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DID YOU KNOW… Coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide with over 400 billion cups consumed each year. Coffee ranks SECOND only to oil among the world's.

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2 DID YOU KNOW… Coffee is the most popular beverage worldwide with over 400 billion cups consumed each year. Coffee ranks SECOND only to oil among the world's legally traded commodities. Average consumption in the United States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day. COFFEE SHOP FACTS: Independent coffee shops equal $12 billion in annual sales. Over 50% of Americans over 18 years of age drink coffee every day. This represents over 150 million daily drinkers. 30 million American adults drink specialty coffee beverages daily.

3 COFFEE STATISTICS Men drink as much coffee as women; each consuming an average of 1.6 cups per day. Women seem to be more concerned about the price than men. 65% of all coffee is consumed during breakfast hours, 30% between meals, and the remaining 5% with other meals. 35% of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee 65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream. Women indicated that drinking coffee is a good way to relax. Men indicated that coffee helps them get the job done.

4 Worth of the entire coffee industry in the Philippines : P 21 Billion Worth of gourmet coffee industry in the Philippines : P 2.1 Billion Coffee is generally considered to be a household staple even among the lower economic classes. At present, soluble or instant coffee accounts for about 90 percent of all the coffee consumed in the Philippines. COFFEE MARKET IN THE PHILIPPINES

5 Mighty Dove Global’s unique yet great tasting instant coffee mix. Blend of premium Arabica coffee, non-dairy creamer and natural sweeteners. Made special with the addition of three nutritional components: Reishi, Ginseng and L-Carnitine Each sachet delivers 21 grams of healthy and great tasting soluble coffee mix. INTRODUCING…

6 DIABETES: Analyzing data on 126,000 people for as long as 18 years, Harvard researchers calculate that compared with not partaking in America's favorite morning drink, downing one to three cups of caffeinated coffee daily can reduce diabetes risk by single digits. BRAIN HEALTH: At least six studies indicate that people who drink coffee on a regular basis are up to 80% less likely to develop Parkinson's, with three showing the more they drink, the lower the risk. GASTRO-INTESTINAL HEALTH: Other research shows that compared to not drinking coffee, at least two cups daily can translate to a 25% reduced risk of colon cancer, an 80% drop in liver cirrhosis risk, and nearly half the risk of gallstones. HEALTH BENEFITS OF COFFEE

7 Strengthening our IMMUNE SYSTEM Lowering our Blood sugar levels Decreasing bad cholesterol production Providing pain relief Taming inflammation in the body Improving cardio-vascular health REISHI is GOOD FOR…

8 Reducing mental stress and anxiety Increasing mental clarity and alertness Improving digestion Reducing fatigue Improving athletic endurance GINSENG is GOOD FOR…

9 Increases strength and endurance Relieves physical and mental fatigue Promotes and maintains new development of muscle mass Reduces muscle injuries and sore muscles Accelerates regeneration Slows aging of brain, dementia, Alzheimer's disease Improves cognitive abilities like concentration, memory, and ability to learn L-CARNITINE is GOOD FOR…

10 HOW TO PREPARE: Mix ONE SACHET in a hot water. Stir and enjoy. ONE BOX = 20 SACHETS PRICING (SRP) =P 450.00

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