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NRCS and Edge of Field Water Quality Monitoring Edward Henry and Rebecca Donegan NRCS-NY.

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Presentation on theme: "NRCS and Edge of Field Water Quality Monitoring Edward Henry and Rebecca Donegan NRCS-NY."— Presentation transcript:

1 NRCS and Edge of Field Water Quality Monitoring Edward Henry and Rebecca Donegan NRCS-NY

2 Purposes Evaluate Conservation Practice (BMP) Effectiveness Field Scale Model Calibration Adaptive Management

3 Data Collection and Evaluation (201) Monitoring Design and Monitoring Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan Reporting Requirements

4 System Installation (202) Equipment Specifications Reporting Requirements Don Meals, Stone Environmental, Inc.

5 What are we monitoring? Surface Irrigation surface Drain Tile Outlets Denitrifying Bioreactors NOT Groundwater Minimum Analysis Requirements –Nitrogen –Phosphorus –Sediment Slide 5 Willsometer

6 Where are we monitoring? Chesapeake Bay Watershed

7 Lake Champlain Watershed

8 Monitoring Design: Paired Watershed Approach Baseline Period Same initial conditions monitor for one crop rotation cycle Station A Control Figure 4-4 National Water Quality Handbook, USDA-NRCS, 2003. Station B Treatment Slide 8

9 Monitoring Design: Paired Watershed Approach Figure 4-4 National Water Quality Handbook, USDA-NRCS, 2003. Station A Station B Slide 9 WQ Monitoring Period -Apply practice(s) to the treatment site -Monitor for two crop rotation cycles Control Baseline Period -Same initial conditions -Monitor for one crop rotation cycle

10 Monitoring Design: Above and Below Approach - Same conditions apply Slide 10

11 Edge-of-Field Site Selection Criteria Well-defined drainage pattern with single outlet Receive no runoff input from adjacent land Drain ≥ 3 ac, within ±5 ac in size Ensure land control for contract term Make sure accessible in wet weather Equipment should not interfere with farming operations Blends into the landscape (reduce vandalism) Slide 11

12 Support Practices What participants can do to treat their site enrolled in this programs: - Cover Crop, Nutrient Management, Diversion, Filter Strip, Riparian Buffer, Residue Management, Grassed Waterway.

13 Funding NY is eligible for: –A part of the $1M pool for Lake Champlain, which includes VT and NY. –A part of the $1M pool for Chesapeake Bay watershed, which includes MD, PA, VA, WV, NY, DE

14 Critical Dates for Sign-up Applications accepted through June 14, 2013 Applications ranked by July 5, 2013 Application selected for funding July 26, 2013 Contracts obligated by August 26, 2013 *All eligibility requirements for EQIP apply

15 NRCS Contacts Becky Donegan, EQIP Program Manager 315-477-6508 Jan Surface, ASTC-Water Resources 607-865-7090

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