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Published byGwendoline Rice Modified over 9 years ago
The Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Faculty projects: - Research - Educational ResearchEducationalResearchEducational
Research 1. International research projects 6RP Contract No. MSCF-CT-2005-029522 Title: Modern Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: Tools for the Analysis and management of Rural Change Local coordinator: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2006-2010 Web page:
2. National research projects a) APVV Contract No. APVV-0131-07 Title: The research, modelling and implementation of sustainable energy use of renewable lignocellulosic resources Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: September 2008 – December 2010 b) VEGA Contract No. 1/4649/07 Title: Structural changes of agricultural enterprises after 1990 in V4 countries Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2007 - 2009 Contract No. 1/0440/08 Title: Evaluation of quality of rural tourism facilities Responsible person: Belajová Anna, doc. Ing. PhD., Jarábková Jana, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008 - 2010
Contract No. 1/0300/08 Title: Identification of environmental changes and its usage for revitalization and development region Stredný Spiš Responsible person: Daňová Monika, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008 - 2010 Contract No. 1/4416/07 Title: Biomaso quantification and energy review of fast growing wods and energy planc grown in soil- ecological conditions in southern Slovakia Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2007 -2009
Contract No. 2/7132/07 Title: Forest Ecosystem Biodiversity and Structure Changes during last 30 years: Báb Research Area Responsible person: Eliáš Pavol, prof. RNDr. PhD. Project realization: 2007-2009 Contract No. 1/0357/08 Title: Variable value of agricultural land Responsible person: Lazíková Jarmila, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008 - 2010
c) Institutional research Contract No. 742/06160 Title: Feasibility of fast growing Swedish willow varieties (Salix sp.) cultivation in conditions of South Slovakia Responsible person: Prčík Martin, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008-2009 Contract No. 741/06140 Title: Impact of EU structural funds in sector of agriculture on competitiveness of agricultural enterprises and overall development of rural areas Responsible person: Schwarcz Pavol, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008-2009
Former research projects at FESRD 1. International research projects 6RP Contract No. 6RP/22801 Title: Mapping anf foresight of agricultural and food resaarch capacity in the new Member States and in Candidate countries Local coordinator: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2006-2007 Web page: Contract No. 6RP/506087 Title: Support to Animal Science Organisation from Central Europe Candidate Countries Local coordinator: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2004-2005 Web page:
Contact No. 6RPFOODCT2004-003375 Title: Opening Channels of communication between the associated candidate countries and the EU in ecological farming Local coordinator: Fehér Alexander, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 15. November 2004 – 14. May 2006 Contract No. FOOD-CT-2003-506518 Title: Training Network for National Contact Points and support organisations with special focus on Candidate Countries in the Areas of Food Quality and Safety Local coordinator: Schwarcz Pavol, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2004-2007 Web page:
2. National research projects a) APVV Contract No. 291592, č. 0230-07 Title: Regional dimensions of the knowledge economy Responsible person: Fáziková Mária, doc. Ing. CSc. Project realization: 2005 – 2006 Contract No. APVV-20-060805 Title: Identification of enviroment components changes in eastern Slovakia problem areas Responsible person: Hronec Ondrej, prof.h.c. prof. Ing. DrSc. Project realization: 2006-2008 Contract No. APVV-51-044-802 Title: Impact of the drought on water regime and biodiversity of lowland regions in Slovakia and design of counter-measures Responsible person: Jureková Zuzana, prof. RNDr., CSc. Project realization: Januar 2004 – December 2006
b) VEGA Contract No. 1/3464/06 Title: Atmosphere and soil monitoring and its utilization for agricultural arangements of production at immision area in EVO Vojany Responsible person: Andrejovský Pavol, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2006 – 2008 Contract No. 1/3770/06 Title: The efficiency of public services provided on the local level Responsible person: Balážová Eva, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2006-2008
Contract No.1/1262/04 Title: Social and economical changes in the Slovak rural areas in the period of integration to EU Responsible person: Belajová Anna, doc. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2004-2006 Contract No. 1/1319/04 Title: Indicators of sustainable development assessment of agricultural landscape in the Žitavská upland area Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2004 - 2007
Contract No. 1/3463/06 Title: An environment components analysis and her application by agriculture restructuring and ensuring sustainable development in problem area of North Gemer. Responsible person: Hronec Ondrej, prof.h.c. prof. DrSc. Project realization: 2006-2008 Contract No. 1/2570/05 Title: The influence of ownership and use relations to stability on agricultural land in selected regions in Slovakia Responsible person: Ilková Zuzana, JUDr.,PhD. Project realization: 2005-2007 Contract No. 1/3769/06 Title: Conditions for agricultural land market development in selected regions of Slovakia after EU accession Responsible person: Marišová Eleonóra, doc. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2006-2008
c) Institutional research Contract No. G 715/06150 Title: The influence of non-forest field edge vegetation on the occurrence of field pests antagonists. Responsible person: Ceľuch Martin, Ing. PhD., zást. Mariana Eliášová, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2007 Contract No. I. Title: Possibilities of raising of competitive on the rural municipalities in South Slovakia Responsible person: Papcunová Viera, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2007-2008 Contract No. G 721/04160 Title: Feeding preferences of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris provar. altissima) pests – curculionid beetle Lixus subtilis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and tortoise beetle Cassida nebulosa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Responsible person: Tóthová Monika, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2006-2007
Educational 1. International educational projects 1.1 Erasmus Mundus Contract No. 2004-0018/001 FRAME MUNB123 Title: IMRD-Erasmus Mundus International Master of Science in Rural Development Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2005-2009 Web page: 1.2 External Cooperation Window Contract No. 2008-1745/001-001 CPT USTRAN Title: Atlantis EU-US- Double Degree programme in Rural Development and Agricultural Economics Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2008-2012 Web page:
1.3 Jean Monnet Contract No. 141302-LLP-1-2008-1-SK-AJM-MO Title: Financing of EU programmes Responsible person: Schwarcz Pavol, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008-2011 Web page: Contract No. 154239-LLP-1-2009-1-SK-AJM-MO Title: Agri-Environmental Legislation of the EU Responsible person: Palšová Lucia, JUDr. Phd. 1.4 Visegrad Fund Contract No. November 209-April 2010 Contract No. 10930017 November 209-April 2010 Title: Responsible person: Marišová Eleonóra, doc. JUDr., PhD. Title: EU public administration and implementation of EU regional policy and rural development in V-4 countries”Responsible person: Marišová Eleonóra, doc. JUDr., PhD.
