public health) Security (e.g. bio-terrorism) Food safety Food safety (e.g. consumer protection)

5 Support for the coordination of activities Addressing global issues Examples: Environment (e.g. Water) Energy Energy (e.g. hydrogen)

6 Support for the coordination of activities Developing common approaches Examples: Ageing (e.g. societal impact) Food safety (e.g. standards) Plant genomics Plant genomics (e.g. ethics)

7 Support for the coordination of activities Addressing specific geographical issues Example: Baltic See - Bonus (e.g. single research ship/programme)

8 Support for the coordination of activities Speaking with one voice to third countries Example: COREACH (e.g. cooperation with China) SEE-ERA-NET SEE-ERA-NET (e.g. cooperation with Balkan States)

9 Support for the coordination of activities Programme coordination for efficiency Nature shows us the way: Birds coordinating their efforts 70 % gain of efficiency

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