1.4 Tempus Contract No. JEP-41143-2006 Title: Support Network for Improvement of the Strategic Planning Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2007-2009 Web page: 1.5 Leonardo da Vinci Contract No.: SK/09/LDV/PRO/01-93230632 Title: Implementation of practical experiencies of european educational projects within the field of regional development Responsible person: Palšová Lucia JUDr. PhD. Project realization: September 2009-August 2012
Contract No.: LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100531 Title: Utilization of advances of ICT developments in mobile learning in order to promote interactive learning for adult people in the field of ecological agriculture Responsible person: Ing. Monika Tóthová, PhD. Project realization: 2009- 2011 Contract No.: 2009-TR1-LEO05-08647 Title: From farm to fork European food safety legislation Responsible person: prof. JUDr. Anna Bandlerová, PhD. Project realization: 2009- 2011
2. National educational projects 2.1 Program of Rural Development SR 2007- 2013 Contract No. NR 00248 Title: Economy, management and development of agricultural enterprise Responsible person: Schwarcz Pavol, Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2008-2010
Former educational projects at FESRD 1. International educational projects 1.1 Jean Monnet Contract No. 2004-2941/001-001 JMO JMO Title: Jean Monnet Modules - EU Agriarian Law Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 2004 – 2007 Web page: 1.2 Leonardo da Vinci Contract No. SK/05/B/F/PP 177435 Title: Teaching and Learning in Virtual Learning Environments for Water Management Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 01.10.2005-30.09.2007 Web page:
Contract No. RO/05/C/RF-84252 LE2-51 OREF Title: Creating an Observatory on Europe-wide TAQC for Catching the MOLE and Filling in the GAP Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: October 2005 – September 2007 Web page: Contract No. BG/06/B/F/PP-166012 Title: Education and Knowledge Management Environment - EcoJob-AP Responsible person: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD. Project realization: 01.10.2006-30.09.2008, webpage:
Contract No. HU/05/B/F/PP-170018 Title: Development of central data bank on European level for the education of ecological farming advisers - ECOLOGICA Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2005 – 2007 Web page: Contract No. SK/05/A/F/ EX-5034117 Title: Enhancing of vocational training in,,European Development Programs” Responsible person: Marišová Eleonóra, doc. JUDr., PhD. Project realization: 2005-2006
1.3 International Visegrad Fund Contract No. 11053-2006-IVF Title: Support for Virtual Study in V4 Countries Responsible person: Marišová Eleonóra, doc. JUDr., PhD. Project realization: 2006-2007 Web page: 1.4 E-content Contract No. EDC 11221 e-Farmer Title: Farmer Communication Services (e-Farmer) Responsible person: Gozora Vladimír, Dr.h.c. prof.h.c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2005-2007 Web page:
2. National educational projects 2.1 KEGA Contract No. VV-KEGA7 3/3324/05 Title: Internationalization of education at the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development at SUA in Nitra Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2005 - 2006 Contract No. 6/2012/03 Title: Designing of sustainable agricultural in the landscape Responsible person: Demo Milan, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing. PhD. Project realization: 2003 -2004
Contract No. 3/3228/05 Title: Internationalization of education and increasing of atractiveness of universities Responsible person: Fekete Pavol, Dr. Ing. CSc. Project realization: 2005-2006 Contract No. 3/1104/03 Title: Restructuring of the Horticulture study programme from the EU integration perspective Responsible person: Jureková Zuzana, prof. RNDr. CSc. Project realization: 2002-2005
2.2 European Social Fund Contract No. 11210300390 Title: Preparation university graduates for work in implementation and payment agencies Responsible person: Fáziková Mária, doc. Ing. CSc. Project realization: 2005 - 2007 Web page: Contract No. SOP ĽZ-2005/NP1-024, project code 11230100451 Title: The Centre for PhD students of the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, SAU in Nitra Responsible person: Milotová Barbora, Ing. PhD. Project realization: November 2006 – September 2008 Web page:
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